
Started by dirtyfreebooter, January 20, 2022, 10:39:42 PM

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Great, many thanks! I Changed the files and could configure it. I saw it do (log) the right thing once in the log on the FW. Trying to trigger another update by changing the record in public DNS. Rebooting the FW did not trigger another update. But I assume it generally works.

Quote from: mrpink on February 23, 2022, 09:26:42 AM
I just created a pull request for DNS Made Easy, but I'm not able to test, because I do not use the service.


If you want to test before the new version will be released, please adjust the two files.


Does anybody know how to use ddclient with Hurricane Electric AAAA Dynamic DNS Records?
In the legacy tool I could use the "HE.net (v6)" Service type. In the new tool I can't find a service for HE IPv6.

Best and many thanks for your feedback

Has anyone figured out how to get ddclient to work with Digital Ocean?

I've tried using the api.digitalocean.com but it doesn't update the record.

I'll wait and see, I'm sure there will be some changes in the near future.

cant find how to get afraid.org (freedns) working, anyone got it running and if so how
Not intrested in running as a cron job.
Qotom i7-7500u 16gb 128ssd

Quote from: sp33dy on February 28, 2022, 08:20:45 AM
cant find how to get afraid.org (freedns) working, anyone got it running and if so how
Not intrested in running as a cron job.
Configure freeDNS, WAN interface, your hostname and your V2 password and it should work. It's important to activate freeDNS version 2 on the freeDNS web page.

Quote from: sbellon on February 28, 2022, 08:35:40 AM
Quote from: sp33dy on February 28, 2022, 08:20:45 AM
cant find how to get afraid.org (freedns) working, anyone got it running and if so how
Not intrested in running as a cron job.
Configure freeDNS, WAN interface, your hostname and your V2 password and it should work. It's important to activate freeDNS version 2 on the freeDNS web page.

i cant choose freeDNS on the accounts page, what do i choose there?
Qotom i7-7500u 16gb 128ssd

Quote from: sp33dy on February 28, 2022, 10:51:21 AM
i cant choose freeDNS on the accounts page, what do i choose there?
Hm, I can choose freeDNS ... If you can't then I don't know ...

Quote from: sbellon on February 28, 2022, 01:13:56 PM
Quote from: sp33dy on February 28, 2022, 10:51:21 AM
i cant choose freeDNS on the accounts page, what do i choose there?
Hm, I can choose freeDNS ... If you can't then I don't know ...

on -> dynamic dns -> settings -> service  there i dont have freedns

is that the place?
Qotom i7-7500u 16gb 128ssd

Quote from: sp33dy on February 28, 2022, 01:37:32 PM

on -> dynamic dns -> settings -> service  there i dont have freedns

is that the place?

Services -> Dynamic DNS -> Add -> Service Type: freeDNS

I don't see FreeDNS either.

It certainly is there under 'Dynamic DNS (legacy)',

but not in the 'new' os-ddclient (I have V1.1 installed)

I think it's queued up for 1.2.


In the meantime you can use the Custom-option, just set the server address to: freedns.afraid.org
Set the protocol to DynDns2, or leave it empty. The latter will work although it registers as a warning in the log,
file /usr/local/etc/ddclient.conf, line 17: Invalid Value for keyword 'protocol' = ''

How can I use update URLs with the new client? Earlier it worked perfectly with the custom, respectively custom-v6 option.

March 02, 2022, 11:24:04 AM #179 Last Edit: March 02, 2022, 12:34:16 PM by Souljacker
Hope till Release 22.7 the os-ddclient will get updates so the services known from the legacy client will work properly...

At the moment i have v1.2 of os-ddclient (came with Release 22.1.2):
- NoIP (free): working  :)
- freeDNS: not able to get it to work  :( (hope for hints from someone who has freeDNS running properly)
- SelfHost: not tried to migrate it from legacy to new client