NGINX Reverse Proxy and /autodiscover/autodiscover.xml

Started by itngo, July 26, 2022, 08:33:24 AM

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Hello everyone...

we use DNS SRV-Entry for autodiscover and do not Publish "Exchange-Autodiscover" on our Webpage.
However, we have plenty of requests for fqdn/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml which reach the Webserver and get answered with 404 not found.

Is it possible with some URL-Rewrite-Rule to answer this request directly on the nginx-reverse-proxy with 403 (forbidden).

How is this be done?

Thank you.

you can actually use a location with this URL and say exact match and route it to wherever you like. I guess return code is not implemented in the plugin but nginx would be capable of doing so.

As an alternative you could use the WAF to block it.

Ok understood.
But the return-code 403 is important for us, as this will tell "possible" outlook Clients to continue with the SRV-Record without any delay. This keeps Outlook-Clients fast on start and discovery. So I guess we have to put an include-file in the Location to set return code?