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Messages - sizzling~snitch

Hello All!
A question for others who use this setup. Has anyone had the need to do a pathing setup on a single domain?

i.e. & point to two different backend servers? I came across and was playing around in OPNSense HAProxy with Conditons and Rules but when I added the api backend rule into the main domain backend rules at the bottom I got the Warning "use_backend' ignored because backend 'TESTCom_backend' has no frontend capability." so kinda at a loss tonight and thought I would post here while giving my brain a break :D
Has anyone using this setup started to see failures in the LE Cert renewals DNS?

Looks like starting two weeks ago I started getting failures on all my ACME renewals that have been working for a year or more. I am not in a place right now to share log info but what I was seeing from debug log level 2 is that the TXT record set but when checks against LE with ACME it says the TXT record is not the expected one.

Ill drop more later.
23.7 Legacy Series / Re: Business OPNsense updates?
April 09, 2024, 12:45:56 AM
Quote from: franco on March 26, 2024, 01:20:50 PM
HAProxy is a community plugin maintained by a community member.


Maybe but the versions are different between CE and Business editions with CE being on a newer version. This bit me in the butt setting up HAProxy on CE but then moving down to Biz a few features were missing and the guide I followed from this forum had been updated for CE version so I had to figure a few legacy things out. :D
23.7 Legacy Series / Business OPNsense updates?
March 25, 2024, 11:27:10 PM
Posting this under 23.7 Legacy as I do not see a Business Level area of the forums. Do these exist?

My install is up to date running version: 23.10.2

I saw one of the perks of the Business Lic was to get updates and security fixes quicker but how can that be when the Community version is an entire major version newer. i.e. 24.0.1 (is what is installed on my personal firewall)

Community HA Proxy = 4.4
Business HA Proxy = 4.1.1

Which both appear to be built off HAProxy 2.6 LTS, which was released almost two years ago. 2.8 LTS has been available since 2023-05-31.

Following up on this, turns out this is a false positive and has been documented.
Hello All, I found that OPNsense had a built-in Wazuh agent so I set it up and right away I am getting an alert:

Host-based anomaly detection event (rootcheck).
- Files hidden inside directory '/boot/efi'. Link count does not match number of files (3,1).

I enabled SSH temporarily and looked at that location as root (sudo su) and not seeing anything hidden. Thinking as this is also a new install (OPNsense 23.10.2-amd64) it might be some kind of false-positive.

Has anyone seen this before in their setup of Wazuh-Agent plugin?