[Work In Progress] OPNsense Ported into ARM Devices

Started by nekoprog, March 25, 2019, 11:55:58 AM

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Quote from: nekoprog on November 24, 2019, 01:35:44 AM
Quote from: orangana on November 13, 2019, 10:44:13 PM


Was there ever a opnsense device for less than $25 which does the job? This could be the first one!  ;D

I prefer at least 1GB of RAM to make it worth the time. Currently I'm working on NanoPi R1 device patch, let's hope FreeBSD accept it.

Then you will like this one more

Same same but different. Not only 1GB of ram but also two times true(r)(c)(tm) gigabit Ethernet but and a rk3328 soc

"o HardenedBSD 12.1 has been postponed to the next major release"
Proxmox enthusiast @home, bare metal @work.

Quote from: tsgan on January 03, 2020, 10:08:42 AM
pfsense works on this device:


As for OPNsense, you can try my image (it is not official one):


It works for me on espressobin.

I recently received my Espressobin v7 from Amazon and got it working with some modifications. I moved dtb/marvell/armada-3720-espressobin.dtb to efi/boot on the FAT partition and applied the following settings to u-boot (according to freebsd forum):

setenv fdt_name 'efi/boot/armada-3720-espressobin.dtb'
setenv image_name 'efi/boot/bootaa64.efi'
setenv bootmmc 'mmc dev 0; fatload mmc 0:1 $kernel_addr $image_name;fatload mmc 0:1 $fdt_addr $fdt_name; bootefi $kernel_addr $fdt_addr'
run bootmmc

To enable autoboot I added:

setenv bootcmd 'mmc dev 0; fatload mmc 0:1 $kernel_addr $image_name;fatload mmc 0:1 $fdt_addr $fdt_name; bootefi $kernel_addr $fdt_addr'

My only problem is that i get the following error on startup:

Startup error in /boot/lua/loader.lua:
LUA ERROR: cannot open /boot/lua/loader.lua: invalid argument.

can't load 'kernel'

So I have to run the following code in EFI console on every startup to boot into OPNsense:

set currdev=disk0p2

I tried to add a variable for rootdev under System>>Settings>>Tunables but got the same error on a reboot. Did u have the same problem? How did u fix it?

Info about R2S with dual proper gbit has started to surface:

But its not on their shop yet.

How feasible would it be to build for this? Seems like it uses Rockchip instead of Allwinner.

March 17, 2020, 12:26:06 PM #154 Last Edit: March 18, 2020, 03:35:36 AM by breakaway
Quote from: franco on June 03, 2019, 04:03:20 PM
Long story short, the image for RPI-2 is here https://pkg.opnsense.org/FreeBSD:11:armv6/19.1/OPNsense-19.1-test-OpenSSL-arm-armv6-RPI2.img.bz2

Just tried writing this image to a sdcard and booting my raspberry pi 2 (Which I Just dusted off for this purpose) but I can't seem to get this thing to boot up.

I also tried a different SD card incase my first one was faulty. My Pi2 just shows a red light on boot and won't go any further. I know the pi works since I tried the debian image on it and that works.

Any ideas what that could cause that?

Also, I tried building my own by using the instructions shown here https://nekoprog.github.io/pieSense/ But obviously something went wrong and no image was produced unfortunately. I'm a bit lost as to where to go from here.

Quote from: orangana on January 17, 2020, 05:42:22 AM
Quote from: nekoprog on November 24, 2019, 01:35:44 AM
Quote from: orangana on November 13, 2019, 10:44:13 PM


Was there ever a opnsense device for less than $25 which does the job? This could be the first one!  ;D

I prefer at least 1GB of RAM to make it worth the time. Currently I'm working on NanoPi R1 device patch, let's hope FreeBSD accept it.

Then you will like this one more

Same same but different. Not only 1GB of ram but also two times true(r)(c)(tm) gigabit Ethernet but and a rk3328 soc

I will have a NanoPi-R2S in few days. and try to install freebsd first. the try opensense.


for those of you who managed to build an aarch64 image (e.g. for the NanoPi R1): Which FreeBSD version did you use for compiling and which OPNSense version (20.1 or 20.7) did you build? I tried to build 20.1 using FreeBSD 12.1 and failed.

Quote from: kuleszdl on April 09, 2020, 05:36:15 PM

for those of you who managed to build an aarch64 image (e.g. for the NanoPi R1): Which FreeBSD version did you use for compiling and which OPNSense version (20.1 or 20.7) did you build? I tried to build 20.1 using FreeBSD 12.1 and failed.

Built natively on FreeBSD 13.0-CURRENT on NanoPC-T4.

Quote from: cngzjoe on April 08, 2020, 07:07:54 AM
Quote from: orangana on January 17, 2020, 05:42:22 AM
Quote from: nekoprog on November 24, 2019, 01:35:44 AM
Quote from: orangana on November 13, 2019, 10:44:13 PM


looking forward to hear any news from your R2S board.
I really want to

Was there ever a opnsense device for less than $25 which does the job? This could be the first one!  ;D

I prefer at least 1GB of RAM to make it worth the time. Currently I'm working on NanoPi R1 device patch, let's hope FreeBSD accept it.

Then you will like this one more

Same same but different. Not only 1GB of ram but also two times true(r)(c)(tm) gigabit Ethernet but and a rk3328 soc

I will have a NanoPi-R2S in few days. and try to install freebsd first. the try opensense.

I'm really looking forward to hear any new from your R2S, I'm really interested in trying out opnsense on this board too.
Thank you in advance if you could share with us what you could find from it.

@tsgan: May I ask how much CPU ressources (name idle) are left on your Nanopi platform when running Opnsense with WAN connected?

One thing I'd like to share with this community: It seems like some other people who bought the rockpro64 boards (rk3399) from Pine64 have been also experimenting with adding more poreful NICs using the PCIe slot and running OpenWRT on it.

The Pine64 people are now thinking about providing a case for this board for exactly this router use case. You can read more about it on their blog:


Since I have the rockpro64 and the NAS case already, I thought about setting this up with OPNSense and just "wasting" the extra room in the case. But I wasn't successful in building OPNSense for arm64 so far, yet,

Glad to see ARM in the works!  The new Ubiquiti kit is ARM instead of MIPS and it would be cool once this ships if it could be used for OpnSense: https://community.ui.com/questions/Introducing-the-UniFi-Next-Gen-Gateway-Product-Line-Starting-with-UXG-Pro-/732dd4dd-10bf-463c-8622-382d77702872

Drivers and booting would be obvious issues to solve but if the price is comparable to the UDM Pro it would be a compelling hardware platform for the money!

Hi guys!

Does anyone get it worked with the NanoPi R2S? I ordered one and I will try to install Opnsense on it.


Hello everyone,

Can we have an Arm category on this fourm?

I will be receiving my engineering samples of Radxa RockPi E which is similar to nanopi-r1s and other RK3328 tiny router boards with 2 lans. Which is enough for home-grade network control.
I also have Edge-v which have FreeBSD port working fine.

I would Like to know if there is any documentation I can follow to natively build opnsense for aarch64. Also I plan to maintain pre-configured images for normal users to flash it to the sd card or emmc to get opnsens running out of the box.
@tsgan Were you able to run opnsense on your T4 ?
Please share the steps to natively build opnsense.

Will be glade to contribute to the project and I have some plans on making a user friendly image to flash on devices which are supported by freebsd.

I have also created a topic Can we install opnsense on existing freebsd

All the arm users lets collaborate and get a stable opnsense for arm devices including armv7 and armv8.

Feel free to contact me directly, Maybe we can give something back to the opnsense community and make it a standard firewall appliance in regular household as there are too many attacks going on recently.

Furkan K.

Can you advice how I can contribute?
I have rpi3b+
Khadas edge-v - rk3399 - aarch64 already have freebsd image for it.
Bpi-R2 armvh7 freebsd support is wip.

Can you help with simple tutorial  with steps?  Will be very helpful to try.

Thanks for such a great tool.

"arm support has been postponed to the 30.7 release"
