OPNsense Forum

Archive => 22.1 Legacy Series => Topic started by: dirtyfreebooter on January 20, 2022, 10:39:42 PM

Title: os-ddclient
Post by: dirtyfreebooter on January 20, 2022, 10:39:42 PM
i know os-ddclient is intended to replace os-dyndns but currently os-ddclient support for servers is terrible. does not even support cloudflare, especially with tokens.

is this a known issue? and something that is planned to be resolved before removing os-dyndns? since using os-dyndns currently warns you in the UI about its pending removal
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: marjohn56 on January 21, 2022, 12:58:38 AM
Nor does it support GoDaddy.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: The_Dave on January 21, 2022, 10:12:48 AM
Yes, a few infos about the development plans of ddclient would be very welcome, I also rely on cloudflare implementation and in the current client the wildcart box seems not to be doing anything
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: onedr0p on January 22, 2022, 04:28:02 PM
Not a solution but maybe it's worth getting ddclient working on another system, spare Pi, desktop computer, or whatever until the team has the kinks worked out.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: marjohn56 on January 22, 2022, 04:37:26 PM
Hopefully Mimugmail will host dyndns on his repo as an alternative until ddclient supports at least what dyndns supports now.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: mimugmail on January 22, 2022, 04:47:00 PM
I will ask Franco next week, if there are no concerns we can move it :)
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: chemlud on January 22, 2022, 09:09:42 PM

Is this some kind of cheek?  :o

OK, the dyndns code is old and unmaintained, but kicking out 90% of people with dynamic IP and tunnels etc. is a little over the top imho...  ???
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: dirtyfreebooter on January 23, 2022, 12:09:19 AM
i would also note, even tho OPNsense seems to not display all the services supported by ddclient 3.9.1, like CloudFlare, ddclient 3.9.1 is itself almost 2 years old and doesn't support things like CloudFlare API tokens.. but that code has been committed to github, there just has not been a 3.9.2 or 3.10.0 released yet..

very unclear from ddclient side what their plan is, if any...
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: almodovaris on January 23, 2022, 12:22:00 AM
What about inadyn?
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: lignicolos on January 23, 2022, 03:51:38 AM
Quote from: dirtyfreebooter on January 23, 2022, 12:09:19 AM
i would also note, even tho OPNsense seems to not display all the services supported by ddclient 3.9.1, like CloudFlare, ddclient 3.9.1 is itself almost 2 years old and doesn't support things like CloudFlare API tokens.. but that code has been committed to github, there just has not been a 3.9.2 or 3.10.0 released yet..

very unclear from ddclient side what their plan is, if any...

Based on the issue below on the ddclient GitHub, the project appears to be dying/dead due to a lack of time for the developers.

https://github.com/ddclient/ddclient/issues/380 (https://github.com/ddclient/ddclient/issues/380)
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: AdSchellevis on January 23, 2022, 07:36:44 PM
I was doubting a bit about responding to the dyndns topic, but after years telling people in issues and pull-requests that
dyndns on our end is really unmaintained and dying of poor code quality, we where hoping a bit someone eventually would start an alternative plugin.

To ease the process we made a decision at the end of last year to start phasing out the legacy plugin.
We invested quite some time to make sure there is an easy to maintain starting point which uses ddclient and isn't
hard to extend within the boundaries of what ddclient has to offer (https://github.com/opnsense/plugins/tree/master/dns/ddclient).

Is ddclient perfect? probably not, are there better alternatives available we could consider? maybe.
I guess time will tell, for now we just choose the option most others seem to use, partially knowning these suffer
from the same type of issues as dyndns on our end (maintanance is problematic if people only care about adding features).

From a technical point of view requesting an address and calling an endpoint if it changed isn't very difficult, but
as it stands there isn't much drive for companies to invest time and money in this direction I guess.

When it turns out another service generally available would be a better fit, it likely is quite easy to replace ddclient in our plugin for something else, as the input is more or less fixed. It just has to be an isolated daemon which doesn't try to entangle with interface code in anyway.

Testing inadyn as suggested for example would be quite easy for anyone to try,  there is a port package available (https://github.com/opnsense/ports/tree/master/dns/inadyn).
When ddclient has development code which does offer support for requested features, it might also help to test their
new code and provide feedback.

In my humble opinion it won't help to move the unmaintained code somewhere else, in order to really improve the
situation there's probably more needed. For the next 6 months the legacy plugin will still be shipped, so there's still time.

Best regards,

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: chemlud on January 23, 2022, 10:26:36 PM
Quote from: AdSchellevis on January 23, 2022, 07:36:44 PM
I was doubting a bit about responding to the dyndns topic, but after years telling people in issues and pull-requests that
dyndns on our end is really unmaintained and dying of poor code quality, we where hoping a bit someone eventually would start an alternative plugin.

To ease the process we made a decision at the end of last year to start phasing out the legacy plugin.
We invested quite some time to make sure there is an easy to maintain starting point which uses ddclient and isn't
hard to extend within the boundaries of what ddclient has to offer (https://github.com/opnsense/plugins/tree/master/dns/ddclient).

Is ddclient perfect? probably not, are there better alternatives available we could consider? maybe.
I guess time will tell, for now we just choose the option most others seem to use, partially knowning these suffer
from the same type of issues as dyndns on our end (maintanance is problematic if people only care about adding features).

From a technical point of view requesting an address and calling an endpoint if it changed isn't very difficult, but
as it stands there isn't much drive for companies to invest time and money in this direction I guess.

When it turns out another service generally available would be a better fit, it likely is quite easy to replace ddclient in our plugin for something else, as the input is more or less fixed. It just has to be an isolated daemon which doesn't try to entangle with interface code in anyway.

Testing inadyn as suggested for example would be quite easy for anyone to try,  there is a port package available (https://github.com/opnsense/ports/tree/master/dns/inadyn).
When ddclient has development code which does offer support for requested features, it might also help to test their
new code and provide feedback.

In my humble opinion it won't help to move the unmaintained code somewhere else, in order to really improve the
situation there's probably more needed. For the next 6 months the legacy plugin will still be shipped, so there's still time.

Best regards,


Hi and  many, many thanks for clarification.

I just want to add that I (as a dumb user, no coding experience, no nothing) find myself somewhere between a rock and a hard place. I need the feature (working with my dyndns services, as does the current plugin reliably) to make my tunnels work and if the new plugin does not offer a full replacement, my only option would be to stop updating opnsense completely, which is not a good option, obviously.

So I (and several other users with dynamic IPs but no capabilities to maintain software) are somewhere "falling off the plate", without good option to support a smooth transfer (except for finding new dyndns services that work with the new plugin, with all the pain in this project).

Overall, highly appreciated that another 6 months of time will be granted for the transition, looking forward to a stable, sustainable solution for the future of dyndns, but doubting that there is a lot that can be done by "normal" users. Open source lives from contribution, anyway, keep in mind not everybody can contribute...

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: almodovaris on January 24, 2022, 01:38:38 PM
If you want a cheap solution, but a really cheap router (e.g. a Linksys E3000 or Asus RT-N16). Install FreshTomato or DD-WRT, and attach it behind your firewall. And, bingo, inadyn is working out of the box with many standard services and a custom option, checking the external IP by itself. You don't have to use its WiFi. This is supposing you have IPv4.

Otherwise a NAS (Synology or QNAP) will do for both IPv4 and IPv6.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: marjohn56 on January 24, 2022, 10:15:27 PM
From what little research I have done, looking at the code and history of ddclient, I do not see much in the way of any active developemt going on there either, so it's a case if frying pan / fire where that is concerned. Inadyn appears to have more activity but again limited options compared to the current plugin.
I for one was unaware of the myriad issues with dyndns, probably because for most of the time I have been running Opnsense I have had static IP's'; now I have an ISP with dynamic IPs again I've having to use dynamic dns. Yes, there was a bug in it as far as Godaddy was concerned but that's now fixed and all is very good. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. dyndns doesn't look that hard to maintain when I was looking for the Godaddy bug. I was going to look at a way of integrating static leases from dhcpd with dyndns, meaning you would could update the DNS server for IPV6 clients, v4 clients are normally port forwarded but IPv6 clients are not. Some IPv6 clients do not lend themselves to adding a dynamic dns update client, hence my thought of adding it to dyndns... we'll see.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: Samwise on January 27, 2022, 07:08:15 PM
The lack of support for some (major) dd servers is inconvenient to say the least.
But the lack of selectable listening interfaces is not workable.
The os-ddclient is sending the ip address of one of my VPN clients to my dd service. Rendering my dd completely useless. In the previous plugin I was able to select my WAN interface.

Hope I missed something, if so, can someone point me in the right direction?

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: franco on January 27, 2022, 07:15:46 PM
Sit tight for now and keep discussion going is the best thing to do. I personally don't even mind multiple dyndns plugins of varying scope as long as they do a good job of containing their functionality and adhere to MVC framework extensibility which is also going to make it easier to work on for hobby programmers in the first place. It's more of a win-win than the previous convoluted solution that has no real way to yield maintainership to individual users of a particular service.

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: chris1gr on January 27, 2022, 07:52:32 PM
I agree with Franco. We need a dyndns plugin that works without issues. Then add a CNAME of that dyndns domain to any other dns service.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: tracerrx on January 27, 2022, 09:21:12 PM
So to be clear, if we currently depend upon DDNS and are running on 21.7.8, what will happen when we upgrade to 22.1?  Is os-dyndns just deprecated but functional or will it just be unavailable?  I don't see any way of installing/setup os-ddclient before the upgrade from 21.7.8 to 22.1.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: marjohn56 on January 27, 2022, 11:16:04 PM
Deprecation for the existing client is/was planned for 22.7 - not 22.1 so six months. However, it may continue to be available. I really don't mind putting under the TR belt if it means it stays around.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: NetGobbler on January 28, 2022, 03:17:45 AM
Quote from: dirtyfreebooter on January 20, 2022, 10:39:42 PM
i know os-ddclient is intended to replace os-dyndns but currently os-ddclient support for servers is terrible. does not even support cloudflare, especially with tokens.

is this a known issue? and something that is planned to be resolved before removing os-dyndns? since using os-dyndns currently warns you in the UI about its pending removal

I've now figured this out, plugin is a backend engine to a standard frontend template. 
I'm covered thanks to being a dyndns user - luckily my NAS has me covered for this too.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: chemlud on January 28, 2022, 10:33:18 AM
Just to confirm this: Has nybody upgraded to 22.1 yet? And the old dyndns is still up and running afterwards?

Otherwise an upgrade will break my tunnels, some FW-rules etc.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: tiermutter on January 28, 2022, 10:47:16 AM
Not updated, did a fresh install with RC1 where os-ddclient was not available.
os-dyndns is still running and working.
You can install os-ddclient in plugin-section while using os-dyndns, seems to work parallel, but didnt try that.
When os-dyndns and os-ddclient are both installed, one of the services (in my case os-ddclient) is not available via GUI menu, I had to go to configpage using the search function.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: DrGonzoNL on January 28, 2022, 12:39:58 PM
I updated and all is working with os-dyndns which was previously installed.

If you install os-ddclient you can only access it via the search function as stated earlier. I think the most important points are made, you want to specify the listening interface that is not possible. Also the lack of common servers such as freedns is not user friendly. I could find documentation on the freedns page for ddclient but unfortunately it is not in the drop-down list.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: ChrisChros on January 28, 2022, 01:38:28 PM
I am using ddnss.de which is also not in the list. I had to edit the config file manualy and now its working. One benefit is that ddclient is only updating when the IP has changed, os-dyndns did this regularly every hour.

Editing via CLI is for me not the best way, hopefully in a later version it is also possible via GUI to add the credentials for not "out of the box" supported ddns-services.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: chemlud on January 28, 2022, 01:49:01 PM
I see with dyndns only once daily/if Ip changes an update at ddnss.com. But good to know that that it at least works (not sure how the problem with changes on VPN IPs will bite though)...
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: AdSchellevis on January 28, 2022, 01:50:16 PM
Contributing additional service providers isn't very difficult....
Checkout the code (https://github.com/opnsense/plugins/tree/master/dns/ddclient) and open a pull request on GitHub.

If ddclient supports the provider, it's literally just adding the option in:


Optionally followed by specific settings (if needed) in

I'm not planning to create an account with every vendor in the world, just added some options so there is an easy starting point since the old plugin will be removed (as explained in https://forum.opnsense.org/index.php?topic=26446.msg127896#msg127896).

Best regards,

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: chemlud on January 28, 2022, 02:19:38 PM

I' still wondering what your reaction would be if you go to your pharmacy at night with a severe headache and the pharmacist tells you to come in, as it's not that hard to synthesize aspirin and he will show you how to fill some capsules afterwards... ;-)

Just kidding...
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: yeraycito on January 28, 2022, 02:25:49 PM
I installed ddclient and got the unpleasant surprise that it has no graphical interface in Opnsense 22.1 so I installed dyndns which does and is very easy to configure. I think it is a step backwards to remove dyndns from Opnsense, a solution would be to keep ddclient and dyndns and let each person choose the one they want.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: AdSchellevis on January 28, 2022, 02:27:45 PM
install os-ddclient and make sure to remove os-dyndns first (or patch https://github.com/opnsense/plugins/commit/400110af010e8a2cd3ea0f01d4b3db87154bacb6 to show both in the menu)....

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: yeraycito on January 28, 2022, 03:15:46 PM
Thanks, I didn't know that, I've already installed it. I have configured duckdns in ddclient with the following configuration extracted from here: https://sourceforge.net/p/ddclient/wiki/protocols/

server=www.fqdn.of.service    defaults to www.duckdns.org
password=service-password    password (token) registered with the service
non-fully.qualified.host    the host registered with the service.

do not have IPV6 configured in Opnsense. I get some errors in the ddclient log. What I can't see anywhere is how to know if the service is working properly.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: yeraycito on January 28, 2022, 03:41:42 PM
Fixed, a Suricata rule was blocking it. The errors in the ddclient log have disappeared and it appears that the wan ip has been updated.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: yeraycito on January 28, 2022, 04:09:10 PM
In the configuration options duckdns does not appear in ddclient to update the wan ip periodically. In Opnsense - Cron there is also no possibility to update the Dynamic Dns. How can I solve this?
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: yeraycito on January 28, 2022, 04:09:35 PM
Opnsense - Cron
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: ChrisChros on January 28, 2022, 07:16:49 PM
is it possible, when I use a modified ddclient.conf to get my service working and I reboot my router, that the config-file goes back to standard parameter?
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: jclendineng on January 28, 2022, 10:57:10 PM
The old one works for me so ill keep using it...especially if Cloudflare isn't supported, one if the largest dns providers in the world...not a good start, deprecating a good plugin for one that lacks *important* providers :)

Old one os still going to be here for at least 6 months, and probably longer if someone hosts the plugin.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: opnsenseuser on January 29, 2022, 12:48:24 AM
The developer page describes that it supports cloudflare and a lot of other DNS Services.
https://github.com/ddclient/ddclient (https://github.com/ddclient/ddclient)
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: opnsenseuser on January 29, 2022, 10:58:30 AM
Marjohn56 and franco made a new home for ddclient. so as I understand it, the revised version of the ddclient supports much more dns services.

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: marjohn56 on January 29, 2022, 11:38:14 AM
ddclient already has a home. I'm happy to take OS-DDNS under our umbrella as it's php.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: ChrisChros on January 29, 2022, 12:58:33 PM
For my opinion it would be helpful to have a possibility to add a custom DDNS-service for all those which are not listed.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: marjohn56 on January 29, 2022, 01:08:05 PM
There already is a custom field, however it will not work for some providers if they do not follow the standard format.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: opnsenseuser on January 29, 2022, 02:00:13 PM
Quote from: marjohn56 on January 29, 2022, 11:38:14 AM
ddclient already has a home. I'm happy to take OS-DDNS under our umbrella as it's php.

great  :)

Quote from: marjohn56 on January 29, 2022, 01:08:05 PM
There already is a custom field, however it will not work for some providers as they do not follow the standard format.

perfect  :)
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: ChrisChros on January 29, 2022, 02:49:59 PM
Quote from: marjohn56 on January 29, 2022, 01:08:05 PM
There already is a custom field, however it will not work for some providers as they do not follow the standard format.

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: marjohn56 on January 29, 2022, 02:57:41 PM
Scroll down the providers... stop when u get to custom :)
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: ChrisChros on January 29, 2022, 03:23:41 PM
Quote from: marjohn56 on January 29, 2022, 02:57:41 PM
Scroll down the providers... stop when u get to custom :)
From which client we are talking about? ddclient or os-dyndns.
in os-dyndns I agree with you but in ddclient I cant find.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: marjohn56 on January 29, 2022, 03:24:48 PM
I'm talking OS-DynDNS, I won't be playing with ddclient.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: jclendineng on January 29, 2022, 04:15:53 PM
Quote from: opnsenseuser on January 29, 2022, 10:58:30 AM
Marjohn56 and franco made a new home for ddclient. so as I understand it, the revised version of the ddclient supports much more dns services.

OH that makes sense...I tried looking at the codebase and didn't appear to support...thank you for the clarification! If I have to delete the old one prior to the new I wanted to be sure I would have minimal potential downtime.

Edit: Most certainly does NOT support Cloudflare ;), so readers don't get confused I have attached a screenshot of what IS supported, so by al means do NOT do what I did and try to upgrade unless you are on those supported services.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: yeraycito on January 29, 2022, 04:42:50 PM
Does anyone know how to configure duckdns in ddclient to update the wan ip every so often?

Edit: Solved
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: BrandonG777 on January 29, 2022, 05:47:59 PM
Any solution for Cloudflare users? I thought I read something about custom settings but I don't see anywhere to do that.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: almodovaris on January 29, 2022, 08:08:18 PM
DNSOMatic also is absent from ddclient.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: Bierfassl82 on January 29, 2022, 08:21:31 PM
selfhost.de is also missing from ddclient
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: opnsenseuser on January 29, 2022, 08:22:31 PM
Quote from: BrandonG777 on January 29, 2022, 05:47:59 PM
Any solution for Cloudflare users? I thought I read something about custom settings but I don't see anywhere to do that.
There will be Cloudflare support!

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: Dantichrist on January 29, 2022, 09:36:46 PM
Can anyone that is knowledgeable with the new plugin point me to the direction of getting godaddy to work with it? I played around with manually editing the config, and haven't gotten it to work so far.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: Shcshc on January 29, 2022, 10:01:37 PM
I miss regfish

Gesendet von iPhone mit Tapatalk Pro
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: chemlud on January 30, 2022, 11:43:05 AM
There was a complaint that ddclient can't be used for a specific interface, but apparently that can be accomplished:

# Configuration file for ddclient generated by debconf
# /etc/ddclient.conf

use=if, if=eth0

source: https://wiki.securepoint.de/SPDyn/Hostverwenden#Verwendung_mit_Fremdhardware
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: franco on January 30, 2022, 01:11:23 PM
FWIW, we got some very nice discussion going and already some PRs and sample code so it's looking like better progress than internally expected.

One other complaint was that ddclient was unmaintained based on release activity (and not looking at their commit history which shows activity in this January). Think of the possibility that we can even help things progress there with a broader use base provided via this project.

I still think people underestimate what open source can do with the right motivation in place.

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: chemlud on January 30, 2022, 05:25:33 PM
Actually I thought about moving the dynDNS stuff to raspi servers... :-D

But what I found on the webs is mostly ddclient, too, and you have the problem to trigger the update fastly after WAN-IP change, to get your stuff back online as fast as possible. Some dyndns providers allow updating every minute (that's like spamming, or?) others every hour (then you might be offline for max. 59 minutes).

I think it's best to keep this functionality on the opnsense.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: marjohn56 on January 30, 2022, 06:21:10 PM

No support in ddclient for godaddy. Just spent a number of hours playing with it, then once I had done that I then have to start adding stuff to Opnsense to allow godaddy to be used.... run out of time ( and the will to live! ).

Quote from: Dantichrist on January 29, 2022, 09:36:46 PM
Can anyone that is knowledgeable with the new plugin point me to the direction of getting godaddy to work with it? I played around with manually editing the config, and haven't gotten it to work so far.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: micmeyer on January 30, 2022, 07:06:28 PM
With the current os-dyndsn service I can select "Custom" as the "Service type" and enter the information that my Dynamic DNS provider sent me (Username, Password and URL).

I tested the os-ddclient plugin today and noticed that it (currently) only supports a finit list of providers. My Dynamic DNS provider is very likely to small to ever end up in that list.

Are there plans to add a "Custom" entry to os-ddclient?
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: Dantichrist on January 30, 2022, 08:27:15 PM
Quote from: marjohn56 on January 30, 2022, 06:21:10 PM

No support in ddclient for godaddy. Just spent a number of hours playing with it, then once I had done that I then have to start adding stuff to Opnsense to allow godaddy to be used.... run out of time ( and the will to live! ).

Quote from: Dantichrist on January 29, 2022, 09:36:46 PM
Can anyone that is knowledgeable with the new plugin point me to the direction of getting godaddy to work with it? I played around with manually editing the config, and haven't gotten it to work so far.

Ok! Thank you for trying. I don't feel so bad for not getting it to work now.  :)
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: almodovaris on January 31, 2022, 05:34:20 AM
Yup, succeeded with:
syslog=yes                  # log update msgs to syslog
pid=/var/run/ddclient.pid   # record PID in file.

# setup how we expect to retrieve an IP address
use=web, web=http://checkip.dyndns.org/, web-skip="Current IP Address:"

# Configuration file for ddclient generated by debconf
# /etc/ddclient.conf

#use=if, if=igb0
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: alexdelprete on January 31, 2022, 02:26:40 PM
Quote from: marjohn56 on January 29, 2022, 03:24:48 PM
I'm talking OS-DynDNS, I won't be playing with ddclient.

Can't OS-DynDNS be migrated to @mimugmail repository? So we can simply reinstall it from there and that's it.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: jclendineng on January 31, 2022, 03:03:01 PM
Quote from: alexdelprete on January 31, 2022, 02:26:40 PM
Quote from: marjohn56 on January 29, 2022, 03:24:48 PM
I'm talking OS-DynDNS, I won't be playing with ddclient.

Can't OS-DynDNS be migrated to @mimugmail repository? So we can simply reinstall it from there and that's it.

Also, what was wrong with the old one? If the new one is unmaintained, doesn't work for a lot of services, and is harder to use, I guess I don't understand why we are switching...doesnt make a lot of sense.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: chemlud on January 31, 2022, 03:06:35 PM
Quote from: jclendineng on January 31, 2022, 03:03:01 PM
Quote from: alexdelprete on January 31, 2022, 02:26:40 PM
Quote from: marjohn56 on January 29, 2022, 03:24:48 PM
I'm talking OS-DynDNS, I won't be playing with ddclient.

Can't OS-DynDNS be migrated to @mimugmail repository? So we can simply reinstall it from there and that's it.

Also, what was wrong with the old one? If the new one is unmaintained, doesn't work for a lot of services, and is harder to use, I guess I don't understand why we are switching...doesnt make a lot of sense.

Define "we" in your last sentence... ;-)
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: alexdelprete on January 31, 2022, 03:08:10 PM
Quote from: jclendineng on January 31, 2022, 03:03:01 PM
Also, what was wrong with the old one? If the new one is unmaintained, doesn't work for a lot of services, and is harder to use, I guess I don't understand why we are switching...doesnt make a lot of sense.

Devs make their decisions, there surely is a valid reason. My concern is that the ddclient, checking the issues and the PRs, is worse than dyndns regarding release maintenance.

There was a PR for cloudflare API token support since 1.5y, never reviewed or committed, now I noticed one of the devs scheduled it for next release.

Anyway...I'm sure we'll find the proper way to keep using dyndns, either on an external repo, or as a last resort, we can install it on another server in the network: it's not a functionality that requires OPNsense. Sure, having it integrated in OPNsense is better, but it's not the end of the world. :)
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: franco on January 31, 2022, 03:12:09 PM
Long story short: we are trying to find a maintainable solution for the next 10 years or so. os-dyndns is a slowly but surely ageing disaster.

Keeping os-dyndns forever defeats the purpose of doing all of this.

And yes for some people os-dyndns is a lot of work behind the scenes.

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: dinguz on January 31, 2022, 03:24:13 PM
FWIW, I tried ddclient and couldn't get it to work. I have switched back to os-dyndns for the time being, while the quirks are being ironed out. I used it with NoIP (.ddns domain).
If someone is working on it, I'll gladly provide the logs and work with them.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: tiermutter on January 31, 2022, 03:35:29 PM
I tried ddclient on a Debian machine and it works fine with ddnss.de and spdyn.org without any predefined provider-configs. I think when there is the possibility to use (bootpersistant) custom provider, ddclient will be fine for everyone using any provider.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: Pocket_Sevens on January 31, 2022, 03:39:22 PM
For some reason, I update the ddclient.conf file with my config but the file gets cleared after each reboot.  I can see the new GUI page but I don't see freedoms as a choice. 

And yes, I did delete dyndns plugin and install ddclient.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: franco on January 31, 2022, 03:41:30 PM
When you have os-ddclient installed it will rewrite ddclient configuration from GUI settings always. But you can use "ddclient" package manually. For this purpose do not install os-ddclient.

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: opn_nwo on January 31, 2022, 04:06:27 PM
I usually upgrade within few days of a new release, but this time I'll old off until ddclient is updated with support for Cloudflare and interface selection. That functionality is very important for my home network and I don't want to spin up a separate VM just for that.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: chemlud on January 31, 2022, 04:14:19 PM
Quote from: opn_nwo on January 31, 2022, 04:06:27 PM
I usually upgrade within few days of a new release, but this time I'll old off until ddclient is updated with support for Cloudflare and interface selection. That functionality is very important for my home network and I don't want to spin up a separate VM just for that.

The old dyndns package is still in the repos for 22.1, I tried a fresh install over the weekend, it's there. So no problem, you can update. I have no Realtek Nics though and I havn't tried every feature in 22.1 yet...
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: beeric on February 01, 2022, 06:49:44 AM
Quote from: chemlud on January 31, 2022, 04:14:19 PM
The old dyndns package is still in the repos for 22.1, I tried a fresh install over the weekend, it's there. So no problem, you can update. I have no Realtek Nics though and I havn't tried every feature in 22.1 yet...

If I'm moving from 21.7, is it going to remove dyndns or automatically install ddclient in addition?
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: franco on February 01, 2022, 08:14:04 AM
Once again, os-dyndns operation is not affected on 22.1.

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: pyrodex on February 01, 2022, 03:42:14 PM
If this is going to be a forced retirement/switch to os-ddclient please for the love of all things tech include AWS R53 support. I've scoured the ddclient github and can't find any pull requests and/or issues to support AWS R53. While I understand the need to move forward you can't move forward and remove a lot of features.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: BadSamaritan on February 01, 2022, 06:12:04 PM
I Agree with above comment. I use AWS R53 and Tunnel Broker(HE.net) which are built in options in the old dyndns client. They don't exist in the ddclient settings. It doesn't  have to be an all in one in my opinion. I've seen projects for aws53 updates that could maybe be worked into a new module. For example: https://github.com/crazy-max/ddns-route53

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: mueller on February 02, 2022, 07:52:56 AM

I like to use the services of deSEC (desec.io), because I appreciate the reliability very much - a great help for my Wireguard VPN connection on OPNsense.
In the future transition from os-dyndns to os-ddclient, the support therein for deSEC will be lost.

I once wrote an email to deSEC. They reacted promptly and OPNsense to add this support to os-ddclient:


I think that is great. They are really fit, I can only recommend the dynDNS service.

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: nivek1612 on February 02, 2022, 11:04:37 AM
well, it is a least supposed to support google domains but will it accept the generated credential from my google domain accounts NO. Claims userid contains invalid characters

Anyone managed to get it to work with Google domains
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: marjohn56 on February 02, 2022, 11:39:00 AM
Quote from: nivek1612 on February 02, 2022, 11:04:37 AM
well, it is a least supposed to support google domains but will it accept the generated credential from my google domain accounts NO. Claims userid contains invalid characters

Anyone managed to get it to work with Google domains

That's a bug in the validation routine in the Opnsense interface. I THINK it's already been taken care of, but not yet released. I manually patched mine to allow the API token I use for GoDaddy whilst I am playing with DDclient and Godaddy,
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: nivek1612 on February 02, 2022, 11:42:28 AM
That's a bug in the validation routine in the Opnsense interface. I THINK it's already been taken care of, but not yet released. I manually patched mine to allow the API token I use for GoDaddy whilst I am playing with DDclient and Godaddy,

Cheers @marjohn
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: AdSchellevis on February 02, 2022, 11:47:47 AM
The validation issue should be fixed in https://github.com/opnsense/plugins/commit/c970a82d15dcd1a3c68d03296bebd4e8e67da40b , which can be patched using:

opnsense-patch -c plugins c970a82d1

Best regards,

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: nivek1612 on February 02, 2022, 11:53:23 AM
Cheers yes that's allowing the credentials to be entered now.

Time to play now.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: lilsense on February 02, 2022, 12:52:38 PM
Is Cloudflare API supported?
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: AryasDad on February 02, 2022, 06:53:45 PM
Quote from: BadSamaritan on February 01, 2022, 06:12:04 PM
I Agree with above comment. I use AWS R53 and Tunnel Broker(HE.net) which are built in options in the old dyndns client. They don't exist in the ddclient settings. It doesn't  have to be an all in one in my opinion. I've seen projects for aws53 updates that could maybe be worked into a new module. For example: https://github.com/crazy-max/ddns-route53

Adding another voice for AWS Route53 support with the new preferred dynamic DNS plugin.  I just upgraded to 22.1 and got knee-jerk nervous on the warning message about DYNDNS deprecation.  Tried the new plugin and saw Route53 is not an option, so reverted back to DYNDNS. 

I also echo others in this thread about choosing a replacement that has at least if not more of the same options of the deprecated plugin.  Though understand about the difficulty also expressed.

Hopefully by the time 22.7 rolls around, a more robust solution is available.

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: xpendable on February 02, 2022, 07:38:11 PM
In terms of alternate dynamic dns clients, was the inadyn client ever considered? It appears to be under active development, and has many predefined providers along with the ability to add custom providers.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: gpb on February 02, 2022, 09:48:57 PM
Quote from: xpendable on February 02, 2022, 07:38:11 PM
In terms of alternate dynamic dns clients, was the inadyn client ever considered? It appears to be under active development, and has many predefined providers along with the ability to add custom providers.

Not advocating, just making a note that inadyn has a page in the freebsd documentation...though not in the opnsense install.

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: franco on February 02, 2022, 10:05:35 PM
While it has a manual page there it's still being pulled from FreeBSD ports like ddclient and is not available in the base install. You can see from the header saying "FreeBSD and Ports".

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: gpb on February 02, 2022, 10:09:34 PM
Ah....figured that was too easy...yeah saw ports but wasn't sure if any ports are included via base...I guess not.  Seems strange since DDNS is such a common feature.  :/
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: franco on February 02, 2022, 10:18:51 PM
It would appear DynDNS as a whole is a low budget home owner driven use case.

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: keropiko on February 02, 2022, 10:41:17 PM
Hello all,

I Just replaced the dyndns plugin, but sadly there is no option with the ddclient plugin, to choose to which interface to update the hostname. So basically every hostname will update to the same primary gateway IP.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: franco on February 02, 2022, 10:42:09 PM
@keropiko will be in the next version :)
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: keropiko on February 02, 2022, 10:48:54 PM
Thank you! ;D
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: Netboy3 on February 03, 2022, 05:08:43 PM
Support for Hurricane Electric (HE.net) for both their Dynamic DNS and TunnelBroker services was just merged and should be available in the next release.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: lilsense on February 04, 2022, 01:52:05 AM
found a script for cloudflare DDNS updater


hope that someone can integrate this as well.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: Netboy3 on February 04, 2022, 02:47:50 AM
Quote from: lilsense on February 04, 2022, 01:52:05 AM
hope that someone can integrate this as well.
No need to integrate external scripts. ddclient knows how to manage the cloudflare DynDNS service natively and an update was merged into OPNsense 5 days ago that adds cloudflare to the GUI. It should be there for the next OPNsense update.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: slackadelic on February 04, 2022, 05:11:56 AM
Quote from: lilsense on February 04, 2022, 01:52:05 AM
found a script for cloudflare DDNS updater


hope that someone can integrate this as well.

Yeah just saw this myself.  The patch that Ads provided earlier in the thread does allow you to have both in the GUI and usable so you can slowly migrate over.

I'm going to wait for the updated GUI changes before moving over from the legacy plugin as I use he.net for DNS on one of my domains, the underlying ddclient does support it, but the GUI just doesn't have the config.

but alas, it's easy to wait :)
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: waxhead on February 05, 2022, 11:00:41 AM
Just wanted to throw in that I too don't like the new dyndns client. The old one works , the new one does not support (as far as I am able to figure out) freedns.afraid.org which I use.
My solution was to drop the new dyndns client and use cron on one of my servers instead.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: Layer8 on February 06, 2022, 10:53:03 PM
OK, 22.1 was just released a few days ago and my dashboard says:

Please make sure to upgrade to os-ddclient before 22.7 is released as this plugin will be removed from our repository

So, if i check the changelog it took ~a half a year from 19.1 to 19.7 and ~also 6 months from 20.1 to 20.7.

Dont panic guys, i think there is enough time to mature ddclient before dyndns is end of life in opnsense.

@Devs: Is a half a year also a realistic period for 22.7-release?

Edit: Corrected 21.7 to 22.7 in the last sentence. Thx jp0469. And btw also thanks for the hint with the month, thins makes absolutely sense.  :D
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: jp0469 on February 06, 2022, 11:16:27 PM
Quote@Devs: Is a half a year also a realistic period for 21.7-release?
Did you mean 22.7? Considering that the ".7" represents the month then I would say it's very realistic that July will come about a half year after January.  ;)
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: franco on February 07, 2022, 08:05:12 AM
Looking at the volume of the support of ddclient development after 22.1 came out I think the next release of the plugin with 22.1.1 will already be a lot better. Again, the mission was not to replace all at once. It was to start replacing it.

And yes there are 6 months to 22.7 and now it looks like we can make it there with ddclient. In any case wait for 22.1.1 next week and then reassess the situation after having checked the attached release notes. Some things may not have been picked up yet but if it is technically possible they will. :)

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: alexdelprete on February 08, 2022, 04:56:17 PM
Quote from: Netboy3 on February 04, 2022, 02:47:50 AM
No need to integrate external scripts. ddclient knows how to manage the cloudflare DynDNS service natively and an update was merged into OPNsense 5 days ago that adds cloudflare to the GUI. It should be there for the next OPNsense update.

Great news, next week we should get the update, right? Will it support both token types? (global and DNS token)
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: der.ro on February 09, 2022, 12:18:35 AM
Sadly the current ddclient version only supports the global API key. In the development branch there is support for DNS keys but don't know when this will be released.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: alexdelprete on February 09, 2022, 07:25:52 AM
Quote from: der.ro on February 09, 2022, 12:18:35 AM
Sadly the current ddclient version only supports the global API key. In the development branch there is support for DNS keys but don't know when this will be released.

I bet in a couple of months ddclient will be complete as dyndns...meanwhile, I'll stick with dyndns...
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: ChargerDad on February 11, 2022, 01:37:25 AM
ddclient doesn't seem to work with duck dns tokens in it's current state.   Form requires you to enter a password, which isn't required for the token auth to work at Duck DNS and with the dyndns plugin.  Probably needs another update to allow validation with a blank password similar to the one which allowed for upper case characters in the username??
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: Lost_Ones on February 11, 2022, 02:36:34 AM
For duck DNS,
I recall using DuckDNS in the dropdown,  no username, token as the PW, then my domain   xxxxx.duckdns.org under hostname.

I noticed in the log, it failed a couple times with the KO, the updated. 

Good luck
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: Mastah on February 11, 2022, 03:13:09 AM
I've checked, protocol=gandi does exist on 3.9.1.

Dynamic DNS services currently supported include:

DynDNS.com  - See http://www.dyndns.com for details on obtaining a free account.
Zoneedit    - See http://www.zoneedit.com for details.
EasyDNS     - See http://www.easydns.com for details.
NameCheap   - See http://www.namecheap.com for details
DslReports  - See http://www.dslreports.com for details
Sitelutions - See http://www.sitelutions.com for details
Loopia      - See http://www.loopia.se for details
Noip        - See http://www.noip.com/ for details
Freedns     - See http://freedns.afraid.org/ for details
ChangeIP    - See http://www.changeip.com/ for details
nsupdate    - See nsupdate(1) and ddns-confgen(8) for details
CloudFlare  - See https://www.cloudflare.com/ for details
Google      - See http://www.google.com/domains for details
Duckdns     - See https://duckdns.org/ for details
Freemyip    - See https://freemyip.com for details
woima.fi    - See https://woima.fi/ for details
Yandex      - See https://domain.yandex.com/ for details
DNS Made Easy - See https://dnsmadeeasy.com/ for details
DonDominio  - See https://www.dondominio.com for details
NearlyFreeSpeech.net - See https://www.nearlyfreespeech.net/services/dns for details
OVH         - See https://www.ovh.com for details
ClouDNS     - See https://www.cloudns.net
dinahosting - See https://dinahosting.com
Gandi       - See https://gandi.net
dnsexit     - See https://dnsexit.com/ for details
1984.is     - See https://www.1984.is/product/freedns/ for details

Comparing to the huge list of service available on dyndns, it's really embarrassing to force ppl to move to ddclient, that in his current stat on opnsense, only support 7-8 protocol ...
When dyndns supported about 60 DNS services ...

In my case, I'm using gandi. If I switch (or forced to switch to on version 22.7) to the ddclient plugin on opnsense, I won't been able to use it for Gandi anymore.
This is a major downgrade for me, and shouldn't happen in this current stat.

You need to at least support all the protocol available (cf. list on top) to even consider moving to ddclient.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: franco on February 11, 2022, 10:25:44 AM
Quote from: Mastah on February 11, 2022, 03:13:09 AM
Comparing to the huge list of service available on dyndns, it's really embarrassing to force ppl to move to ddclient, that in his current stat on opnsense, only support 7-8 protocol ...
When dyndns supported about 60 DNS services ...

Thank you for jumping to "embarrassing" conclusions.

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: alexdelprete on February 11, 2022, 12:50:08 PM
Quote from: Mastah on February 11, 2022, 03:13:09 AM
Comparing to the huge list of service available on dyndns, it's really embarrassing to force ppl to move to ddclient, that in his current stat on opnsense, only support 7-8 protocol ...
When dyndns supported about 60 DNS services ...

1. Devs didn't force anyone...22.7 will be released in (at least) 6 months, you can currently still use (like I do) dyndns. So "forcing" is a totally inappropriate term.

2. By the time 22.7 will be released, ddclient will surely support a lot more providers than current release, and if it doesn't, I don't think devs will remove dyndns from the repo leaving dyndns users without an official alternative.

3. even if the official repo will not offer dyndns, it doesn't mean the installed dyndns stops working. If it's installed and running, it won't get stopped by 22.7.

4. I hope dyndns will be published in mimugmail's repo, so everybody will be happy.


Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: franco on February 11, 2022, 01:01:18 PM
Point 3 is especially important because a lot of complaints forget: we don't deinstall installed plugins. Even if 22.7 doesn't have it your upgrade will retain it.

And also you can always use this and take it anywhere...

# pkg create os-dyndns
Creating package for os-dyndns-1.27_2
# ls

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: cookiemonster on February 11, 2022, 01:04:38 PM
Quote from: Mastah on February 11, 2022, 03:13:09 AM
You need to at least support all the protocol available (cf. list on top) to even consider moving to ddclient.

5. The language used suggest a demand. That's a bit rich for software that is developed and supported for free.
6. The clients are included in OPN but developed externally, also for free. The requests should be at least be made there as well.
Think about it. The OPN developers are well within their rights to say "it only brings us hassle we don't need, we'll stop including a dynamic client. Users need to find their own way". I doubt anyone wants that to happen.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: alexdelprete on February 11, 2022, 01:11:08 PM
Franco, I think it's just a communication issue: you should have probably communicated that the switch would have happened only after ddclient was in a more mature status and with a clear plan on addressing its current shortcomings. It's also true it was implicit, because 22.7 will be ready in many months...giving the time to make ddclient better. :)

When things work fine, users (me included) can't understand immediately why devs take some "apparently disruptive" decisions...but you tried to explain that dyndns was difficult to maintain and not in line with your methodology etc., nevertheless, it's not enough to calm down everybody.

Everybody should realize you guys have common sense, and would never leave us users without a proper alternative. Probably some users just felt pushed without a valid (at the moment) alternative.

Keep up the great job, we appreciate your work and dedication.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: alexdelprete on February 11, 2022, 01:13:44 PM
Quote from: cookiemonster on February 11, 2022, 01:04:38 PM
5. The language used suggest a demand. That's a bit rich for software that is developed and supported for free.
6. The clients are included in OPN but developed externally, also for free. The requests should be at least be made there as well.
Think about it. The OPN developers are well within their rights to say "it only brings us hassle we don't need, we'll stop including a dynamic client. Users need to find their own way". I doubt anyone wants that to happen.

7. you can always install dyndns on another server. it's not mandatory to run it on OPNsense.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: cookiemonster on February 11, 2022, 01:31:16 PM
Quote from: alexdelprete on February 11, 2022, 01:13:44 PM
Quote from: cookiemonster on February 11, 2022, 01:04:38 PM
5. The language used suggest a demand. That's a bit rich for software that is developed and supported for free.
6. The clients are included in OPN but developed externally, also for free. The requests should be at least be made there as well.
Think about it. The OPN developers are well within their rights to say "it only brings us hassle we don't need, we'll stop including a dynamic client. Users need to find their own way". I doubt anyone wants that to happen.

7. you can always install dyndns on another server. it's not mandatory to run it on OPNsense.
I know that, others might not but it has been metioned earlier in this thread. Good to reiterate it though.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: alexdelprete on February 11, 2022, 01:34:37 PM
Quote from: cookiemonster on February 11, 2022, 01:31:16 PM
I know that, others might not but it has been metioned earlier in this thread. Good to reiterate it though.

I was just integrating the list, quoting your integration. :)
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: mueller on February 12, 2022, 11:36:51 AM
QuoteLooking at the volume of the support of ddclient development after 22.1 came out I think the next release of the plugin with 22.1.1 will already be a lot better. Again, the mission was not to replace all at once. It was to start replacing it.

And yes there are 6 months to 22.7 and now it looks like we can make it there with ddclient. In any case wait for 22.1.1 next week and then reassess the situation after having checked the attached release notes. Some things may not have been picked up yet but if it is technically possible they will. :)


Thank you for the feedback - that's reassuring.
Now I can sleep better.
No, fun, if those are the only problems, a super job was done with 22.1 ... ;)
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: sesquipedality on February 12, 2022, 02:12:22 PM
Quote from: alexdelprete on February 11, 2022, 12:50:08 PM
2. By the time 22.7 will be released, ddclient will surely support a lot more providers than current release, and if it doesn't, I don't think devs will remove dyndns from the repo leaving dyndns users without an official alternative.
Why would you think that?  It would not be the first time functionality present in a previous version of the firmware has been removed.  In fact, the devs have indicated in this thread that they will never support a "custom" method like os-dyndns does, so practically it seems that as a user of Mythic Beasts, a small yet highly clueful UK ISP it is unlikely to ever get support in os-ddclient, my options will be

It's likely to be one of the latter option sI take, as I don't really have the time for option 1.  I'm am lucky enough to have sufficient knowledge that option 2 is actually viable for me, but I am sure there are many others who won't be.  I get where the devs are coming from - maintaining legacy code is a pain, but removing functionality is always going to be a pain point for existing users, and I would strongly prefer the option of offering ddclient as an alternative and leaving dyndns in on an "as is" basi, so option 3 is likely to win out by default.

I think there has also been an element of glib "this is not a problem" response that also fails to acknowledge that for many, it will in fact, be a problem.  To say that there are sound technical reasons for causing those problems for a minority users is a stance that may well  be valid (I'm not in a position to judge), but breezily trying to convince us that this is an unproblematic change when it may well cause me a problem and take at least half a day of my time to work around does not sit well with me, I am afraid.  Things may continue to work, and I hope they will, but there is of course no guarantee of that.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: alexdelprete on February 12, 2022, 03:53:15 PM
Quote from: sesquipedality on February 12, 2022, 02:12:22 PM
Why would you think that?  It would not be the first time functionality present in a previous version of the firmware has been removed.  In fact, the devs have indicated in this thread that they will never support a "custom" method like os-dyndns does

Because I use logic and I read what devs say, and they said dyndns was too much hassle to maintain and they opted for ddclient, and that they will work on ddclient because they acknowledge is not at the same level of functionality as dyndns. I think the problem is "trust" and common sense, think about it: why would they want to make hundreds/thousands of loyal OPNsense users unhappy leaving them without an alternative option? It doesn't make sense. Your assumptions are based on prejudice, not on facts, it's a very personal and subjective interpretation of reality with a little bit of mistrust in devs words.

so practically it seems that as a user of Mythic Beasts, a small yet highly clueful UK ISP it is unlikely to ever get support in os-ddclient, my options will be

  • Learn enough about ddclient and the internals of opnsense to write and submit a patch myself, which may or may not get accepted.
  • Move my dyndns config into scripts and cron jobs.
  • Leave the old unmaintained plugin in place.

You can keep using dyndns for as long as you want, nobody will uninstall it. Or you can install dyndns on another server in your network, nobody forces you to run it on OPNsense. Most probably dyndns will be available through mimugmail's repo...you have alternatives, but won't acknowledge them, and I can't understand why.

It's likely to be one of the latter option sI take, as I don't really have the time for option 1.  I'm am lucky enough to have sufficient knowledge that option 2 is actually viable for me, but I am sure there are many others who won't be.  I get where the devs are coming from - maintaining legacy code is a pain, but removing functionality is always going to be a pain point for existing users, and I would strongly prefer the option of offering ddclient as an alternative and leaving dyndns in on an "as is" basi, so option 3 is likely to win out by default.

you are depicting non-existent scenarios...and they didn't remove any functionality, they will replace a piece of sw with another in probably 6 months...and by that time the replacing sw will be much more mature than now. In case it isn't you have alternatives and keep what you are running, or they could also opt not to remove dyndns from the repo, who knows. So why worry for something that is yet to come and for which there already are alternatives? Doesn't make any sense.

I think there has also been an element of glib "this is not a problem" response that also fails to acknowledge that for many, it will in fact, be a problem.

No, there won't be any problem, because there already are alternatives. They won't remove anything, they will just remove it from the repo, they won't uninstall/break anything. But we're repeating the same things over and over...I think it's starting to become a weird conversation...:)

To say that there are sound technical reasons for causing those problems for a minority users is a stance that may well  be valid (I'm not in a position to judge) but breezily trying to convince us that this is an unproblematic change when it may well cause me a problem and take at least half a day of my time to work around does not sit well with me, I am afraid.  Things may continue to work, and I hope they will, but there is of course no guarantee of that.

Yes there is a technical guarantee, if you really don't trust devs, because YOU can uninstall the plugin, the upgrade to 22.7 won't uninstall dyndns and won't replace dyndns with ddclient. If you can't understand this basic thing I think this discussion is pretty useless...

I will keep using dyndns until ddclient proves to be a valid alternative, and I'm not concerned at all about the fact that in 6 months it won't be published on opnsense repo: there will be many ways to manage dyndns. It's not Unifi domain here, we're talking about opensource...there are ALWAYS alternatives.

This is my last post on the subject, it's starting to get boring having to repeat over and over the same basic things.

Kind regards,

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: sesquipedality on February 12, 2022, 05:35:50 PM
You'd probably find it less necessary to go over the same things if you had read what I wrote a little more carefully, but you're right about one thing, which is that continuing this discussion further is pointless.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: almodovaris on February 12, 2022, 07:13:29 PM
Quote from: sesquipedality on February 12, 2022, 03:53:15 PM
so practically it seems that as a user of Mythic Beasts, a small yet highly clueful UK ISP it is unlikely to ever get support in os-ddclient, my options will be
Don't think so. You may edit ddclient config with an URL to your own liking.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: sesquipedality on February 13, 2022, 05:11:53 PM
Thanks, this sounds like a workable solution in principle, but in practice, would OpnSense overwrite a custom ddclient.conf?
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: franco on February 13, 2022, 07:51:05 PM
Truth be told ddclient is available in OPNsense since 2015 and between writing a config file and rc.conf entry the whole thing works faster than trying to respond to the volume of this thread. ;)


If you don't install os-ddclient and just do this it works.. nobody overwriting stuff...

# pkg install ddclient

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: Grossartig on February 14, 2022, 10:37:15 PM
Just came here to say that the new ddclient works well for my needs (namely, with Namecheap DDNS). It was a bit confusing that one has to uninstall the old dyndns client before installing the new one (otherwise the config pages wouldn't show up in the OPNsense menu), but besides that, it was easy to set it up for my needs.

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: meyergru on February 15, 2022, 09:10:40 AM
I can live with os-dyndns being supported until 21.7. The relevant missing features of os-ddclient are for me:

1. Getting the IP from the interface instead from a web service
2. Using custom URLs for updates

Both of which seem to get fixed for the upcoming 22.1.1 as far as I can see.

BTW: I was surprised that despite so many bugs being reported here, the transition was completely smooth for me. I have quite a special configuration (including IPv6) but did not have to revert to the backup boot environment that I created before the update.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: franco on February 15, 2022, 09:28:23 AM
To sum things up the release notes for tomorrow's 22.1.1 WRT ddclient plugin are as follows:

* Add spdyn, inwx and dns-o-matic (contributed by Rene Schuster)
* Add Hurricane Electric provider (contributed by Netboy3)
* Add option to force SSL, on by default (contributed by Robin Mueller)
* Add Cloudflare and custom service (contributed by Robin Mueller)
* Add STRATO provider (contributed by Alex Mi)
* Add use interface as IP source
* Fix ip6only.me (contributed by Robin Mueller)
* Fix uppercase use in usernames

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: mueller on February 16, 2022, 04:51:15 PM

I had hoped that after the update to 22.1.1 this thread has become obsolete.
Especially because now there is the possibility to select "custom" in the settings.
About this I could configure deSEC with the plugin os-dyndns.

Unfortunately, this is probably not possible with the new plugin os-ddclient, because the field "Update URL" to be filled in is not present.

I find this very unfortunate, deSEC (desec.io) is a provider that deserves an entry because it is really, really good.

Thanks for your work anyway.

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: franco on February 16, 2022, 04:57:12 PM
Thanks for the rant but isn't the URL part of the protocol being used and you simply fill in the server name to contact?

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: mueller on February 16, 2022, 05:17:33 PM

of course the error can also be with me :-)

... if "custom" is selected under "service", there are three protocols to choose from:


The (update) URL of deSEC is:

If I now enter "update6.dedyn.io" as server name, no connection is established.

I have tried all three - without success.
At least the log file always says: No results found!
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: franco on February 16, 2022, 05:26:41 PM
With IPv6 it could be complicated... did you select an interface? If you selected WAN do you have GUA assigned? SSL is on I presume?

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: franco on February 16, 2022, 05:27:52 PM
(force SSL is hidden unter general settings-> advanced toggle)
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: ar on February 16, 2022, 05:36:39 PM
Sorry to chime in, I've just walked through the official ddclient-client repo and the one in opnsense-plugins one and I'm unsure how to migrate the Hetzner DNS API integration currently availble in the dyndns-package.

What would be the correct contribution way, first contribute the perl implementation for their API (https://dns.hetzner.com/api-docs#operation/UpdateZone) in ddclient (https://github.com/ddclient/ddclient/issues), then head over to opnsense (https://github.com/opnsense/plugins/blob/stable/22.1/dns/ddclient/src/opnsense/service/templates/OPNsense/ddclient/ddclient.conf) and add it there once it has been released upstream?

Sadly I see no other way, as cURL is not "just" an option with ddclient to work around it for now, but I'm new to it, so maybe I'm missing the vital part here.

Also I see an interval-setting, is ddclient not triggering on if up/down events?
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: mueller on February 16, 2022, 05:53:13 PM

SSL is enabled.
I have selected WAN.
Assign GUA: I still have to read up on this ;-)

With the plugin os-dyndns this was set up quickly and runs smoothly ...
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: wadhwa on February 16, 2022, 09:40:08 PM
Cloudflare DNS update only works with Global API key but it does not work if I create an API token with DNS edit for the zone. DynDNS I can create API key with specific DNS zone edit access and it was working fine. This is unsafe and creates security issues.

Quote from: franco on February 15, 2022, 09:28:23 AM
To sum things up the release notes for tomorrow's 22.1.1 WRT ddclient plugin are as follows:

* Add spdyn, inwx and dns-o-matic (contributed by Rene Schuster)
* Add Hurricane Electric provider (contributed by Netboy3)
* Add option to force SSL, on by default (contributed by Robin Mueller)
* Add Cloudflare and custom service (contributed by Robin Mueller)
* Add STRATO provider (contributed by Alex Mi)
* Add use interface as IP source
* Fix ip6only.me (contributed by Robin Mueller)
* Fix uppercase use in usernames

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: Mastah on February 17, 2022, 12:25:08 AM
Franco, I'm trying to add gandi as provider, could you please tell me after I've forked the repo, how can I test the change I made on the plugin on my opnsense install ?

Like that I can test, validate, use it and ask for merge request !

Edit: please tell me I don't have to manually patch the files on my opnsense install ^^
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: Mastah on February 17, 2022, 01:19:57 AM
Btw I've looked at the ddclient project, since 3.9.1 there have been no release in two year. Some people seem to still be working on it though.
Gandi service as been added to the develop branch, for example, like many other services, but at the pace of the project release version, it will be a long time before we can see those services in opnsense.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: Steven on February 17, 2022, 08:26:38 AM
Been trying to test the new os-ddclient. I use Google as my dynamic DNS. When I went to use the new client I could not setup using my provided Username and Password. For some reason the new plugin says the Username google provided me had "invalid characters" and prevent me from saving the settings. Works fine with the old plugin and I have reverted.

Is there some kind of bug with character limitation for username in the new os-ddclient? I'm using the valid username provided by Google for my DNS. The Username that Google provides for their DNS is just 16 alpha numeric characters.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: franco on February 17, 2022, 12:29:45 PM
@Stephen maybe you want to upgrade to 22.1.1 first and try again.

@Mastah ... basically you do something like this...

# opnsense-code plugins
# cd /usr/plugins/dns/ddclient
(make your modifications to src/ directory files)
# make upgrade
(install new code to test your changes in the system)

@mueller let me get back on the issue of the log file

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: abij on February 17, 2022, 12:47:23 PM

I have upgraded my opnsense instance to the latest 22.1.1_1. But is there a way to enter '@' (without quotes) as the hostname in the GUI setting?

Services: Dynamic DNS: Settings -> Edit account: hostname

Currently, if I use @, then I could not save because an error message pops up

'please specify a valid address (IPv4/IPv6) or hostname'

I can log into the console and edit ddclient.conf manually to use @ as the hostname but that won't persist after a reboot.

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: franco on February 17, 2022, 01:04:18 PM
@mueller: can you change your log file severity filter to "notice"... that should give the relevant messages.

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: mueller on February 17, 2022, 01:54:06 PM
Thanks for your help:

34862 - [meta sequenceId="1"] WARNING: file /usr/local/etc/ddclient.conf: file /usr/local/etc/ddclient.conf must be accessible only by its owner (fixed).
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: jclendineng on February 17, 2022, 03:02:56 PM
Quote from: franco on February 17, 2022, 01:04:18 PM
@mueller: can you change your log file severity filter to "notice"... that should give the relevant messages.


It seems that NOTICE is logged as ERROR? Im getting successful dynamic dns updates but they are logged as ERROR.  This is the same actually across all the logs, ERROR is logging incorrectly, some are errors some are not...
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: franco on February 17, 2022, 03:35:45 PM
@ jclendineng I think that's an issue with ddclient specifically. it writes "ERROR" but it's just a string, not a priority.

@mueller it's not trying to update, did you apply config? everything in /usr/local/etc/ddclient.conf ?
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: BondiBlueBalls on February 17, 2022, 03:56:55 PM
@mueller - this bug persisted for me after the 22.1.1 update, too. i had to uninstall and reinstall the plugin for the username field to accept my google-provided usernames.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: mueller on February 17, 2022, 05:29:19 PM

yes, of course I pressed "apply".
And I have installed and uninstalled the plugin several times.

# nano /usr/local/etc/ddclient.conf (OPNsense)
syslog=yes                  # log update msgs to syslog
pid=/var/run/ddclient.pid   # record PID in file.

# setup how we expect to retrieve an IP address
use=if, if=igb1

use=if, if=igb1, \
protocol=dyndns2, \
server=update6.dedyn.io, \
login=yyy.dedyn.io, \
password=xxx \

I installed ddclient under Debian (with the same task) on a server once, there the ddclient.conf looked like this:

usev6=if, if=enp3s0
use=cmd, cmd='curl https://checkipv6.dedyn.io/'

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: tracerrx on February 17, 2022, 08:33:00 PM
Just a Heads up to anyone doing this migration right now (like me)... Dyn is currently experiencing a widespread outage.. its not dd-client.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: jclendineng on February 17, 2022, 10:36:09 PM
I tried it and works well it seems like.  Still missing Cloudflare API access so had to move back to the old one. Its progress though! We have 6 months so no need to rush it.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: jclendineng on February 17, 2022, 10:39:44 PM
Quote from: franco on February 17, 2022, 03:35:45 PM
@ jclendineng I think that's an issue with ddclient specifically. it writes "ERROR" but it's just a string, not a priority.

@mueller it's not trying to update, did you apply config? everything in /usr/local/etc/ddclient.conf ?

Its not, Error messages for benign items happen with a lot of the modules, looks to be a logging issue. lightpd and suricata throw the same Error logs for normal INFO level stuff at times. So its not limited to os-ddclient its something introduces in the update.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: tracerrx on February 17, 2022, 10:40:43 PM
When using dd-client, can I get some clarity on "Use interface IP"?  If your in a multi-wan environment, and set this to none, will it use the IP of the WAN interface with the highest priority?
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: bubbagump on February 18, 2022, 02:05:13 AM
Quote from: tracerrx on February 17, 2022, 10:40:43 PM
When using dd-client, can I get some clarity on "Use interface IP"?  If your in a multi-wan environment, and set this to none, will it use the IP of the WAN interface with the highest priority?

I have been playing a bit and it seems the "General Settings" selection is the global default. Then, you can override this in the Account configuration. If you do not choose anything, I believe it will be the source IP that contacts the service under "Check ip method" which will depend on how your multi-WAN is configured which in your example, yes, the interface with the highest priority. If you have Round Robin, I would expect unpredictable results.

EDIT: This was somewhat helpful to compare what the OPNSense GUI was doing compared to what shows up in /usr/local/etc/ddclient.conf. I think this may help others using Cloudflare wanting to use a Global API key. https://github.com/ddclient/ddclient/blob/master/ddclient.conf.in and https://sourceforge.net/p/ddclient/mailman/message/20383414/  < this discusses the local IP overrides.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: franco on February 18, 2022, 08:12:57 AM
Quote from: jclendineng on February 17, 2022, 10:39:44 PM
Its not, Error messages for benign items happen with a lot of the modules, looks to be a logging issue. lightpd and suricata throw the same Error logs for normal INFO level stuff at times. So its not limited to os-ddclient its something introduces in the update.

This is way off topic and uninformed, see https://github.com/opnsense/changelog/blob/9b4d433fa80a0540c5271181bfb3998806de5141/community/22.1/22.1#L12
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: tracerrx on February 18, 2022, 03:49:02 PM
Quote from: bubbagump on February 18, 2022, 02:05:13 AM

I have been playing a bit and it seems the "General Settings" selection is the global default. Then, you can override this in the Account configuration. If you do not choose anything, I believe it will be the source IP that contacts the service under "Check ip method" which will depend on how your multi-WAN is configured which in your example, yes, the interface with the highest priority. If you have Round Robin, I would expect unpredictable results.

EDIT: This was somewhat helpful to compare what the OPNSense GUI was doing compared to what shows up in /usr/local/etc/ddclient.conf. I think this may help others using Cloudflare wanting to use a Global API key. https://github.com/ddclient/ddclient/blob/master/ddclient.conf.in and https://sourceforge.net/p/ddclient/mailman/message/20383414/  < this discusses the local IP overrides.

@bubbagump thanks... This helps!
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: jclendineng on February 18, 2022, 05:32:05 PM
Quote from: franco on February 18, 2022, 08:12:57 AM
Quote from: jclendineng on February 17, 2022, 10:39:44 PM
Its not, Error messages for benign items happen with a lot of the modules, looks to be a logging issue. lightpd and suricata throw the same Error logs for normal INFO level stuff at times. So its not limited to os-ddclient its something introduces in the update.

This is way off topic and uninformed, see https://github.com/opnsense/changelog/blob/9b4d433fa80a0540c5271181bfb3998806de5141/community/22.1/22.1#L12

:) helpful!
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: tiermutter on February 18, 2022, 08:10:24 PM
I really can't believe what's wrong here.
Everyone against new behaviours with innovations, that all manners are lost?
All those may stay on older versions or do whatever they believe is right. It's said a couple of times that you can use old os-dyndns as long as you want. It should go without saying that opensource can be tributed by everyone who has the ability to do. Unfortunately I don't have the ability to do this productively, and for the time being I'm not happy with os-ddclient for my purposes. But that doesn't make me want to flame against everything.
Contribute, give purposeful hints or shut up.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: chbmb on February 20, 2022, 10:30:42 AM
I've upgraded to 22.1 today and migrated my simple Dynamic DNS requirements over to ddclient without too much trouble.

root@opnsense:~ # cat /usr/local/etc/ddclient.conf
syslog=yes                  # log update msgs to syslog
pid=/var/run/ddclient.pid   # record PID in file.

# setup how we expect to retrieve an IP address
use=web, web=http://checkip.dyndns.org/, web-skip="Current IP Address:"

use=if, if=pppoe0, \
protocol=cloudflare, \
zone=domain.tld, \
login=my.email@gmail.com, \
password=mycloudflare API key \

2022-02-20T09:05:56 Notice ddclient[17589] 64046 - [meta sequenceId="1"] SUCCESS:  domain.tld -- Updated Successfully to xxx.xx.xxx.xxx


For me the only thing that is lacking with the new DynamicDNS plugin is the lovely widget from the old one.

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: marjohn56 on February 20, 2022, 01:44:14 PM
Quote from: franco on February 17, 2022, 12:29:45 PM
@Stephen maybe you want to upgrade to 22.1.1 first and try again.

@Mastah ... basically you do something like this...

# opnsense-core plugins
# cd /usr/plugins/dns/ddclient
(make your modifications to src/ directory files)
# make upgrade
(install new code to test your changes in the system)

@mueller let me get back on the issue of the log file


# opnsense-code plugins

it works better. ;)
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: franco on February 20, 2022, 05:28:12 PM
Huh, that's a new one for me. Autocorrect must be learning all the wrong things. ;)

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: tracerrx on February 20, 2022, 08:06:37 PM
Quote from: chbmb on February 20, 2022, 10:30:42 AM
For me the only thing that is lacking with the new DynamicDNS plugin is the lovely widget from the old one.

Agree, would be nice to have the widget back!
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: chbmb on February 21, 2022, 12:43:02 PM
Quote from: tracerrx on February 20, 2022, 08:06:37 PM
Quote from: chbmb on February 20, 2022, 10:30:42 AM
For me the only thing that is lacking with the new DynamicDNS plugin is the lovely widget from the old one.

Agree, would be nice to have the widget back!

Glad I'm not the only one.  I found the code here (https://github.com/opnsense/plugins/blob/master/dns/dyndns/src/www/widgets/widgets/dyn_dns_status.widget.php) but I don't know anywhere near enough php to tackle a migration to os-ddclient.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: EdwinKM on February 21, 2022, 05:34:42 PM
As i am migrating pfSense to OPNsense i decided to directly use the new version. Tried with my lab (internal IP) and DuckDNS. It works when entering the Account (still the "password" bug but i just enter some bogus stuff to avoid this check).

But the part that gets me puzzled. In the account screen i can enter the correct "WAN" interface ("Use interface IP"). This seems enough to make it work.

But, on the "General settings" page i can enable the "cronjob" now. This page ALSO has the option to select "Interface" with option "WAN". What is the difference between those two?
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: tscomm on February 22, 2022, 10:45:14 PM
Reading through most of the discussion I did not spot someone raising/answering my point so I would like to bring it up. In my setup with dnsmadeeasy I had to do the entire update and authentication via the update URL field. I found no easy way to recreate this with ddclient. Looking at the project rules on github also makes me wonder if they would accept this enhancement request since dnsmadeeasy is a commercial provider... Am I out of luck having this implemented on OPNsense in 6 months?
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: mrpink on February 23, 2022, 09:26:42 AM
I just created a pull request for DNS Made Easy, but I'm not able to test, because I do not use the service.


If you want to test before the new version will be released, please adjust the two files.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: magnust on February 23, 2022, 01:19:48 PM
I'm confused how to set up for Loopia. The odd thing is that Loopia is available to choose in general settings as check ip method but NOT available when setting up an account?
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: franco on February 23, 2022, 02:06:04 PM
Loopia support has an open PR https://github.com/opnsense/plugins/pull/2858

I'm sure we will be adding a widget, but first let's get everyone up and running :)

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: magnust on February 23, 2022, 05:43:30 PM
Quote from: franco on February 23, 2022, 02:06:04 PM
Loopia support has an open PR https://github.com/opnsense/plugins/pull/2858

I'm sure we will be adding a widget, but first let's get everyone up and running :)


:D :D :D
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: cyrus104 on February 24, 2022, 05:28:08 AM
Just made the switch and didn't have any issues with Google Domains or Namecheap.

Looking forward to having the widget back.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: chbmb on February 24, 2022, 08:12:20 AM
Quote from: franco on February 23, 2022, 02:06:04 PM
I'm sure we will be adding a widget, but first let's get everyone up and running :)


Thanks Franco and an entirely understandable plan.

Appreciate all the work you do.

Best wishes
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: oliverr on February 24, 2022, 03:01:52 PM

is it possible with the os-ddclient plugin to work like with Dynamic DNS (legacy) with a custom call with a URL that then sets host, username, password and IP?

If not, it would be possible to add this as a custom (URL)?

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: tscomm on February 24, 2022, 04:34:02 PM
Great, many thanks! I Changed the files and could configure it. I saw it do (log) the right thing once in the log on the FW. Trying to trigger another update by changing the record in public DNS. Rebooting the FW did not trigger another update. But I assume it generally works.

Quote from: mrpink on February 23, 2022, 09:26:42 AM
I just created a pull request for DNS Made Easy, but I'm not able to test, because I do not use the service.


If you want to test before the new version will be released, please adjust the two files.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: abaumann on February 24, 2022, 05:35:35 PM

Does anybody know how to use ddclient with Hurricane Electric AAAA Dynamic DNS Records?
In the legacy tool I could use the "HE.net (v6)" Service type. In the new tool I can't find a service for HE IPv6.

Best and many thanks for your feedback
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: edz on February 27, 2022, 12:22:56 AM
Has anyone figured out how to get ddclient to work with Digital Ocean?

I've tried using the api.digitalocean.com but it doesn't update the record.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: mueller on February 27, 2022, 07:59:48 PM
I'll wait and see, I'm sure there will be some changes in the near future.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: sp33dy on February 28, 2022, 08:20:45 AM
cant find how to get afraid.org (freedns) working, anyone got it running and if so how
Not intrested in running as a cron job.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: sbellon on February 28, 2022, 08:35:40 AM
Quote from: sp33dy on February 28, 2022, 08:20:45 AM
cant find how to get afraid.org (freedns) working, anyone got it running and if so how
Not intrested in running as a cron job.
Configure freeDNS, WAN interface, your hostname and your V2 password and it should work. It's important to activate freeDNS version 2 on the freeDNS web page.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: sp33dy on February 28, 2022, 10:51:21 AM
Quote from: sbellon on February 28, 2022, 08:35:40 AM
Quote from: sp33dy on February 28, 2022, 08:20:45 AM
cant find how to get afraid.org (freedns) working, anyone got it running and if so how
Not intrested in running as a cron job.
Configure freeDNS, WAN interface, your hostname and your V2 password and it should work. It's important to activate freeDNS version 2 on the freeDNS web page.

i cant choose freeDNS on the accounts page, what do i choose there?
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: sbellon on February 28, 2022, 01:13:56 PM
Quote from: sp33dy on February 28, 2022, 10:51:21 AM
i cant choose freeDNS on the accounts page, what do i choose there?
Hm, I can choose freeDNS ... If you can't then I don't know ...
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: sp33dy on February 28, 2022, 01:37:32 PM
Quote from: sbellon on February 28, 2022, 01:13:56 PM
Quote from: sp33dy on February 28, 2022, 10:51:21 AM
i cant choose freeDNS on the accounts page, what do i choose there?
Hm, I can choose freeDNS ... If you can't then I don't know ...

on -> dynamic dns -> settings -> service  there i dont have freedns

is that the place?
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: sbellon on February 28, 2022, 04:21:44 PM
Quote from: sp33dy on February 28, 2022, 01:37:32 PM

on -> dynamic dns -> settings -> service  there i dont have freedns

is that the place?

Services -> Dynamic DNS -> Add -> Service Type: freeDNS
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: Bonkerton on February 28, 2022, 07:22:06 PM

I don't see FreeDNS either.

It certainly is there under 'Dynamic DNS (legacy)',

but not in the 'new' os-ddclient (I have V1.1 installed)
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: franco on February 28, 2022, 07:23:21 PM
I think it's queued up for 1.2.

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: MrB on February 28, 2022, 07:45:43 PM
In the meantime you can use the Custom-option, just set the server address to: freedns.afraid.org
Set the protocol to DynDns2, or leave it empty. The latter will work although it registers as a warning in the log,
file /usr/local/etc/ddclient.conf, line 17: Invalid Value for keyword 'protocol' = ''
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: STRUBartacus on March 01, 2022, 05:48:11 PM
How can I use update URLs with the new client? Earlier it worked perfectly with the custom, respectively custom-v6 option.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: Souljacker on March 02, 2022, 11:24:04 AM
Hope till Release 22.7 the os-ddclient will get updates so the services known from the legacy client will work properly...

At the moment i have v1.2 of os-ddclient (came with Release 22.1.2):
- NoIP (free): working  :)
- freeDNS: not able to get it to work  :( (hope for hints from someone who has freeDNS running properly)
- SelfHost: not tried to migrate it from legacy to new client
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: juantxorena on March 02, 2022, 07:49:20 PM
Another problem I have and I haven't seen in the forum:

I'm trying to update both ipv4 and ipv6 with cloudflare. It only updates one of them, depending on the "Check IP method" I choose. It seems that we should be able to choose more than one method, or even better, read the IP locally.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: toxic on March 07, 2022, 01:58:25 AM
I wanted to say, from my point of view the ddclient is way behind what is available in the dyndns plugin and I really don't understand who made the decision and why switch to ddclient only, "the world is using it" is, I believe, not a valid reason, especially given ddclient hasn"t seen a release in over a year and ther is definitely a lot less polish and integration into opnsense.

I just wanted to list some of my gripes with the ddclient :

I've posted a PR on github (https://github.com/opnsense/plugins/pull/2883 (https://github.com/opnsense/plugins/pull/2883)) that adresses this
Quote from: juantxorena on March 02, 2022, 07:49:20 PM
I'm trying to update both ipv4 and ipv6 with cloudflare. It only updates one of them, depending on the "Check IP method" I choose. It seems that we should be able to choose more than one method, or even better, read the IP locally.
as well as at least one other item in my list (multiWAN&NAT), but I feel there is still significant work to be done to bring that plugin on-par with what we had before we force everyone to make the switch...
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: Vesalius on March 07, 2022, 02:34:41 AM
Quote from: toxic on March 07, 2022, 01:58:25 AM... before we force everyone to make the switch...
No one is forced now, nor will they be forced later.

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: toxic on March 07, 2022, 02:54:41 AM
Quote from: Vesalius on March 07, 2022, 02:34:41 AM
That slipped under my radar, thanks a lot, will probably be useful ;)

Nevertheless, I'll still have to rename the menu entry to remove the legacy, and edit the views to remove the warning message ^^

So no one is forcing anyone but still encouraging quite a bit ;)

Anyway, I'm still trying to follow the lead and switch to ddclient and even helping out with PRs.
I just spent my afternoon discovering plugins in OpnSense so I was both annoyed at "having to do this" and happy to see how easily plugins can be written and take advantage of all the framework for GUI, backups, versioning...

Sorry if that came out as pure complaining from my part but the goal was also to highlight the stuff still remaining and hopefully get others involved in enhancing it. Just now realizing I should have toned down the complaining to hopefully catch more helpers ;)
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: Steven on March 07, 2022, 05:39:27 AM
Quote from: franco on February 17, 2022, 12:29:45 PM
@Stephen maybe you want to upgrade to 22.1.1 first and try again.

This has fixed my issue with not being able to input my username in ddclient. Working now. Thanks Franco.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: fields987 on March 08, 2022, 02:50:12 PM
Has anyone had success setting up cloudflare with an api token? If so, what's the secret? I got it to work with email address and global api key but I'd rather lock it down to a token that just has dns edit permissions. I've seen some conflicting posts regarding DDClients supportability of cloudflare api tokens.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: dirtyfreebooter on March 08, 2022, 04:22:06 PM
Quote from: fields987 on March 08, 2022, 02:50:12 PM
Has anyone had success setting up cloudflare with an api token? If so, what's the secret? I got it to work with email address and global api key but I'd rather lock it down to a token that just has dns edit permissions. I've seen some conflicting posts regarding DDClients supportability of cloudflare api tokens.

ddclient does not support this. not in the released version anyways.

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: jpieren on March 12, 2022, 10:10:12 AM
I'm trying to use with freedns and it does not work:
debug log:
root@OPNsense:~ # ddclient -daemon=0 -debug -verbose -noquiet
WARNING:  skipping host: <fqdn>: 'login=' is an invalid login.
WARNING:  skipping host: <fqdn>: 'login=' is an invalid login.

seems that it does not adhere to the freedns standart where no logins are required except a key in ip password (will then appedned in the web url).

please keep the current dyndns client since that works and introducoing such buggy version is just ridiclous.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: AdSchellevis on March 12, 2022, 10:33:29 AM
@jpieren thank you for your valuable contribution. You can easily inspect the written configuration in /usr/local/etc/ddclient.conf ,which in case of freedns doesn't write a login field (https://github.com/opnsense/plugins/pull/2837)
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: Vesalius on March 12, 2022, 10:12:00 PM
Quote from: jpieren on March 12, 2022, 10:10:12 AM

please keep the current dyndns client since that works and introducoing such buggy version is just ridiclous.

os-ddclient is not officially being introduced until 22.7, which isn't happening until this summer. dyndns will not be deleted from your opnsense install with the upgrade to 22.7 either.

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: IsaacFL on March 13, 2022, 10:28:35 PM
Quote from: fields987 on March 08, 2022, 02:50:12 PM
Has anyone had success setting up cloudflare with an api token? If so, what's the secret? I got it to work with email address and global api key but I'd rather lock it down to a token that just has dns edit permissions. I've seen some conflicting posts regarding DDClients supportability of cloudflare api tokens.

Were you able to get it to work at all with ipv6 on cloudflare?

I could not get it to work even with Global api key, log seemed to indicate it was trying to send the ipv4 to cloudflare. I was using the interface method.

maybe you could post a how to if you did?

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: xlf on March 16, 2022, 08:12:55 AM
Dear OPNsense team,
dear OPNsense users.

regarding the ddclient issue: i have a very bad feeling.

Let me start by this: i came here because a friend of mine referred me to m0n0wall on pcengines boards somewhen close after teh year 2000. I have been running m0n0 - pf -OPNsense since then.

I originally stayed witho an older deprecated version of m0n0, because Manuel back then decided - for some obscure reason - to outrun and drop support for openVPN. That in turn yanked m0n0 out on one of my customers, since they needed road warrior VPN, so openVPn went to the linux box, the m0n0 got replaced by a terribly complicated and therefore less secure (more prone to mistake) and expensive semi-professional router/firewall, sold by german telecom, who could not be arsed to set it up properly with all the needed features. Privately, i stayed with m0n0 as long as needed, and the switched to pf a.s.a.p.
Do not get me wrong: I am still thankful to Manuel for the years and years of support and work he gave to the world! The decision with openVPN was wrong _from my perspective_, i didn't discuss and didn't hear or see his side back then or now.

I got away from PFsense to opnsense, well, i am not alone here, eh?

Now with the ddclient, i have the fear i run into a bit similar situation like back then with openVPN.

I haven't gotten too far into testing ddclient. Thanks toxic for pointing this out:

Quote from: toxic on March 07, 2022, 01:58:25 AM

I just wanted to list some of my gripes with the ddclient :

  • there is no widget for it on the dashboard
  • it does not provide a way to check that the public DNS has the proper IP
  • it doesn't play nice with multi-WAN and NAT
  • there is no way to force an update
  • settings are less granular (general verbosity vs per account, same for checkip provider)
  • not all checkip providers that were supported are still provided

I run multi-WAN.

I run ipv6 with He.net.

I run my dns with gandi.

I fear i am completely in the sh**s with ddclient.

The underlying issue seems to be that neither ddclient nor the "old" software as packages seem well funded and set up in a sustainable way from an open source project perspective? Am i right?

Now, since the functionality is at the very core of, or let's call it hard requirement, for a router/firewall system: i can understand that the OPNsense team does not want to rely on a project, that is not in a good shape.

I dare to expect, though, that the team then acknowledge and address the issues arising, and make sure their replacement covers at least all  the use cases the old product had covered!

So, i'm all ok with deciso adopting whatever piece of dyn-dns project they decide to fit their process best. You need funding? I am willing to donate a bit. But only if i see gandi and HE.net, and with a reasonably smooth transition.

best regards to all

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: franco on March 16, 2022, 08:37:42 AM
> regarding the ddclient issue: i have a very bad feeling.

The neglect of many is the sum of your fears. Thinking maintenance and replacements are bad is usually what leads to the death of projects in the long run as witnessed here by a barely functioning DynDNS PHP project abandoned by its author almost two decades ago.  ddclient lost a lot over the years due to hundreds of thousands of users taking DynDNS for granted:


In other news the plugin verison 1.3 comes out tomorrow with the following changes:

* Add checkip settings per account using selected source interface when provided
* Add OVH DynHost to the DynDNS providers (contributed by toxic0berliner)

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: STRUBartacus on March 18, 2022, 08:59:33 AM
Could you please add ClouDNS? This has already been done in the original project:


EDIT: As I just discovered, there is already a ticket for it:
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: meyergru on March 18, 2022, 02:27:06 PM
One of the problems with missing IPv6 support might be that it must be enabled for ddclient explicitly.

I just opened an issue for that, it should be an easy fix: https://github.com/opnsense/plugins/issues/2895
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: tracerrx on March 18, 2022, 10:48:10 PM
I hate to add to this thread... However it appears that ddclient does not work in multi wan environments.  I use DynDNS, and when I set dd-client to Interface to monitor (None) and Check IP Method (Interface):

2022-03-18T13:38:37-04:00 Notice ddclient[320] 54434 - [meta sequenceId="5"] WARNING: found neither ipv4 nor ipv6 address
2022-03-18T13:38:33-04:00 Notice ddclient[97610] 53819 - [meta sequenceId="4"] WARNING: found neither ipv4 nor ipv6 address
2022-03-18T13:38:07-04:00 Notice ddclient[55511] 54044 - [meta sequenceId="3"] WARNING: found neither ipv4 nor ipv6 address
2022-03-18T13:38:05-04:00 Notice ddclient[50294] 53561 - [meta sequenceId="2"] WARNING: found neither ipv4 nor ipv6 address
2022-03-18T13:37:21-04:00 Notice ddclient[36503] 28394 - [meta sequenceId="1"] WARNING: found neither ipv4 nor ipv6 address
2022-03-18T13:08:27-04:00 Notice ddclient[84274] 92874 - [meta sequenceId="1"] WARNING: found neither ipv4 nor ipv6 address
2022-03-18T12:58:27-04:00 Notice ddclient[84274] 13239 - [meta sequenceId="1"] WARNING: found neither ipv4 nor ipv6 address
2022-03-17T21:18:24-04:00 Notice ddclient[84274] 95262 - [meta sequenceId="1"] WARNING: file /usr/local/etc/ddclient.conf: file /usr/local/etc/ddclient.conf must be accessible only by its owner (fixed).
2022-03-17T20:48:24-04:00 Notice ddclient[84274] 77262 - [meta sequenceId="1"] WARNING: found neither ipv4 nor ipv6 address

Only by setting the interface to monitor as a single wan does it appear to work.  Any way to make it always report just the current default wan ip in multi-wan environments?
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: Hansaplastique on March 20, 2022, 12:08:02 AM
Not sure if I should report this here or not, but os-ddclient doesn't seem to support the cPanel web call either.
(cPanel documentation (https://docs.cpanel.net/cpanel/domains/dynamic-dns/))

Short version:
In cPanel you enable the DDNS feature for a domain or subdomain.
cPanel will then generate a unique URL when setting this up, something like this:


When calling this link, no username, password, or other complicated things are needed.
Just submit the link. cPanel will update the appropriate records and returns a plain text reply, formatted like so:


(where is obviously your public IP address)

The old DDNS in OPNSense handled this just fine by selecting "Custom", however "os-ddclient" (v1.3) doesn't work that way ...
Anyhoo - hope this is useful for the involved developer or developers - apologies if this is not the right place to report this. 😊

For reference, a similar request for pfSense (https://redmine.pfsense.org/issues/10962) (not by me).
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: CGrisamore on March 20, 2022, 01:51:27 PM
Adding this to the thread to help out other users of freemyip.com and to inform the developers of the current issue that requires workaround with this dynamic DDS provider.

freemyip.com doesn't require a username and password.  At the time your custom domain is created you are provided a token which is used to refresh your ip address when properly accessed.  freemyip.com supports ddclient and they provide a configuration (below) where you populate the username and password fields with your custom token

# Configuration for freemyip.com

Currently you cannot populate these values through the Opnsense web interface as the token includes an ampersand character and Opnsense restricts entry of an ampersand in the username field (see below)


You must edit the ddclient.conf file directly to enter your token in the two fields after which it works fine.

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: Sopor on March 24, 2022, 05:16:43 PM
I can't get the os-ddclient 1.3 to work with FreeDNS. After adding token to password field (as in the old plugin) it will disappear even if i save it. I have even tried adding it to user name. Here it will be saved but it will still not work.

I can't use ( or ) in the description field either. It will show this error message:
Description should be a string between 1 and 255 characters

Will there be a widget for this plugin too?
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: mrpink on March 24, 2022, 08:58:40 PM
With username and password (no token) FreeDNS is working here.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: dennyo on March 25, 2022, 10:37:48 AM
Same Problem here, I have IONOS and I need to ask an Update URL which works fine with os-dyndns but no Chance with os-ddclient.

No Host, no Username, no Password, just Update URL containing pubkey/api-token and for ex. var for pushing IPv6 oder IPv4.
Please get it to work else ddclient won't be an alternative to dyndns!

Quote from: Hansaplastique on March 20, 2022, 12:08:02 AM
Not sure if I should report this here or not, but os-ddclient doesn't seem to support the cPanel web call either.
(cPanel documentation (https://docs.cpanel.net/cpanel/domains/dynamic-dns/))

Short version:
In cPanel you enable the DDNS feature for a domain or subdomain.
cPanel will then generate a unique URL when setting this up, something like this:


When calling this link, no username, password, or other complicated things are needed.
Just submit the link. cPanel will update the appropriate records and returns a plain text reply, formatted like so:


(where is obviously your public IP address)

The old DDNS in OPNSense handled this just fine by selecting "Custom", however "os-ddclient" (v1.3) doesn't work that way ...
Anyhoo - hope this is useful for the involved developer or developers - apologies if this is not the right place to report this. 😊

For reference, a similar request for pfSense (https://redmine.pfsense.org/issues/10962) (not by me).
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: Sopor on March 25, 2022, 07:43:14 PM
It seems that we are back to use User name and password on FreeDNS. So, now it is working  :D

Update: I was wrong... It is not working :(

FAILED: Could not get freedns update URLs from freedns.afraid.org

WARNING: file /usr/local/etc/ddclient.conf: file /usr/local/etc/ddclient.conf must be accessible only by its owner (fixed).

WARNING: file /var/tmp/ddclient.cache, line 3: Invalid Value for keyword 'ip' = ''

I hope you will fix all the bugs before you remove the legacy version ...
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: jeekee on March 26, 2022, 08:34:05 AM
Hi guys,

Having the same problems. DDclient won't work for me if set to monitor interface WAN or if set to noip-ipv4 or 6 nor if set to dyndns. It does however work if set to freedns.

Nice add on would be if we could see the retrieved ip address the same as with the legacy ddns client.

KR JeeKee
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: wmeter on March 27, 2022, 08:07:50 PM
Does not work. I'm with DynDNS, and the old plugin worked fine. The new plugin has no indication whatsoever if it ran successfully or not, and the logs remain empty in my setup. Checking the update logs on the DynDNS side show zero activity from the new plugin... I'm 'reachable' by the grace if the last dynamic DNS update from the old plugin and the fact that my 4G did not reboot yet.... Same multi-wan setup here... Going to revert back to the old plugin until ddclient runs reliable...
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: tracerrx on March 27, 2022, 08:28:32 PM
@wmeter same here but im continuing to use it... waiting to see if I ever get an update in the dyndns logs.. As you said nothing to indicate its working in local logs.  Also I cant get it to even start if set to default (none) interface in multi-wan.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: thefunkygibbon on March 28, 2022, 10:49:49 AM
Quote from: tracerrx on March 18, 2022, 10:48:10 PM
I hate to add to this thread... However it appears that ddclient does not work in multi wan environments.  I use DynDNS, and when I set dd-client to Interface to monitor (None) and Check IP Method (Interface):

2022-03-18T13:38:37-04:00 Notice ddclient[320] 54434 - [meta sequenceId="5"] WARNING: found neither ipv4 nor ipv6 address
2022-03-18T13:38:33-04:00 Notice ddclient[97610] 53819 - [meta sequenceId="4"] WARNING: found neither ipv4 nor ipv6 address
2022-03-18T13:38:07-04:00 Notice ddclient[55511] 54044 - [meta sequenceId="3"] WARNING: found neither ipv4 nor ipv6 address
2022-03-18T13:38:05-04:00 Notice ddclient[50294] 53561 - [meta sequenceId="2"] WARNING: found neither ipv4 nor ipv6 address
2022-03-18T13:37:21-04:00 Notice ddclient[36503] 28394 - [meta sequenceId="1"] WARNING: found neither ipv4 nor ipv6 address
2022-03-18T13:08:27-04:00 Notice ddclient[84274] 92874 - [meta sequenceId="1"] WARNING: found neither ipv4 nor ipv6 address
2022-03-18T12:58:27-04:00 Notice ddclient[84274] 13239 - [meta sequenceId="1"] WARNING: found neither ipv4 nor ipv6 address
2022-03-17T21:18:24-04:00 Notice ddclient[84274] 95262 - [meta sequenceId="1"] WARNING: file /usr/local/etc/ddclient.conf: file /usr/local/etc/ddclient.conf must be accessible only by its owner (fixed).
2022-03-17T20:48:24-04:00 Notice ddclient[84274] 77262 - [meta sequenceId="1"] WARNING: found neither ipv4 nor ipv6 address

Only by setting the interface to monitor as a single wan does it appear to work.  Any way to make it always report just the current default wan ip in multi-wan environments?

I'm getting these in my logs when i'm just set to WAN and it has a normal IPv4 address.

Also, I notice that there is an option to 'check' every x amount of seconds for an address change (default 300) but is there a way of forcing the update to the dyndns provider on a set schedule anyway?  as some providers (like noip who i use) require you to update every x amount of days else they disable the account.  obviously if my ip hasnt changed in a couple of months, then it won't auto update the provider. (if i understand it correctly)

:edit: just installed the old dyndns client and it works fine.
please don't deprecate the old client?  at least not until the new one is actually fit for purpose!
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: AhnHEL on March 29, 2022, 04:42:04 PM

Will os-ddclient eventually be listed as a Service in SYSTEM: DIAGNOSTICS: SERVICES so it can conveniently be stopped or restarted from the Dashboard Widget?

Edit:  Request was added in ddclient 1.5 on 4/7/2022 with update 22.1.5.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: nicesense on April 02, 2022, 06:37:36 PM
I have the problem that the new os-ddclient (1.4) is not working by using WAN failover:

I tried to use the recommended new os-ddclient plugin with my WAN-Failover-Gateway-Group setting. But there is no choice to select WAN-Failover-Interface on the setting "Interface to monitor" during configuration. You can choose "Interface to monitor" = none , but this has no effect. The host will not be updated.

In contrast to it, the legacy os-dyndns plugin had supported this option.

Has somebody similar problems? Is there a solution (planed)?
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: hescominsoon on April 03, 2022, 05:17:27 AM
IIRC ddclient is supposed to be the version opnsense is switching to?  i tired it and I get constant cnanot  determine external IP address errors.  the "legacy" dyndns client works fine for me at no-ip.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: tracerrx on April 04, 2022, 12:11:14 AM
I reverted back to dyndns client, everything works as expected in multi-wan environment (with a dynDNS host).
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: TheRealBeltet on April 04, 2022, 11:20:48 AM
Quote from: dirtyfreebooter on March 08, 2022, 04:22:06 PM
Quote from: fields987 on March 08, 2022, 02:50:12 PM
Has anyone had success setting up cloudflare with an api token? If so, what's the secret? I got it to work with email address and global api key but I'd rather lock it down to a token that just has dns edit permissions. I've seen some conflicting posts regarding DDClients supportability of cloudflare api tokens.

ddclient does not support this. not in the released version anyways.


Oooooh my god!!!
I totally forgot about that!
I pulled my hair all night because of this! The logs made me believe that there is something wrong with getting the ip.
Thank you!
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: thefunkygibbon on April 04, 2022, 02:54:17 PM
who looks after this plugin from a dev point of view?
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: thko on April 05, 2022, 12:45:03 PM
Quote from: mueller on February 16, 2022, 04:51:15 PM

I had hoped that after the update to 22.1.1 this thread has become obsolete.
Especially because now there is the possibility to select "custom" in the settings.
About this I could configure deSEC with the plugin os-dyndns.

Unfortunately, this is probably not possible with the new plugin os-ddclient, because the field "Update URL" to be filled in is not present.

I find this very unfortunate, deSEC (desec.io) is a provider that deserves an entry because it is really, really good.

Thanks for your work anyway.


Hi mueller, I got desec working with the following config:

- Services: Dynamic DNS: Settings: General Settings
Enabled [X]
Verbose [ ]
Allow Ipv6 [X]
Interval [300]

- Services: Dynamic DNS: Settings: Edit Account
Enabled [X]
Service [Custom]
Protocol  [DynDNS2]
Server [update6.dedyn.io]
Username [Your Domain]
Password [Your DeSec Token]
Hostname(s) [Your Domain]
Check ip method [Interface]
Force SSL [X]
Interface to monitor [Your WAN Interface]

Still have to wait and see how the automatic updates are working in the next days. But first tests look promising.


Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: Mr.Goodcat on April 05, 2022, 02:51:14 PM
I can't seem to get this working with Hurricane Electric. It would be great if anyone who did could share their configuration :)

Also, it would be great if there were an indicator showing the currently cached IP, just like with the old dynDNS solution. Just so it's easy to check if IPs are being updated successfully.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: slackadelic on April 06, 2022, 02:15:26 AM
Are you using HE or HE TunnelBroker ?  Really depends which service you're using and what you're using to check the IP to update to their DNS.

If using dns.he.net to manage DNS, the record must be in place and set as a 'dynamic' record.

What steps have you done so far?
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: Sakata_T on April 06, 2022, 06:22:14 PM
So, any updates to the various issues in ddclient?
FreeDNS still doesn't seem to work, though there may be something on my end that I must do.
On the FreeDNS config side, which of these should I be using?

All supported update styles
Randomized Update Token           Default option, simple, secure, my personal favorite.
Username and Password, inline   Username and password as URI arguments, rather then the HTTP authentication
Username and Password           Uses HTTP authentication, if you'd rather use a username/password, some routers like to implement this method or can be most easily adapted to this method
/nic/update                           Uses HTTP authentication, I've seen update attempts like these hitting the server.

Also worth noting that none of these are HTTPS. Not sure if that is or should be a concern?
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: Mr.Goodcat on April 07, 2022, 11:31:59 AM
Quote from: Dominian on April 06, 2022, 02:15:26 AM
Are you using HE or HE TunnelBroker ?  Really depends which service you're using and what you're using to check the IP to update to their DNS.

If using dns.he.net to manage DNS, the record must be in place and set as a 'dynamic' record.

What steps have you done so far?

I'm using HE's DynDNS service.
The log says "Bad authorization (username or password)", regardless if I use the HE login password or the specific DDNS key.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: slackadelic on April 07, 2022, 02:00:13 PM
That's exactly what I use and the exact setup.  I have my host.domain.tld and the associated password generated for that host and that's what I use for username and password, works for me.

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: Mr.Goodcat on April 08, 2022, 02:50:41 PM
Quote from: Dominian on April 07, 2022, 02:00:13 PM
That's exactly what I use and the exact setup.  I have my host.domain.tld and the associated password generated for that host and that's what I use for username and password, works for me.

Ah, so you're using host.domain.tld for both host- and username. Now it works for me as well! Thanks! :D
Previously I set username to the username for logging into HE's DNS service.

Now I'm just stuck at adding Noip as a secondary service :o
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: MTR on April 09, 2022, 04:49:15 PM
Quote from: Sakata_T on April 06, 2022, 06:22:14 PM
So, any updates to the various issues in ddclient?
FreeDNS still doesn't seem to work, though there may be something on my end that I must do.
On the FreeDNS config side, which of these should I be using?

All supported update styles
Randomized Update Token           Default option, simple, secure, my personal favorite.
Username and Password, inline   Username and password as URI arguments, rather then the HTTP authentication
Username and Password           Uses HTTP authentication, if you'd rather use a username/password, some routers like to implement this method or can be most easily adapted to this method
/nic/update                           Uses HTTP authentication, I've seen update attempts like these hitting the server.

Also worth noting that none of these are HTTPS. Not sure if that is or should be a concern?

I tried some different things for FreeDNS and i got it to work using username/password instead of e-mailaddress/token.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: vaygr on April 10, 2022, 04:46:22 AM
Created an account just to second this:

Quote from: toxic on March 07, 2022, 01:58:25 AM
I wanted to say, from my point of view the ddclient is way behind what is available in the dyndns plugin and I really don't understand who made the decision and why switch to ddclient only, "the world is using it" is, I believe, not a valid reason, especially given ddclient hasn"t seen a release in over a year and ther is definitely a lot less polish and integration into opnsense.

I just wanted to list some of my gripes with the ddclient :

  • there is no widget for it on the dashboard
  • it does not provide a way to check that the public DNS has the proper IP
  • it doesn't play nice with multi-WAN and NAT
  • there is no way to force an update
  • settings are less granular (general verbosity vs per account, same for checkip provider)
  • not all checkip providers that were supported are still provided

There are several threads on this already, but like many others I was surprised a working and really comprehensive solution is being deprecated soon-ish (I think 6 months is inappropriate amount of time for migration) in favor of something that doesn't provide even a half of the "old" functionality. A good comparison would be how OpenBSD handles cases like this: when they rewrite something or throw away old cruft, they make sure the new candidate is better, not worse or at least on par with what the previous tool provided. I'm obviously not active in the development process, but maybe someone could clarify the urge of throwing away current dynamic DNS client now. I fail to see (even from the code maintenance perspective) the priority it's given today.

I understand the desire for OPNsense devs to offload most of maintenance/work to another project, but I don't really see ddclient as a good alternative for current phpDynDNS and what it has to offer. Not in this state. And I'm a little confused about maintenance cycle for this choice then: if OPNsense decided to add missing providers or functionality to the list themselves, will the patches go upstream? Given low maintenance for ddclient (also this (https://github.com/ddclient/ddclient/issues/380)), if there's a strategic decision has to be made in the end and current DynDNS client to be deprecated for good, I think inadyn would be a better option (simply because it's Joachim Wiberg – many abandoned projects thrive under his umbrella).

As for me.. I'd be really happy to see Linode DNS support in ddclient with support for subdomains, new API, etc. But even without it: so many good modern providers are there – Route53, Azure DNS, all flavors of Cloudflare, custom, DO, Hetzner; some IPv6-ready. For now I'll likely stay with os-dyndns until it stops working entirely, in which case I'll either fallback to alternatives the community will have ready (like os-dyndns hosted somewhere else) or dig into fixing and maintaining phpDynDNS myself. Because it's too good to die.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: FBachofner on April 11, 2022, 02:50:49 AM
I'm a new OpnSense user (about 3 days) and first time poster.

I thought I would post something helpful in this thread before pestering anyone with possible assistance requests elsewhere within these forums!  8)

NameCheap is previously acknowledged as working in this thread, but there seems to be no previous detailed instruction set for the "new" os-ddclient.

So, for assistance with getting dynamic DNS in a NameCheap account working with OpnSense, here's the exact "setup-fu"

Connecting OpnSense to NameCheap's "A+ Dynamic DNS Record" service

    Service: NameCheap
    Username: example.com  [ put your TLD in Username _ do NOT use the NC account Username ]
    Password: the "special" NameCheap Dynamic DNS password   [ NOT the NC account password ]
    Hostname: subdomain only [ or @ ... if you want all subdomains routed to this IP address ]
    Check ip method: Interface
    Force SSL: Yes
    Interface to monitor: WAN_Interface

It took me a while to figure out the Username issue as various other DynDNS update clientsI have used have treated this a bit differently!

Hopefully this will help future searchers with any challenges using OpnSense with NameCheap dynamic DNS services.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: Greelan on April 11, 2022, 05:09:47 AM
Good on you for taking the time to provide constructive information.

What I think would be ideal is for contributors to help expand the official docs as the ddclient plugin is developed. Then all of this sort of information is in one place and easily accessible:


Updates can be submitted by PR here:

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: FBachofner on April 14, 2022, 06:12:52 AM
Hi @Greenlan

Quote from: Greelan on April 11, 2022, 05:09:47 AM
Good on you for taking the time to provide constructive information.

You're welcome!  Paying it forward is great.  I think it is especially important in the open source arena where so many are volunteering in the first place.

I provide a ton of tech support to people who rarely reciprocate with other-kind help and often don't even pay the bills in the case that some are "clients," so I am particularly sensitive to this.

QuoteWhat I think would be ideal is for contributors to help expand the official docs as the ddclient plugin is developed. Then all of this sort of information is in one place and easily accessible:

Interesting.  I thought this sort of detail might be in the docs and actually looked there first, but found it entirely devoid of specific implementation details.

Do you really think that this fine granularity would be accepted?  [ A subsection would need to be added at minimum. ]
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: Greelan on April 14, 2022, 07:38:28 AM
Quote from: FBachofner on April 14, 2022, 06:12:52 AM
Do you really think that this fine granularity would be accepted?  [ A subsection would need to be added at minimum. ]

I can't speak for the devs, but I can't see why not. I'd imagine it would be similar to the pfSense documentation: https://docs.netgate.com/pfsense/en/latest/services/dyndns/client.html#providers-with-extra-or-different-settings
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: kev_johnson on April 30, 2022, 12:14:08 PM
I see reference in this thread (and also in the German support subforum) around the functionality of os-ddclient vs the (now considered legacy) Dynamic DNS client. As others have mentioned, FreeDNS leverages an access token to allow DNS updates without providing a username/password. This functionality works fine in the legacy client (you just provide the API token in the Password field when selecting FreeDNS as a provider), but if I do the same with os-ddclient I see errors in the logs because the username field is not populated.

Is it expected that this functionality will be coming to os-ddclient, or do I need to look at alternative ways to update for when the legacy client is deprecated?
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: gpb on April 30, 2022, 04:02:04 PM
If user name isn't used by freedns, can you just put any value in there and then see if it works?  Still worth noting of course.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: AF1E on April 30, 2022, 07:57:12 PM
I have been trying to get ddclient to work with google for weeks with no luck.  The old dynamic dns software used to work fine.  To test, I just installed ddclient on a raspberry pi and the first time I ran it all worked perfectly.  So I am still scratching my head about why it is not working in opnsense. 
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: fratotec on May 03, 2022, 03:55:00 PM
Same here.
I use the legacy ddclient without issues, using a gateway group for monitoring and update a cloudflare hostname via API token, so when one provider fails the DNS records are updated to the backup provider.

On the new ddclient is no option to monitor a gateway group and putting the API token as a password I get a "login=" is and invalid login error message.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: FBachofner on May 09, 2022, 11:08:23 PM
Quote from: FBachofner on April 11, 2022, 02:50:49 AM
It took me a while to figure out the Username issue as various other DynDNS update clientsI have used have treated this a bit differently!

Hopefully this will help future searchers with any challenges using OpnSense with NameCheap dynamic DNS services.


os-ddclient seems to have an issue when NameCheap has the wrong IP address but the OPNSense location has not experienced an IP change.

I rolled out OPNSense to a number of friends and clients based on my (very positive) experience over the past month.

To make rollout quicker, I pulled a backup of installation #1 to each of the other OPNSense locations (making changes to the config as appropriate rather than hand configuring every little thing . . .

In one instance (let's call it "installation X"), I forgot to unplug the router from the WAN and the os-ddclient immediately updated the my NameCheap account with the "correct" IP address to the wrong hostname.

IOW, installation 1 took on the IP address of installation X.

A day or two later when trying to access installation 1 remotely, I was now accessing "installation X" (pretty confusing for the first couple minutes!)

At installation 1, os-ddclient reports
Notice ddclient[61265] 63162 - [meta sequenceId="1"] SUCCESS: my-hostname: skipped: IP address was already set to www.xxx.yyy.zzz

At installation 1, the IP address had not changed . . . but at NC, the IP address was NOT, in fact "already set to" it.

It is, of course, trivial to update NameCheap manually (to "resynchronize" the IP address with the hostname at NameCheap), but os-ddclient should really have a more robust mechanism to check whether the dyndns service reflects the reality of the WAN address one is trying to report!

How does anyone else handle this?

Meanwhile, I guess I will report this at https://github.com/opnsense/plugins/issues
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: dirtyfreebooter on May 16, 2022, 04:12:28 PM

still pre-release, but ddclient on github is starting to see some recent development, as one thing missing from the current release is cloudflare token auth, etc. which that feature in particular has been checked into ddclient git for a couple of years at least...
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: jds on May 16, 2022, 09:10:18 PM
Quote from: CGrisamore on March 20, 2022, 01:51:27 PM
Adding this to the thread to help out other users of freemyip.com and to inform the developers of the current issue that requires workaround with this dynamic DDS provider.

freemyip.com doesn't require a username and password.  At the time your custom domain is created you are provided a token which is used to refresh your ip address when properly accessed.  freemyip.com supports ddclient and they provide a configuration (below) where you populate the username and password fields with your custom token

# Configuration for freemyip.com

Currently you cannot populate these values through the Opnsense web interface as the token includes an ampersand character and Opnsense restricts entry of an ampersand in the username field (see below)


You must edit the ddclient.conf file directly to enter your token in the two fields after which it works fine.

I don't think this works. At least, there is never a confirmation in the logs that it has connected.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: bunchofreeds on May 18, 2022, 11:55:49 PM
Has anyone had a chance to test the latest version of ddclient

from at least 3.10.0rc1

I'm wondering if it works with an API key with Cloudflare now
Changelog says yes - https://github.com/ddclient/ddclient/blob/develop/ChangeLog.md
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: linuxha on May 19, 2022, 02:45:27 PM
I'm using noip.com and I ran into the same issue and I changed the cmd line in /usr/local/etc/ddclient.conf

syslog=yes                  # log update msgs to syslog
pid=/var/run/ddclient.pid   # record PID in file.

# re0 is the Inet interface
use=cmd, cmd="/usr/local/opnsense/scripts/ddclient/checkip -i re0 -t 0 -s noip-ipv4",
protocol=noip, \
login=nom@example.com, \
password=NunAYurBusiness \

Once I switched it from -t 1 to -t 0 it started working.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: jondoe on May 29, 2022, 12:09:42 AM
Can someone post an example for custom /usr/local/etc/ddclient.conf for godaddy.com?

Thanks in advance.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: Layer8 on June 02, 2022, 11:50:29 AM
Quote from: bunchofreeds on May 18, 2022, 11:55:49 PM
Has anyone had a chance to test the latest version of ddclient

from at least 3.10.0rc1

I'm wondering if it works with an API key with Cloudflare now
Changelog says yes - https://github.com/ddclient/ddclient/blob/develop/ChangeLog.md

ddclient v 3.10.0 final is out since 2022-05-15 and supports Cloudflare API tokens.

Will CF API tokens be supported in the WebUI till opnsense 20.7 is out?

Yes i know, legacy plugins will further work on existing setups, but old dyndns plugin will not be installable on new setups once 20.7 is released?!
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: abaumann on June 02, 2022, 04:01:25 PM
How can I add an IPv6 entry for Hurricane Electric (Service: HE.net)?
In the old Dynamic DNS client is a service type HE.net for IPv4 and a Service type HE.net (v6) for IPv6.
Even if I check "Allow IPv6" in the General settings, I can't see something related to IPv6 in the logs.
Best and many thanks for your help
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: IsaacFL on June 02, 2022, 05:16:32 PM
Quote from: abaumann on June 02, 2022, 04:01:25 PM
How can I add an IPv6 entry for Hurricane Electric (Service: HE.net)?
In the old Dynamic DNS client is a service type HE.net for IPv4 and a Service type HE.net (v6) for IPv6.
Even if I check "Allow IPv6" in the General settings, I can't see something related to IPv6 in the logs.
Best and many thanks for your help

I have the same question for Cloudflare ipv6.  Either I can't figure out, or the ddclient has abandoned ipv6 support.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: Vesalius on June 02, 2022, 05:19:07 PM
Quote from: Layer8 on June 02, 2022, 11:50:29 AM

ddclient v 3.10.0 final is out since 2022-05-15 and supports Cloudflare API tokens.

Will CF API tokens be supported in the WebUI till opnsense 20.7 is out?

Yes i know, legacy plugins will further work on existing setups, but old dyndns plugin will not be installable on new setups once 20.7 is released?!

The post from Franco below suggests you will be able to install the old dyndns plugin on new setups once 22.7 is officially released.


Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: IsaacFL on June 02, 2022, 05:21:57 PM
Quote from: Vesalius on June 02, 2022, 05:19:07 PM
Quote from: Layer8 on June 02, 2022, 11:50:29 AM

ddclient v 3.10.0 final is out since 2022-05-15 and supports Cloudflare API tokens.

Will CF API tokens be supported in the WebUI till opnsense 20.7 is out?

Yes i know, legacy plugins will further work on existing setups, but old dyndns plugin will not be installable on new setups once 20.7 is released?!

The post from Franco below suggests you will be able to install the old dyndns plugin on new setups once 22.7 is officially released.


Actually, the way I read it, you WON'T be able to install it. It just won't deinstall if you already have it.

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: Vesalius on June 03, 2022, 08:21:15 PM
I guess we will need to @franco to expound then. My take is that "you can always use this and take it anywhere..."

# pkg create os-dyndns
Creating package for os-dyndns-1.27_2
# ls

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: skyeci2018 on June 05, 2022, 05:51:37 PM
I am using no ip on a test machine. Whilst my script file seems to work for the initial contact with no ip I dont see any further entries in the log file for when it polls for updates/checks?

How can I see if its polling every 5 minutes or how do you make it update every 5 minutes?

thanks :-\
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: TrueType on June 06, 2022, 12:15:08 PM
I agree there is no way to see if the connection is working. I want the feature "Cached IP" as can be shown in the DynDNS-plugin. Much easier to see if it's working..

I tried to install ddclient 2 times before and first time it was not working for me since cloudflare was not an option, then it was added so I tried again but then I could not see if it was working but I hoped it did since I  followed the instruction.
But then suddenly my Dynamic IP changed and when I was away and needed to connect to my server, poof, the ddclient had not updated as it should...
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: CGrisamore on June 06, 2022, 04:33:23 PM
From the OPNsense menu select the log file option under the Dynamic DNS selection.  In the upper right corner from the dropdown box select 'informational' and you will see details of the ddclient update activity as shown in the below screenshot
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: skyeci2018 on June 07, 2022, 01:24:32 PM
Thanks very much for your help . I will try this out.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: CGrisamore on June 07, 2022, 02:23:16 PM
While replying to another ddclient message thread today I reviewed my own ddclient.conf file and only then did I remember that I used the "verbose=yes" option in the config file to generate more log info.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: skyeci2018 on June 08, 2022, 09:13:32 PM
Thanks for your tip - I added the verbose entry and I can see another entry after 5 minutes so it appears to be working.

I do have one problem though - every time I reboot the machine the ddclient.conf reverts to the default file - why is it not saving the info after reboot?


Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: skyeci2018 on June 12, 2022, 08:03:21 AM
Can anyone help with this please?
I do have one problem  - every time I reboot the machine the ddclient.conf reverts to the default so my config is lost...

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: CGrisamore on June 12, 2022, 03:17:55 PM
Sorry for the delay in responding, I was out of town on vacation and didn't want to reboot my firewall remotely and risk losing access to my home network.

Back now and I just rebooted my OPNsense machine to test whether I am experiencing the same issue.

My ddclient.conf did not change as a result of a reboot and I verified that the date and timestamp on the ddclient.conf file is the same as prior to reboot.

Did you access the data using the OPNsense web interface or are you checking the file directly via ssh?  Reason I ask is that I had to edit the config file directly as my provider uses a token which contains an ampersand and the OPNsense web interface would not let me enter that value in the required field.  If I open up the web interface to review settings,  OPNsense shows me a blank field (because of the ampersand I expect) and it also does not display other values actually present in the ddclient.conf file (like the 'verbose = yes' option mentioned earlier). 

Point I am making is that on my own (working) setup, the OPNsense web interface does not show me all of the content actually in the ddclient.conf file and I am wondering if you are viewing the web interface, seeing missing content, and thinking that config file information has been overwritten.

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: skyeci2018 on June 12, 2022, 03:32:14 PM

Yes I am editing the file directly over ssh. I have 2 test units here and as soon as I reboot either of them the config I added to the .conf file is lost....no reboot all seems to work fine... the timestamp reverts back to the original file date etc
Both test units are running the latest versions of opnsense etc.

am at a loss with this issue.. someone else mentioned it further up the thread but that didn't get a response either.

I installed the package from the gui so I am not sure if this is the cause of the issue. How do you install the package manually?

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: CGrisamore on June 12, 2022, 03:45:10 PM
I should mention that I am running 22.1.7_1.  After upgrading to 22.1.8 I reverted because of the alias problem and as I was getting ready to leave town I didn't upgrade after the hotfix was issued because I didn't want to risk a problem.

Like you I installed the ddclient package from the GUI and once I realized that I needed to edit the config file directly I have done all subsequent work editing the file and not bothering with that section of the GUI. 

I wonder if you can revert one of your test systems to 22.1.7_1 to see whether you have uncovered an issue that is specific to 22.1.8_1?
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: skyeci2018 on June 12, 2022, 03:47:30 PM
Happy to try if someone can offer the command line :)

my current test box is on OPNsense 22.1.8_1
for my own sanity I tried the process from scratch again but the outcome is the same.

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: CGrisamore on June 12, 2022, 03:54:07 PM
below is the command I used to revert  (copied from the alias problem message thread)

opnsense-revert -r 22.1.7_1 opnsense

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: skyeci2018 on June 12, 2022, 04:01:00 PM
thanks I tried it but it failed - I might just rebuild it as the same version as yours and see if the issue is there or not. Its only a test box so I will do that
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: CGrisamore on June 13, 2022, 02:29:04 PM
This morning I upgraded to 22.1.8_1 and  rebooted afterwards.

ddclient continues to work and ddclient.conf time and date stamp remains unchanged and unaffected by rebooting.

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: skyeci2018 on June 13, 2022, 02:33:35 PM
All very odd. I did a full rebuild up to the latest version. Same issue after reboot. File and timestamp changed back to original file. Not sure what else I can do. Something is replacing the file upon a reboot.....annoyingly it works how I need but can't get it to keep the contents of the file...

Surely I can't be the only one with this issue..
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: CGrisamore on June 13, 2022, 02:43:08 PM
Yes, very confusing.  Have you considered using chmod to set permissions of ddclient.conf to read only? 
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: skyeci2018 on June 13, 2022, 03:01:39 PM
That sounds like a plan. I will try that tonight when I get home and report back...
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: tofflock on June 13, 2022, 03:36:50 PM
Quote from: skyeci2018 on June 13, 2022, 03:01:39 PM
That sounds like a plan. I will try that tonight when I get home and report back...

I would also be inclined to create another file in that directory (/usr/local/etc I believe) with your own file name and contents.  Do this before rebooting, and check that it survives the boot process.  This would help to eliminate a file system etc problem/feature - because I don't think we know anything about your test system.

Just a thought...

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: skyeci2018 on June 13, 2022, 04:03:32 PM
Hi Peter
I will do this too but the build is literally a fresh build with no changes by myself to the config.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: skyeci2018 on June 14, 2022, 01:49:45 PM
Hi Peter.

I can confirm a random file in the same folder survives a reboot. So far no luck in resolving it.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: AdSchellevis on June 14, 2022, 01:58:30 PM
if you want to use ddclient without the gui components, just install ddclient (and not os-ddclient), Any plugin will always flush the configuration files on disk with the contents as configured.....

pkg install ddclient

Should probably do the trick.

Best regards,

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: skyeci2018 on June 14, 2022, 02:02:07 PM
Thank you. I will try this later tonight.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: skyeci2018 on June 19, 2022, 07:43:08 PM
thanks to all for your help. I have now got it working with no deletion of the contents of my ddclient.conf config.
installed the package manually and then set it up using a free host name from dynu. They provided some basic script examples for ddclient which I have replicated into my conf file. Its updating every 5 minutes  as expected with confirmation in the sys log

ddclient[7427]   55641 - [meta sequenceId="1"] SUCCESS: mydomain.ddnsfree.com: skipped: IP address was already set to my address
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: CGrisamore on June 23, 2022, 04:26:07 PM
I performed the upgrade this morning to 22.1.9 (which included an update to the ddclient plugin).  After rebooting I found that my existing ddclient.conf file had been replaced with a newly generated version which contained the content previously entered in the OPNsense web interface.  I had manually edited my ddclient.conf file as my provider uses a token which contains an ampersand and the OPNsense web form would not allow entry of an ampersand so had I not spotted this I would have been left with a nonworking configuration.

Heads up to all who have manually customized ddclient.conf, after upgrading  check your ddclient.conf  file located in /usr/local/etc directory.  Lucky I had a copy saved elsewhere that I could transfer to the OPNsense box.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: xboarder56 on June 26, 2022, 03:31:33 AM
Hi All,

Edit: solution was to disable force ssl

Trying to configure DDclient on 22.1.9 but running into the following error (replaced IP):

2022-06-25T18:29:04-07:00 Notice ddclient[82993] 84797 - [meta sequenceId="4"] WARNING: Wait at least 5 minutes between update attempts.
2022-06-25T18:29:04-07:00 Notice ddclient[82993] 84797 - [meta sequenceId="3"] WARNING: last updated <never> but last attempt on Sat Jun 25 18:28:53 2022 failed.
2022-06-25T18:29:04-07:00 Notice ddclient[82993] 84797 - [meta sequenceId="2"] WARNING: skipping update of example.com from <nothing> to
2022-06-25T18:29:04-07:00 Notice ddclient[82993] 84222 - [meta sequenceId="1"] WARNING: file /var/tmp/ddclient.cache, line 3: Invalid Value for keyword 'ip' = ''
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: jondoe on June 27, 2022, 04:18:45 AM
I have updated to 22.1.9 with ddclient 3.9.1. GoDaddy is still not available in the GUI. How Do I configure GoDaddy in /usr/local/etc/ddclient.conf?
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: skyeci2018 on June 27, 2022, 10:18:49 PM
I upgraded and encountered no issues with my conf file after the process completed. Will we get a widget sometime like was possible before?

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: andersgo@gmail.com on June 28, 2022, 07:39:27 PM
I finally managed to get my DynDNS to work with ddclient

checkip -t 1/0 did not provide any reply. Removing it completely worked

# /usr/local/opnsense/scripts/ddclient/checkip -i re0 -s dyndns
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: TrueType on July 10, 2022, 08:03:30 PM
It shouldn't be this hard to get it working when the last plugin was working flawlessly, please someone with developing skills look into this thread..
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: franco on July 11, 2022, 08:51:10 AM
That's a strange way to continue a thread and virtually nobody had feedback on 1.8 yet which brought a few improvements, although I don't know about "someone with developing skills" ;)
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: dinguz on July 13, 2022, 08:12:14 PM
I thought I'd give ddclient a try after upgrading to 22.7-rc1, as I couldn't get it to work with 22.1
The log file says it can't determine my ip address, however it's shown in the web interface.
Any ideas as to what is wrong?
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: hescominsoon on July 15, 2022, 02:22:18 AM
it's broken..has been for a while... ;) ;D
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: franco on July 15, 2022, 11:49:38 AM
Checkip method "interface" is probably suboptimal on a point to point interface. Feel free to open a bug report with ddclient on this.

But that's why the remote check services exist. Though some of those don't work on HTTPS for whatever reason (dyndns).

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: jclendineng on July 17, 2022, 02:42:34 AM
Im assuming the legacy dyndns client is going away in the new update? If so I need to migrate all the cloudflare sites to the new system but I dont see a cloudflare API option in the "new" plugin.  How are people managing cloudflare dns updates in this plugin? Also if we are keeping the "legacy" plugin in some form Id prefer that as it just works for all our sites.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: chemlud on July 17, 2022, 10:39:09 AM
Quote from: jclendineng on July 17, 2022, 02:42:34 AM
Im assuming the legacy dyndns client is going away in the new update? If so I need to migrate all the cloudflare sites to the new system but I dont see a cloudflare API option in the "new" plugin.  How are people managing cloudflare dns updates in this plugin? Also if we are keeping the "legacy" plugin in some form Id prefer that as it just works for all our sites.

Many, many people have started many, many requests to keep the old but functional plugin. Nobody cares on the dev side. Sad but no way to change. I will stop updating until I have time and opportunity to switch all installs to the new plugin. It's a mess to say the least.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: mightyi on July 17, 2022, 04:08:02 PM
Can someone direct me to a guide to configure GoDaddy in the new ddclient?  I've been looking everywhere, but so far found nothing helpful!
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: SpeakinTelnet on July 17, 2022, 04:22:06 PM
Quote from: chemlud on July 17, 2022, 10:39:09 AM
Many, many people have started many, many requests to keep the old but functional plugin. Nobody cares on the dev side. Sad but no way to change. I will stop updating until I have time and opportunity to switch all installs to the new plugin. It's a mess to say the least.

Came here to see if others had the same complaint, I'm floored. Do you know of any way to keep opnsense updates to security only? Considering that ddclient hasn't received a real update in a while I don't see this beeing addressed in the near future
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: dnll on July 17, 2022, 07:59:35 PM
Quote from: mightyi on July 17, 2022, 04:08:02 PM
Can someone direct me to a guide to configure GoDaddy in the new ddclient?  I've been looking everywhere, but so far found nothing helpful!
I'm new to OPNsense (migrating from pfSense) and what I did is install ddclient and use it for Cloudflare DDNS (it works fine after some toying around) and use de legacy dyndns plugin for GoDaddy which is still supported under the latest stable OPNsense version.

I am also looking for GoDaddy to be properly added to the WebUI of ddclient in OPNsense.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: Vesalius on July 17, 2022, 08:29:27 PM
Quote from: chemlud on July 17, 2022, 10:39:09 AM
Quote from: jclendineng on July 17, 2022, 02:42:34 AM
Im assuming the legacy dyndns client is going away in the new update? If so I need to migrate all the cloudflare sites to the new system but I dont see a cloudflare API option in the "new" plugin.  How are people managing cloudflare dns updates in this plugin? Also if we are keeping the "legacy" plugin in some form Id prefer that as it just works for all our sites.

Many, many people have started many, many requests to keep the old but functional plugin. Nobody cares on the dev side. Sad but no way to change. I will stop updating until I have time and opportunity to switch all installs to the new plugin. It's a mess to say the least.

Quote from: SpeakinTelnet on July 17, 2022, 04:22:06 PM
Came here to see if others had the same complaint, I'm floored. Do you know of any way to keep opnsense updates to security only? Considering that ddclient hasn't received a real update in a while I don't see this beeing addressed in the near future

We keep ending up here even though the dyndns sky is not falling, early in this thread @franco stated OPNsense will not remove a pre-existing legacy dyndns install or configuration on update to 22.7 even if 22.7 no longer includes it. Also, using the example in his post below you will still be able to reinstall the legacy dyndns at the CLI on a new install of 22.7.

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: opn_nwo on July 19, 2022, 12:18:12 AM
I'm trying to follow this discussion, but I'm a bit confused. Does os-ddclient in 22.7 supports Cloudflare or not?
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: IsaacFL on July 19, 2022, 12:40:31 AM
Quote from: opn_nwo on July 19, 2022, 12:18:12 AM
I'm trying to follow this discussion, but I'm a bit confused. Does os-ddclient in 22.7 supports Cloudflare or not?

I have gotten it to work, but it only works with the global api and takes a lot of trial and error. 

Use your cloudflare email as the username, global API Key as password.  Use your top level (example.com) domain as zone, then hostnames (ipv4.example.com, host1.example.com).

IPv6 is problematic. There is no way to specify that it is ipv6, so if you have a dual stack (A and AAAA) host, it fails.  You can do as above, with a non-dual stack host (ipv6.example.com), if you use one of the external ipv6 only web methods. But it needs to be a separate entry.

You can force update, by going to command line, and entering: # ddclient -force

The old ddns worked much better. As far as I can tell ipv6 is no longer a priority to opnsense developers as they keep dropping from plugins.

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: meyergru on July 19, 2022, 08:45:21 AM
Quote from: IsaacFL on July 19, 2022, 12:40:31 AM
IPv6 is problematic. There is no way to specify that it is ipv6, so if you have a dual stack (A and AAAA) host, it fails.

That is not entirely correct: I added a switch "allow IPv6" in the advanced options a while ago. If you use that, IPv6 will effectively be preferred when available.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: IsaacFL on July 19, 2022, 03:13:46 PM
Quote from: meyergru on July 19, 2022, 08:45:21 AM
Quote from: IsaacFL on July 19, 2022, 12:40:31 AM
IPv6 is problematic. There is no way to specify that it is ipv6, so if you have a dual stack (A and AAAA) host, it fails.

That is not entirely correct: I added a switch "allow IPv6" in the advanced options a while ago. If you use that, IPv6 will effectively be preferred when available.

I should have been more clear. I was talking about the ability to create AAAA records vs A records. 

All "allow IPv6" does is put "ipv6=yes" in the config file which allows the use of ipv6 protocol to talk to the ddns service.

What is missing is the ability to specify you want to create AAAA record.

instead of:
use=if, if=ix0       which reads the ipv4 address and creates an A record

It needs:
usev6=if, if=ix0    this will read the ipv6 address and create an AAAA record.

If you have a dual stack host.example.com where you need both A and AAAA records created, I couldn't get that to work.  Seems to try to update the AAAA record with the ipv4 address which fails.

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: meyergru on July 19, 2022, 11:48:58 PM
You have to use a DDNS service that finds out the IPv6 by themselves when they are contacted via IPv6 and keep a given EUI-64, just change the prefix. That is what I do.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: bunchofreeds on July 21, 2022, 10:18:25 PM
What's the experience like now when using with Cloudflare?

e.g Is it all configured within the GUI and able to use an API Token (NOT the Global API)?

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: dnll on July 22, 2022, 06:34:02 AM
Quote from: bunchofreeds on July 21, 2022, 10:18:25 PM
What's the experience like now when using with Cloudflare?

e.g Is it all configured within the GUI and able to use an API Token (NOT the Global API)?

Only works with the global API. It does from the webUI however.

Sent from my Pixel 6 using Tapatalk

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: katamadone [CH] on July 22, 2022, 07:23:58 AM
Maybe it would be helpful, if there's a good place to create a wiki.
Because in the old client most accepted services were documentend where to enter what..
I've got Namecheap and Freedns (afraid.org) and the only thing I've struggled was to search where I should enter which things. Which is clearly not clear.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: AdSchellevis on July 22, 2022, 08:31:36 AM
If services require specific (non trivial) settings, one can open a PR to extend the docs here https://github.com/opnsense/docs/blob/master/source/manual/dynamic_dns.rst
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: Jetro on July 23, 2022, 02:42:28 PM
Hello everyone,

I'm a os-dyndns and NoIP user: never had issued.

Now I'm trying to move to os-ddclient but I can't find a way to make it work.

Any suggestion?

Thank you,
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: dnll on July 23, 2022, 04:14:48 PM
Quote from: Jetro on July 23, 2022, 02:42:28 PM
Hello everyone,

I'm a os-dyndns and NoIP user: never had issued.

Now I'm trying to move to os-ddclient but I can't find a way to make it work.

Any suggestion?

Thank you,
I suggest your start your own thread and add more details about what you have tried so far and what error you are getting if any.

Sent from my Pixel 6 using Tapatalk

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: athurdent on July 24, 2022, 01:01:17 PM
Late to the party, sorry.

Could not find a way to properly set the IONOS API update URL. It just needs to call that custom URL, nothing else. ( https://www.ionos.de/hilfe/domains/ip-adresse-konfigurieren/dynamisches-dns-ddns-einrichten-bei-company-name/ )

Also, even if it worked, no way to update it to a GW group anymore?
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: XeroX on July 24, 2022, 09:45:03 PM
Late to the party as well.

Is there a generic setting? Same as athurdents provider mine needs just a generic curl with creds.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: Ragai on July 25, 2022, 12:02:57 AM
Quote from: katamadone [CH] on July 22, 2022, 07:23:58 AM
Maybe it would be helpful, if there's a good place to create a wiki.
Because in the old client most accepted services were documentend where to enter what..
I've got Namecheap and Freedns (afraid.org) and the only thing I've struggled was to search where I should enter which things. Which is clearly not clear.

I, too, am using FreeDNS (afraid.org). I tried a few settings without any luck. I, even, tried looking at the ddclient code for any clues. Still no luck.

Did you get FreeDNS working?
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: chtse53 on July 25, 2022, 02:43:38 AM
Quote from: athurdent on July 24, 2022, 01:01:17 PM
Late to the party, sorry.

Could not find a way to properly set the IONOS API update URL. It just needs to call that custom URL, nothing else. ( https://www.ionos.de/hilfe/domains/ip-adresse-konfigurieren/dynamisches-dns-ddns-einrichten-bei-company-name/ )

Also, even if it worked, no way to update it to a GW group anymore?

I am also using IONOS API.  Since it is as simple as calling a custom URL, I just created a custom cron job to do it. Need not bother about the os-ddclient. 
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: katamadone [CH] on July 26, 2022, 07:59:33 AM
Quote from: Ragai on July 25, 2022, 12:02:57 AM
Quote from: katamadone [CH] on July 22, 2022, 07:23:58 AM
Maybe it would be helpful, if there's a good place to create a wiki.
Because in the old client most accepted services were documentend where to enter what..
I've got Namecheap and Freedns (afraid.org) and the only thing I've struggled was to search where I should enter which things. Which is clearly not clear.

I, too, am using FreeDNS (afraid.org). I tried a few settings without any luck. I, even, tried looking at the ddclient code for any clues. Still no luck.

Did you get FreeDNS working?

depends maybee also on the freeDNS Setting (did not get it work with token):
check your Settings under https://freedns.afraid.org/dynamic/v2/
The settings which are working:
Service: FreeDNS
Username: your FreeDNS User
Password: your Password
Hostname: Full subdomain name
Check IP: Interface
Force SSL: enabled
Interface to monitor: WAN
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: karlshea on July 27, 2022, 06:17:35 AM
Just a warning to anyone using Route53 that I strongly doubt it will be supported in the near future.

There's a helper class that dyndns currently uses that's like 700 lines of API request code (which probably does more than it needs, but it's still a lot) that would need to be ported over to ddclient, it's not as simple as just hitting a URL.

Other clients and OSes use those helper classes or the AWS shell CLI tools to work with the API, but this would have to get rewritten in Perl. I took a look at what might be needed but I've written about 30 lines of Perl in my whole life and am not sure I could get it done in a reasonable amount of time.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: defcon8 on July 27, 2022, 03:56:00 PM

Same here, using Dynamic DNS (Legacy):

"Please make sure to upgrade to os-ddclient before 22.7 is released as this plugin will be removed from our repository"

We use this plugin for years now using the "custom" profile. So that it just calls a specific URL whenever the WAN IP changes. I tried "os-ddclient" but there is no way add a custom URL.

Please add it or leave the old plugin.. it just works.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: Pocket_Sevens on July 27, 2022, 06:02:23 PM
In an earlier post, @franco mentioned:

« Reply #107 on: February 11, 2022, 01:01:18 pm »
Point 3 is especially important because a lot of complaints forget: we don't deinstall installed plugins. Even if 22.7 doesn't have it your upgrade will retain it.

And also you can always use this and take it anywhere...

# pkg create os-dyndns
Creating package for os-dyndns-1.27_2
# ls

So, the way I read this is, if we upgrade to 22.7, if we are using Legacy DDNS, it won't get deleted.  If we install from scratch, it looks like we've got the ability to rebuild the Legacy DDNS package.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: franco on July 27, 2022, 06:17:38 PM
A forward note from tomorrow's release notes:

The os-dyndns plugin is still available due to the fact that ddclient did not release a non-development release so far since we started os-ddclient.  Availability thereof might change later in 22.7.x.

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: bunchofreeds on July 27, 2022, 11:36:03 PM
Thanks for keeping dyndns in play for a little longer.

I just tried to switch to os-ddclient for Cloudflare using API token unsuccessfully
Tried adding this https://github.com/opnsense/plugins/issues/2842

Still couldn't get it to work.
Also the GUI config is pretty hard (impossible) to work out what you should put where.

Looking forward to os-ddclient catching up.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: XeroX on August 01, 2022, 09:41:11 PM
Quote from: chtse53 on July 25, 2022, 02:43:38 AM
Quote from: athurdent on July 24, 2022, 01:01:17 PM
Late to the party, sorry.

Could not find a way to properly set the IONOS API update URL. It just needs to call that custom URL, nothing else. ( https://www.ionos.de/hilfe/domains/ip-adresse-konfigurieren/dynamisches-dns-ddns-einrichten-bei-company-name/ )

Also, even if it worked, no way to update it to a GW group anymore?
I am also using IONOS API.  Since it is as simple as calling a custom URL, I just created a custom cron job to do it. Need not bother about the os-ddclient.

Using All-Inkl, however IONOS is straight forward with os-ddclient. Set to custom, set to DynDns2, post URL as mentioned for FritzBox, leave everything empty. Done.


Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: Ragai on August 02, 2022, 05:56:27 AM
Quote from: katamadone [CH] on July 26, 2022, 07:59:33 AM
Quote from: Ragai on July 25, 2022, 12:02:57 AM
Quote from: katamadone [CH] on July 22, 2022, 07:23:58 AM
Maybe it would be helpful, if there's a good place to create a wiki.
Because in the old client most accepted services were documentend where to enter what..
I've got Namecheap and Freedns (afraid.org) and the only thing I've struggled was to search where I should enter which things. Which is clearly not clear.

I, too, am using FreeDNS (afraid.org). I tried a few settings without any luck. I, even, tried looking at the ddclient code for any clues. Still no luck.

Did you get FreeDNS working?

depends maybee also on the freeDNS Setting (did not get it work with token):
check your Settings under https://freedns.afraid.org/dynamic/v2/
The settings which are working:
Service: FreeDNS
Username: your FreeDNS User
Password: your Password
Hostname: Full subdomain name
Check IP: Interface
Force SSL: enabled
Interface to monitor: WAN

Thanks. I tried it and it worked.
However, I noticed in the log that it pulled all 50 hosts in my account before updating the current host (the OPNsense one).
Not sure if getting the plugin to update based on the host name & the token is a huge job or not but I'll take a look at the plugin code

On the other hand, thanks to Franco & the OPNsense team for keeping the legacy plugin available for now till the ddclient matures.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: opnsenseuser on August 07, 2022, 10:53:04 AM
Quote from: XeroX on August 01, 2022, 09:41:11 PM
Quote from: chtse53 on July 25, 2022, 02:43:38 AM
Quote from: athurdent on July 24, 2022, 01:01:17 PM
Late to the party, sorry.

Could not find a way to properly set the IONOS API update URL. It just needs to call that custom URL, nothing else. ( https://www.ionos.de/hilfe/domains/ip-adresse-konfigurieren/dynamisches-dns-ddns-einrichten-bei-company-name/ )

Also, even if it worked, no way to update it to a GW group anymore?
I am also using IONOS API.  Since it is as simple as calling a custom URL, I just created a custom cron job to do it. Need not bother about the os-ddclient.

Using All-Inkl, however IONOS is straight forward with os-ddclient. Set to custom, set to DynDns2, post URL as mentioned for FritzBox, leave everything empty. Done.


use the Global API Key >> this works
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: opnsenseuser on August 07, 2022, 10:54:19 AM
Quote from: bunchofreeds on July 27, 2022, 11:36:03 PM
Thanks for keeping dyndns in play for a little longer.

I just tried to switch to os-ddclient for Cloudflare using API token unsuccessfully
Tried adding this https://github.com/opnsense/plugins/issues/2842

Still couldn't get it to work.
Also the GUI config is pretty hard (impossible) to work out what you should put where.

Looking forward to os-ddclient catching up.

use the Global api key >> this works

these are the setting you have to make:

## CloudFlare (www.cloudflare.com)
#protocol=cloudflare,        \
#zone=domain.tld,            \
#ttl=1,                      \
#login=your-login-email,     \ # Only needed if you are using your global API key.
#password=APIKey             \ # This is either your global API key, or an API token. If you are using an API token, it must have the permissions "Zone - DNS - Edit" and "Zone - Zone - Read". The Zone resources must be "Include - All zones".
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: guest34320 on August 14, 2022, 03:01:27 PM
Quote from: opnsenseuser on August 07, 2022, 10:53:04 AM
Quote from: XeroX on August 01, 2022, 09:41:11 PM
Quote from: chtse53 on July 25, 2022, 02:43:38 AM
Quote from: athurdent on July 24, 2022, 01:01:17 PM
Late to the party, sorry.

Could not find a way to properly set the IONOS API update URL. It just needs to call that custom URL, nothing else. ( https://www.ionos.de/hilfe/domains/ip-adresse-konfigurieren/dynamisches-dns-ddns-einrichten-bei-company-name/ )

Also, even if it worked, no way to update it to a GW group anymore?

I am also using IONOS API.  Since it is as simple as calling a custom URL, I just created a custom cron job to do it. Need not bother about the os-ddclient.

Using All-Inkl, however IONOS is straight forward with os-ddclient. Set to custom, set to DynDns2, post URL as mentioned for FritzBox, leave everything empty. Done.


use the Global API Key >> this works

Hello together,
i tried to setup DynDNS like mentioned before, but i'm stuck.
Every time i try to set the DynDNS Update URL, os-ddclient tells me that it isn't a valid input.

My Settings:
Service: Custom
Protocol: DynDny2
Server: empty
Username: empty
Password: empty
Hostnames: DynDNS updateURL
Check ip method: dyndns
Force SSL: enabled
Interface: WAN
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: sja1440 on August 25, 2022, 03:22:26 PM
I am using a fully updated (on 2022-08-25) OPNSense version 22.7.2 commit  412c0b79c.

I use clouddns and I do not see how I can configure os-ddclient for this.

With the old client I use a Service type of Custom and provide an update URL similar to https://ipv4.cloudns.net/api/dynamicURL/?q=MYAPIKEY

I see that an issue regarding this has been opened at https://github.com/opnsense/plugins/issues/2880

Does anyone know of a workaround?  Or must I wait until issue 2880 is resolved?

UPDATE: 2022-09-02 Alas I see that issue 2880 has been automatically closed by the bot.  Does this mean that CloudDNS will never be supported by the OPNSense port of ddclient?
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: skyeci2018 on August 27, 2022, 08:42:22 AM
Hoping someone can help? - I have my ddclient working just fine apart from I have changed the interval for updates but ddclient is still updating every 5 minutes. I set it to 3600 as 1 hr check is fine for me but the logs show even after a reboot this setting is being ignored..I am using daemon=3600

Can anyone offer some advice please?

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: peters on September 05, 2022, 05:14:55 PM
using freedns... ddclient doesn't work
ddclient[60951] 62535 - [meta sequenceId="21"] FAILED:   Could not get freedns update URLs from freedns.afraid.org

This message is not very helpful.

Please make sure to upgrade to os-ddclient before 22.7 is released as this plugin will be removed from our repository

dyndns legacy works...
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: Ragai on September 06, 2022, 02:22:18 AM
Using FreeDNS account credentials and server FQDN works
Using the host FQDN & token as the old plugin used to, will not work.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: OmnomBánhmì on September 14, 2022, 10:38:07 AM
I'm in the no-ip.com boat, and am using groups. This piece of information https://www.noip.com/support/knowledgebase/limit-hostnames-updated-dynamic-dns-client/ is what helped me:

QuoteSome clients don't like a colon( : ) character as a separator, you can use the url encoded colon character %3A, %23, or # if you run into this issue.

As noted above, the OPNsense UI does not do a good job, substituting %3A was rejected there. Also, I was getting badauth from debugging on the commandline before the change.

So the login parameter in /usr/local/etc/ddclient.conf needs this. Note the login line has %3A instead of a colon between groupname and username. Also, I don't explicitly specify an interface since my OPNsense is an exposed host behind another router.

syslog=yes                  # log update msgs to syslog
pid=/var/run/ddclient.pid   # record PID in file.

# the Inet interface is implicit
use=cmd, cmd="/usr/local/opnsense/scripts/ddclient/checkip -t 0 -s noip-ipv4",
protocol=noip, \
login=group%3Anom@example.com, \
password=NunAYurBusiness \
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: chemlud on October 03, 2022, 12:45:09 PM
I know, the old dynDNS plugin still alive, but I want to give the new ddclient a try:

In "custom" there is absolutely no way to add a single update URL-Username-PW-Domain provided by the DynDNS service of my choice?

Can anybody help out on this?

Is it possible to install both old and new plugin at the same time and use both?
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: webermax on October 12, 2022, 09:22:58 PM
It is hard to understand why the simplest implementation (plain http get) does not work for so long now, while the legacy plugin has always worked?  >:(
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: Tuxtom007 on October 29, 2022, 08:49:53 AM
Is there anything new on the subject of "UpdateURL"?
My new DynDNS provider only allows the use of update URL with user/key, no login with user + password.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: chemlud on October 29, 2022, 06:10:26 PM
Try the old plugin. If it is removed by devs we are all f*cked...
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: Tuxtom007 on October 30, 2022, 08:00:00 AM
Quote from: chemlud on October 29, 2022, 06:10:26 PM
Try the old plugin. If it is removed by devs we are all f*cked...
The old plugin works very well
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: Tuxtom007 on November 01, 2022, 09:00:34 AM
Just tested again with os-ddclient, the DynDNS provider has made changes on their side.
User: none
Password: Key

with IPv4 it works with warning messages in the log:
( 18264 - [meta sequenceId="1"] FAILED: updating xxxxx.yyyy.net: {"status":"success","ip":{"ipv4":"x.x.x.x"},"info":"nochg"}: unexpected status () )

( IP and domain made unrecognisable )

The update on the IPv4 side works halfway, the IPv6 address is completely ignored, so the client is currently unusable for IPv6.

The old version, on the other hand, works perfectly fine for both ( IPv4 & IPv6 ).

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: japp2t on November 02, 2022, 07:51:22 AM
I read reports here of people using a dual stack setup but I can't seem to get it to work.

I have one DNS entry that I want to change A and AAAA entry for.
But apparently ddclient uses only one config / cache per hostname so it seems to only ever update the A record.

Both config entry's get the correct address, when I remove the IPv4 entry IPv6 / AAAA works.

It just doesn't seem to work with two entry's with the same hostname.

Anything I missed?
Any workarounds?
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: Tuxtom007 on November 03, 2022, 11:46:45 AM
I can not say whether the part works for me, as long as I do not get a new IP and that takes quite a long time with the cable connection.

Force update is not possible, restart from the router or OPNSense brings nothing.
The last updates at the DynDNS provider are days old
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: franco on November 03, 2022, 01:36:37 PM
Force cronjob was not shown due to a typo, fixed in 22.7.7.

We are trying to get the final 3.10.0 into FreeBSD ports currently to progress this... https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=267323

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: chemlud on November 03, 2022, 02:00:13 PM
Quote from: Tuxtom007 on November 03, 2022, 11:46:45 AM
I can not say whether the part works for me, as long as I do not get a new IP and that takes quite a long time with the cable connection.

Force update is not possible, restart from the router or OPNSense brings nothing.
The last updates at the DynDNS provider are days old

Have you tried to spoof a fresh MAC to your WAN interface? :-)
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: IsaacFL on November 03, 2022, 05:27:28 PM
Quote from: japp2t on November 02, 2022, 07:51:22 AM
I read reports here of people using a dual stack setup but I can't seem to get it to work.

I have one DNS entry that I want to change A and AAAA entry for.
But apparently ddclient uses only one config / cache per hostname so it seems to only ever update the A record.

Both config entry's get the correct address, when I remove the IPv4 entry IPv6 / AAAA works.

It just doesn't seem to work with two entry's with the same hostname.

Anything I missed?
Any workarounds?

I can confirm it is the case that you can't create a single hostname with both A and AAAA records.  I think this is a limitation of ddclient.  Work around might be to use CNAME records on your DNS registry?
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: japp2t on November 03, 2022, 08:00:23 PM
Quote from: IsaacFL on November 03, 2022, 05:27:28 PM
I can confirm it is the case that you can't create a single hostname with both A and AAAA records.  I think this is a limitation of ddclient.  Work around might be to use CNAME records on your DNS registry?

But (if I understand you correctly) I would have to create two CNAME records (one for A, one for AAAA) which is not possible.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: IsaacFL on November 03, 2022, 08:08:57 PM
Quote from: japp2t on November 03, 2022, 08:00:23 PM
Quote from: IsaacFL on November 03, 2022, 05:27:28 PM
I can confirm it is the case that you can't create a single hostname with both A and AAAA records.  I think this is a limitation of ddclient.  Work around might be to use CNAME records on your DNS registry?

But (if I understand you correctly) I would have to create two CNAME records (one for A, one for AAAA) which is not possible.

I said "might". I know cloudflare does not allow me to. But I have been told some dns might? If you need both you will probably have to use the legacy ddns plugin.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: Tuxtom007 on November 11, 2022, 04:16:10 PM
I have now found a working solution for my DynDNS:
- ddclient uninstalled
- shell-script created
- curl calls of the update URL
- cronjob created
- runs with IPv4 and IPv6 and two domains.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: Orest on November 28, 2022, 10:43:20 PM
Has anyone gotten ddclient to work with NameCheap? I was moving to ddclient today after my update to 22.7 and successfully installed ddclient-3.9.1.

It did not work when configuring it using the provided GUI, and filling in the hostname, login, password. After some testing, I figured out the issue, but its not something I can fix.

First, using dyndns as the "Check ip method", did not find my domain. Using freedns resolved that issue. Can't exactly confirm thats a ddclient issues, but it could be an issue with dyndns endpoint; I didn't go down that rabbit hole.

Second, looking at the logs under /var/log/ddclient/latest.log, I was able to see the request that is being used to update the IP entry, and it looks like this (matching the GUI variables):


Matching these variables to ddclient.conf, I see hostname is as at the bottom, login is username, and password is password.

syslog=yes                  # log update msgs to syslog
pid=/var/run/ddclient.pid   # record PID in file.

use=cmd, cmd="/usr/local/opnsense/scripts/ddclient/checkip -i eth0 -t 1 -s freedns --timeout 10",
protocol=namecheap, \
login=username, \
password=NameCheapAPIKey \

I don't know anything about the dynamicdns api, or what it expects, but seeing "username" / "login" as the domain, made no sense to me. It would explain why I saw this error:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?><interface-response><Command>SETDNSHOST</Command><Language>eng</Language><ErrCount>1</ErrCount><errors><Err1>Domain name not found</Err1></errors><ResponseCount>1</ResponseCount><responses><response><Description>Domain name not found</Description><ResponseNumber>316153</ResponseNumber><ResponseString>Validation error; not found; domain name(s)</ResponseString></response></responses><Done>true</Done><debug><![CDATA[]]></debug></interface-response>

My username is clearly not my domain.

So I played around with the request a bit, and found that the below url worked:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?><interface-response><Command>SETDNSHOST</Command><Language>eng</Language><IP>{Public_IP}</IP><ErrCount>0</ErrCount><errors /><ResponseCount>0</ResponseCount><responses /><Done>true</Done><debug><![CDATA[]]></debug></interface-response>

Checking the DNS records on NameCheap I saw it updated the A record.

While I can just create a cron job / script to do this for me, I'd rather use the plugin since thats available to me and I can manage it via the web GUI.

If anyone has a solution that works with the current version of ddclient, I'd greatly appreciate it.

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: RunRunBunBun on December 08, 2022, 05:08:03 PM
Quote from: Orest on November 28, 2022, 10:43:20 PM
Has anyone gotten ddclient to work with NameCheap? I was moving to ddclient today after my update to 22.7 and successfully installed ddclient-3.9.1.

Hiya. Just sorted out my ddclient with NameCheap as my DDNS got knocked out in the past day or two whereas it was working before. Not sure if it was NameCheap side or ddclient side changes as I had not pushed updates... Anyhow;

I followed this from NameCheap as a starting point. https://www.namecheap.com/support/knowledgebase/article.aspx/9356/11/how-to-configure-a-ddwrt-router/

Example attached, but in short:

Enabled: Ticked
Service: NameCheap
Username: yourdomain.com (replace with your domain name, in your case blah.com)
Password: the one namecheap gives you when you config DDNS
Hostname: @ (this will direct to blah.com)
Check ip method: Interface
Force SSL: Ticked
Interface to Monitor: WAN

Mine seems to be working now but we'll see. Hope it helps others.

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: dcol on December 21, 2022, 12:25:06 AM
Anyone know the correct way to use DNS Made Easy with ddclient?
I saw a post that showed
Filled in with my info, but not sure where to enter it. I have a Business membership but not sure if I need Enterprise service, which is very expensive.
I also have dyndns service. I know I would need to move my registrar delegations, but not until I know that will work.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: dcol on December 21, 2022, 04:36:05 PM
DNS Made Easy has its own DNS client program that seems to work fine, but you have to run it in a Windows computer. I am sure if their tiny utility can do it, so can OPNsense somehow.

Anyone know how to configure that in ddclient, or is a futile task?
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: CGrisamore on December 21, 2022, 05:23:23 PM
Looking at the ddclient github site their master config file shows that it supports dns made easy (see required syntax below). 

## DNS Made Easy (https://dnsmadeeasy.com) ##

You may have to manually edit the ddclient.conf file located in the /usr/local/etc directory on your OPNsense box
to populate it with all of the required parameters.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: dcol on December 21, 2022, 05:32:28 PM
Thanks for your response.
Do you mean adding this to ddclient.conf

## DNS Made Easy ##

Right now this is all that exits in ddclient.conf
syslog=yes                  # log update msgs to syslog
pid=/var/run/ddclient.pid   # record PID in file.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: CGrisamore on December 21, 2022, 05:38:48 PM
Yes.  Add new lines to ddclient.conf with the dns made easy parameters outlined in the earlier message and (obviously) replace the placeholder labels with your real username password and whatever that record id parameter is.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: dcol on December 21, 2022, 06:13:25 PM
Doesn't work. Do I need to put anything in the Dynamic DNS settings?
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: CGrisamore on December 21, 2022, 06:19:39 PM
Did you enable it?
What do you see in the log?
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: dcol on December 21, 2022, 06:48:49 PM
Yes enabled in Dynamic DNS General. Do I need to also create an account, or are the settings in ddclient.conf sufficient.
Nothing in the Dynamic DNS log, but in the backend I get
Script action stderr returned "b"pgrep: Cannot open pidfile `/var/run/ddclient.pid': No such file or directory""
That file does exist in that directory
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: dcol on December 21, 2022, 07:31:14 PM
I got the legacy Dynamic DNS to work easily. But that is being depreciated. Need ddclient to work or a better plugin. I just can't get ddclient to work.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: CGrisamore on December 21, 2022, 07:32:12 PM
Did you create and save an entry on the Dynamic DNS settings page like screenshots below?


Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: dcol on December 21, 2022, 07:56:22 PM
I didn't use custom. I used DNS Made Easy as the service. Not sure what to use for the server using your example. I assume I do not need the ID record, just the hostname.

Would the server be https://cp.dnsmadeeasy.com/servlet/updateip?username=<username>&password=<password>&id=<Record ID>&ip=%IP%
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: CGrisamore on December 21, 2022, 08:25:29 PM
I use custom as my provider isn't on the drop-down list. Since yours is an available selection I'd stick with what you've got.  For server I think its just going to be dnsmadeeasy.com.  The username and password entries should go in the designated blanks. As I don't use your provider I'm not positive whether the record id is your domain name (but I suspect that it probably is) which means I'd put that value in the hostname field.

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: dcol on December 21, 2022, 09:51:22 PM
No good using Custom or DNS Made Easy for the service. Please post if anyone has DNS Made Easy working please post the settings. Went back to legacy Dynamic DNS which works fine.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: dcol on December 23, 2022, 04:38:05 PM
Seeing from lack of responses. ddclient just doesn't work with DNS Made Easy. I hope the devs come up with a better solution.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: franco on January 09, 2023, 02:19:50 PM
We will likely move forward in 23.1 with ddclient 3.10.0 inclusion despite FreeBSD ports "stalling" the effort. Also, a number of providers got added being supported now and on top of that Ad implemented custom Python handler support with dyndns2 and Azure integration.

I still think there is a misconception involving demand in the user base, capability of existing tools and effort involved in progressing this. It's a difficult topic and likely always will be.

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: dcol on January 09, 2023, 03:38:33 PM
I did get it to work and posted the fix in another thread.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: goodsec_de on March 03, 2023, 12:46:26 PM
Sorry to bother you guys, but I am using ddclient for dynDNS with no-ip (subscription).

The logs are kind of frustrating.
The settings, as far as I understand, are correct.
Nonetheless it does neither show the IP nor the last date updated...


Funny thing, I cannot start the service. It kind of crashes. I don't get it.

What's your advice?
Thanks for your help in advance and kind regards!
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: abulafia on March 24, 2023, 12:28:12 AM
I'm spamming this advice as it was "hidden" on github:

How to enable ddclient cloudflare API token use:

username:   token           (!!)
password:   API Token

(taken from Github - just tried it on 23.1 and it works. Goodbye Global API Key!)
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: IsaacFL on March 27, 2023, 06:30:01 PM
Quote from: abulafia on March 24, 2023, 12:28:12 AM
I'm spamming this advice as it was "hidden" on github:

How to enable ddclient cloudflare API token use:

username:   token           (!!)
password:   API Token

(taken from Github - just tried it on 23.1 and it works. Goodbye Global API Key!)

I just tried this, and could not get it to work.  What do you mean by Username: token? My cloudflare does not have a token other than the API token?  I have a Zone ID or a Account ID and neither seem to work as username.  Get failed with " Could not connect to api.cloudflare.com/client/v4."
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: abulafia on April 01, 2023, 08:19:49 PM
Username should be either empty or just use the word "token". That tells ddclient to use the API token bearer mechanics. You then put your (newly generated) API token into the password field.

Note: The API token is NOT the same as your Global API Key. See https://developers.cloudflare.com/fundamentals/api/get-started/create-token/. Your token needs both DNS Read and DNS Write permissions. Lots of tutorials on the interweb.

Do NOT use any kind of individual username (such as Zone ID, account ID, email, etc.) - if you do, only your Global API Key works.

Also note this is for OPNsense 23.1 -- not sure if it already works for 22.1 legacy series.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: simon45 on April 23, 2023, 05:37:25 PM
I could not get it to work (yet) with ClouDNS, despite being supported. The log file are not of much help and have the wrong severity

2023-04-23T17:26:01   Notice   ddclient[53534]   54357 - [meta sequenceId="2"] WARNING: skipping host: www.somehost.com: 'dynurl=' is an invalid string.

And I don't get why there is no simple update URL call anymore. The URL contains something like an API key, which is specific to that domain. So pretty limited attack surface. ClouDNS supports that part without the need to enter my administrative password anywhere in a client. Cybersecurity matters.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: simon45 on April 23, 2023, 05:54:06 PM
I had a look at the ddclient perl script part for ClouDNS. And as far as I can tell, the parameter used in ddclient (dynurl) is likely not available in OPNsense UI.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: mm23282236 on April 23, 2023, 07:55:20 PM
Quote from: simon45 on April 23, 2023, 05:37:25 PM
I could not get it to work (yet) with ClouDNS, despite being supported. The log file are not of much help and have the wrong severity

2023-04-23T17:26:01   Notice   ddclient[53534]   54357 - [meta sequenceId="2"] WARNING: skipping host: www.somehost.com: 'dynurl=' is an invalid string.

And I don't get why there is no simple update URL call anymore. The URL contains something like an API key, which is specific to that domain. So pretty limited attack surface. ClouDNS supports that part without the need to enter my administrative password anywhere in a client. Cybersecurity matters.
Quote from: simon45 on April 23, 2023, 05:54:06 PM
I had a look at the ddclient perl script part for ClouDNS. And as far as I can tell, the parameter used in ddclient (dynurl) is likely not available in OPNsense UI.

Any luck getting this working? I get the same error messages.

Also, I have a set of round robin hosts setup in CloudNS and use the URL/token to update only one of the hosts in the group. As it stands right now, I don't see a way to set this to pick the right hostname to update without an identifier.

Edit: I didn't realize you just posted this a little bit ago... I guess we are in the same boat!
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: dcol on April 30, 2023, 11:02:29 PM
Please, Please, Please devs. Don't get rid of the legacy plug-in. OS-DDCLIENT STILL NOT WORKING!!!!!
OPNsense will lose important functionality if this happens. Even github acknowledges ddclient has issues.

I tried the patches, using API tokens, nothing works, or continues to work. Got it to work ONCE. Not working anymore. I feel ddclient should be scrapped until something better comes along. The legacy plug-in just works. Remove it and reduce the functionality. Does this make sense?
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: depc80 on May 07, 2023, 04:04:56 PM
I tried DD-Client, change Services: Dynamic DNS: General Settings - Backend to OPNesne and it works for IPv6 without changing anything in config file. However, i get error message failed to set new ip None [{"result":null,"success":false,"errors":[{"code":9005,"message":"Content for A record must be a valid IPv4 address."}],"messages":[]}]
Seems like ddclient try to update WAN private IP instead of public IP. For now I use dydns for IPv4 and, ddclient for Ipv6.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: chemlud on May 07, 2023, 04:56:15 PM
Please note that 23.7 will kill dyndns (apparently ddclient will be the successor).
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: dcol on May 07, 2023, 07:25:38 PM
I assume that will only affect new installs. If you already have the legacy installed, it should continue to function.
It is a huge mistake to remove it since the replacement has so many issues. Why are they doing this?
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: AdSchellevis on May 07, 2023, 07:52:54 PM
....Why are they doing this?

Because it's unmaintainable code and we don't plan to invest in it (go back a couple of pages.. https://forum.opnsense.org/index.php?topic=26446.msg127896#msg127896), for that reason we invested in building the wrappers for the dyndns client everyone else seemed to be using, we even build an alternative implementation (https://github.com/opnsense/plugins/commit/ef91a6b4f9feef7b412ab4a98f14f452d0c187ac) when it turned out long term ddclient does seem to be dying (https://github.com/ddclient/ddclient/issues/528).

At the end of the day, there seem to be much more people complaining than contributing.....

After upgrades it won't be installed, but at some point it will stop working and nobody will care. My advise would be to try the new backend in os-ddclient and prepare for a world without the old plugin.

Best regards,


Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: dcol on May 07, 2023, 08:39:32 PM
People complain when something doesn't work.
I just updated and ddclient doesn't update the Current IP or date in the GUI.
Also I get the logs filled with errors like this
2261-10-26T16:44:30-07:00   Notice   ddclient[87555]   43051 - [meta sequenceId="42"] FAILED: updating www.<xxx>.com: Could not connect to api.cloudflare.com/client/v4.   
2261-10-26T16:44:30-07:00   Notice   ddclient[87555]   42221 - [meta sequenceId="41"] WARNING: cannot connect to api.cloudflare.com:443 socket: Name does not resolve IO::Socket::IP configuration failed
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: chemlud on May 07, 2023, 09:15:48 PM
Quote from: AdSchellevis on May 07, 2023, 07:52:54 PM
....Why are they doing this?

Because it's unmaintainable code and we don't plan to invest in it (go back a couple of pages.. https://forum.opnsense.org/index.php?topic=26446.msg127896#msg127896), for that reason we invested in building the wrappers for the dyndns client everyone else seemed to be using, we even build an alternative implementation (https://github.com/opnsense/plugins/commit/ef91a6b4f9feef7b412ab4a98f14f452d0c187ac) when it turned out long term ddclient does seem to be dying (https://github.com/ddclient/ddclient/issues/528).

At the end of the day, there seem to be much more people complaining than contributing.....

After upgrades it won't be installed, but at some point it will stop working and nobody will care. My advise would be to try the new backend in os-ddclient and prepare for a world without the old plugin.

Best regards,



Sorry, but there are much, much, much more users than programmers with sufficient expertise to contribute to a security project such as an opensorce router/firewall... ;-)

Kind regards

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: almodovaris on May 08, 2023, 02:03:23 AM
Well, but inadyn seems to be alive and kicking.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: franco on May 08, 2023, 11:02:06 AM
And I'm sure DynDNS is not a systemic failure at all having two cases where that is so. The third time is the charm perhaps...

To be frank I think we are looking at state of the art here no matter how badly its perceived. It is what it is (not).

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: chemlud on May 08, 2023, 04:23:59 PM
Yeah, but the experience for many users is: This functionallity has been up and running for YEARS and problems started by "solving problem" that were non-existent to most users of dynDNS.... ;-)
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: depc80 on May 09, 2023, 07:21:51 AM
Quote from: chemlud on May 07, 2023, 04:56:15 PM
Please note that 23.7 will kill dyndns (apparently ddclient will be the successor).
23.7 seems like a long way no? We're at 23.1.7 so I guess I can chill for now.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: Patrick M. Hausen on May 09, 2023, 08:37:08 AM
Quote from: depc80 on May 09, 2023, 07:21:51 AM
23.7 seems like a long way no? We're at 23.1.7 so I guess I can chill for now.
23.1 in January 2023, 23.7 in July 2023, ... there won't be 23.[2-6].
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: franco on May 09, 2023, 09:00:15 AM
Quote from: chemlud on May 08, 2023, 04:23:59 PM
Yeah, but the experience for many users is: This functionallity has been up and running for YEARS and problems started by "solving problem" that were non-existent to most users of dynDNS.... ;-)

If only we had not bothered to keep it alive at all perhaps you'd be more favourable towards how we would end up here sooner. Personally, I don't want this thankless job of fiddling with DynDNS getting complained at either way. It has to stop.

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: chemlud on May 09, 2023, 04:11:20 PM
Quote from: franco on May 09, 2023, 09:00:15 AM
Quote from: chemlud on May 08, 2023, 04:23:59 PM
Yeah, but the experience for many users is: This functionallity has been up and running for YEARS and problems started by "solving problem" that were non-existent to most users of dynDNS.... ;-)

If only we had not bothered to keep it alive at all perhaps you'd be more favourable towards how we would end up here sooner. Personally, I don't want this thankless job of fiddling with DynDNS getting complained at either way. It has to stop.


Hi franco, I asked for an amount of money to fix this once and for ever (one of the various threads we had on this topic over the last year(s?) ), but iirc I never got an answer. For me this would  be the only professional way forward, if the dynDNS functionality is not considered an integral part of a router/firewall for those many, many users without a fixed public IP on WAN... ;-)

I'm looking for solutions, not problems.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: whatever on May 10, 2023, 05:19:39 AM
Hey, just something that might be helpful for those who use a dynamic dns service that isn't supported/working properly with ddclient.

I use namecheap, which is only supported using 'ddclient' as the backend. But I have a particular setup in which my "default" gateway is a gateway group comprised of three wireguard gateways. Using 'Interface' as the IP check method and selecting WAN, ddclient always detects my wireguard IP, despite WAN being selected as the interface. It would probably work just fine with a more "vanilla" setup.

Anyway, what I ended up doing and which may be helpful to others, is using dns-o-matic. It's more of a "meta" dynamic dns service in that it can update your IP at your dynamic dns service without you having to switch your dynamic dns provider. I created an account with dns-o-matic. And using dns-o-matic (and configuring ddclient to use dns-o-matic rather than namecheap) detects the correct IP and everything works properly and my IP is updated in my namecheap dashboard. It's not the ideal solution but it works.

Maybe everyone already knows this and I just stated the obvious. But I didn't know and it helped me out.

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: depc80 on May 10, 2023, 06:20:56 AM
Quote from: pmhausen on May 09, 2023, 08:37:08 AM
Quote from: depc80 on May 09, 2023, 07:21:51 AM
23.7 seems like a long way no? We're at 23.1.7 so I guess I can chill for now.
23.1 in January 2023, 23.7 in July 2023, ... there won't be 23.[2-6].

Anyway, I got both IPv4 and IPv6 update by changing backend to OPNsense and use ip4only.me, nsupdate-info.ipv6 for Check IP method instead of interfacev4 & v6.

Btw @franco ip6only.me is a dead site, it is ip6.me i think.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: franco on May 10, 2023, 08:30:37 AM
Quote from: depc80 on May 10, 2023, 06:20:56 AM
Btw @franco ip6only.me is a dead site, it is ip6.me i think.

Both seem to work from here.

Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: depc80 on May 13, 2023, 12:57:58 PM
You're right. My bad, I didn't notice at first. ZA put it in dead site category and block it.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: TarteTatin on May 22, 2023, 09:54:05 PM

I tried to move from a Cloudflare-ddns Docker container to os-ddclient, but I can't make it work at the moment.

I have several domain names to update, on the same Cloudflare account, and my Cloudflare API token includes all zones of this account.

So each of my domain names is configured as such:
- Service: Cloudflare
- Username: <empty>
- Password: <cloudflare_account_api_token>
- Wildcard: unchecked (I only want to update my domain names, because I use CNAMES for subdomains)
- Zone: <example.com>
- Hostname(s): <example.com> (exactly like Zone)
- Check ip method: Interface
- Interface to monitor: WAN_832 (device: vlan0.832, like this configuration https://docs.opnsense.org/manual/how-tos/orange_fr_fttp.html)
- Force SSL: checked

I tried at first to update all my domain names in the same Cloudflare service, like what I was doing in a cloudflare-ddns Doker container, but I get a lot of errors. So I have separated the domain names like the configuration above, one entry for each, but I see no "Current IP", nor "Updated" in the Dynamic DNS service.

In the logs, I get the same Notice every five minutes:
2023-05-22T23:21:31 Notice ddclient[33961] 94731 - [meta sequenceId="3"] FAILED: Unable to obtain information for 'vlan0.83' -- missing ip or ifconfig command
2023-05-22T23:21:31 Notice ddclient[33961] 93072 - [meta sequenceId="2"] FAILED: Unable to obtain information for 'vlan0.83' -- missing ip or ifconfig command
2023-05-22T23:21:31 Notice ddclient[33961] 92075 - [meta sequenceId="1"] FAILED: Unable to obtain information for 'vlan0.83' -- missing ip or ifconfig command

Two things:
- the device is "vlan0.832", but the logs specified "vlan0.83", like if it is truncated
- my WAN_832 as an IPv4, but no IPv6. Only an IPv6 delegated prefix which is tracked by my LAN interfaces.

In the Cloudflare interface, the API-token is refreshed all fives minutes, so there is a communication.

Thanks for your help.
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: bringha on June 08, 2023, 10:49:16 PM

As a preparation for 23.7 and migrating from legacy dyndns to ddclient, I experimented today a bit around with both ddclient backends (ddclient and the new opnsense) and dyndns2 protocol. I am with desec and I brought it up and running with the ddclient backend and the config as described here

https://forum.opnsense.org/index.php?topic=26446.msg134975#msg134975 (https://forum.opnsense.org/index.php?topic=26446.msg134975#msg134975)

Basically it works, however every second update cycle, an update is said to be performed successfully which does not take place according to the desec DNS logs. ddclient logs look like this:

<29>1 2023-06-08T00:53:49+02:00 OPNsense.zuhause.xx ddclient[61106] 34054 - [meta sequenceId="3"] WARNING:  Wait at least 5 minutes between update attempts.
<29>1 2023-06-08T00:58:49+02:00 OPNsense.zuhause.xx ddclient[61106] 29212 - [meta sequenceId="1"] SUCCESS:  updating crandale.dedyn.io: good: IP address set to 87.XXX.XXX.140
<29>1 2023-06-08T01:03:49+02:00 OPNsense.zuhause.xx ddclient[61106] 50446 - [meta sequenceId="1"] WARNING:  skipping update of crandale.dedyn.io from <nothing> to 87.XXX.XXX.140.
<29>1 2023-06-08T01:03:49+02:00 OPNsense.zuhause.xx ddclient[61106] 50446 - [meta sequenceId="2"] WARNING:  last updated Thu Jun  8 00:58:49 2023 but last attempt on Thu Jun  8 00:58:49 2023 failed.

Could not yet find out why a SUCCESS for an update is noted in the logs which desec is not confirming.

I then tried the new python opnsense backend of ddclient and the result looks very encouraging:

I added simply two new lines into /usr/local/opnsense/scripts/ddclient/lib/account/dyndns2.py (line 37/38)

     35     _services = {
     36         'dyndns2': 'members.dyndns.org',
     37         'desec(v4)': 'update.dedyn.io',
     38         'desec(v6)': 'update6.dedyn.io',
     39         'dns-o-matic': 'updates.dnsomatic.com',

The configuration for desec and the opnsense backend look then like this:

- Services: Dynamic DNS: Settings: General Settings
Enabled [X]
Verbose [X]
Allow Ipv6 [X]
Interval [300]
Backend [OPNsense]

I added 2 services under the same desec account:

- Services: Dynamic DNS: Settings: Edit Account
Enabled [X]
Service [desec (v6)]
Protocol  [DynDNS2]
Username [Your Domain]
Password [Your DeSec Token]
Hostname(s) [Your Domain]
Check ip method [Interface [IPv6]]
Force SSL [X]
Interface to monitor [Your WAN Interface]

- Services: Dynamic DNS: Settings: Edit Account
Enabled [X]
Service [desec (v4)]
Protocol  [DynDNS2]
Username [Your Domain]
Password [Your DeSec Token]
Hostname(s) [Your Domain]
Check ip method [Interface [IPv4]]
Force SSL [X]
Interface to monitor [Your WAN Interface]

After activating, the ddclient logs look like

<165>1 2023-06-08T16:45:53+02:00 OPNsense.zuhause.xx ddclient 60835 - [meta sequenceId="4"] Account yyyyyyyyyy-18d2-47a7-b45a-4468975dc2e7 [desecv6 - dedyn]  set new ip 2003:XXXX:XXXX:XXXX:XXXX:efff:fe57:21ce [good]
<165>1 2023-06-08T16:45:53+02:00 OPNsense.zuhause.xx ddclient 60835 - [meta sequenceId="5"] Account yyyyyyyyy-18d2-47a7-b45a-4468975dc2e7 [desecv6 - dedyn]  changed
<165>1 2023-06-08T16:45:53+02:00 OPNsense.zuhause.xx ddclient 60835 - [meta sequenceId="6"] Account zzzzzzzzzz-f19d-4b4e-98a8-1bf71b62ee24 [desecv4 - dedyn]  execute
<163>1 2023-06-08T16:45:59+02:00 OPNsense.zuhause.xx ddclient 60835 - [meta sequenceId="7"] Account zzzzzzzzzz-f19d-4b4e-98a8-1bf71b62ee24 [desecv4 - dedyn]  failed to set new ip 87.XXX.XXX.236 [429 -
Request was throttled. Expected available in 55 seconds.]

After the mentioned 55sec, also the ipv4 address is visible at desec as an A record.

Means desec is bacically working on the new OPNsense backend for ipv4 AND ipv6 with some very simple and straight extensions to the dyndns.py code; only oddity is the throttling of the sequential request to the same desec account for v4 and v6 which allows obviously only one update per minute. Perhaps there is a possibility to add an additional throttling config item into the new opnsense backend code.

Several reboots and reconnects leading to different ipv4 and ipv6 addresses confirmed that it is working.

I think that this example could open potentially a pretty fast integration path for some more dyndns2 based service providers into the new opnsense backend python code and facilitate therewith at least in parts a catch up to the legacy dyndns solution as far as support of providers is concerned. Indeed there are many non dyndns2 providers for which more code needs to be written.

If this report is perceived positive perhaps it could be taken into the mainstream code base or you let me know how I could do this.

Br br
Title: Re: os-ddclient
Post by: franco on June 09, 2023, 09:00:00 AM
@br let's discuss in your separate thread https://forum.opnsense.org/index.php?topic=34388.0