22.1 created Nextcloud backups twice?

Started by mzurhorst, July 30, 2022, 08:29:44 AM

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July 30, 2022, 08:29:44 AM Last Edit: August 02, 2022, 06:55:34 AM by mzurhorst
Hi all,

I was checking my backups prior to the upgrade and realized that 22.1 executed my Nextcloud Backups twice, even when I only created a single cron job. 

I was now poking around and re-applied the settings, plus have I now indeed updated to 22.7.  Still wanted to report it here.  Will now observe how 22.7 behaves.   :)


It will also upload when you save the Nextcloud settings.

Sorry, I uploaded the wrong screenshot.  This is not about a single backup, which is created when I edit the cronjob or the Nextcloud settings.

Here is the exact same behavior after upgrading to Opnsense 22.7.   There are 2 backups created every night.  One at 1am,  and the other at 1:30am.