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Messages - fabian

General Discussion / Re: Backup of OPNsense
April 15, 2023, 02:34:45 PM
OPNsense supports other backup providers for the config.xml such as nextcloud. You just have to look at the plugins available.
Mal advanced aktiviert (oben im UI) und websocket Support (müsste es irgendwo ne checkbox geben) aktiviert?

Das ist zumindest das Einzige, was man bei Websockets speziell machen muss.
22.7 Legacy Series / Re: NGINX Stub_Status?
September 16, 2022, 11:18:19 PM
The plugin uses VTS for a more detailed status page. It is already available via a Unix socket.
The plugin is designed as an infrastructure plugin for other plugins. If you "disable" it in the UI, you will only disable your stuff configured in the plugin itself. This means, another plugin could still be served.
If nothing is configured (mail, TCP/UDP, http) it will just be an empty server.
General Discussion / Re: NGINX is blocking content
September 16, 2022, 10:49:39 PM
Have you tried reading the error messages of your browser?
22.7 Legacy Series / Re: Sudden Shutdown
August 19, 2022, 05:47:25 PM
Check the system log. Maybe temperature and SMART values as well.
22.7 Legacy Series / Re: Not port knocking but similar
August 08, 2022, 07:40:20 PM
SSH can actually port forward using -L or act as a SOCKS proxy.
22.7 Legacy Series / Re: Backup - nginx _post includes
August 08, 2022, 07:23:50 PM
The UUID will be the same after a restore but you will have to back it up unless those files are generated by another plugin.
Are they still in the config.xml?
The plugin has an API and there is no mass operation.
It will also upload when you save the Nextcloud settings.
German - Deutsch / Re: os-tor
August 01, 2022, 11:31:59 PM
Deren API und ein paar inhaltliche Dinge. Da LibreSSL nicht die OpenSSL API verwendet, kann es nicht als drop in replacement verwendet werden und viele Projekte wollen es sich nicht antun, mehrere Crypto-Bibliotheken zu unterstützen.
Would likely be the easiest solution
you can actually use a location with this URL and say exact match and route it to wherever you like. I guess return code is not implemented in the plugin but nginx would be capable of doing so.

As an alternative you could use the WAF to block it.
This is for the case, where OPNsense is behind a Proxy.