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Messages - pille

hello all

how to configure following:
Wireguard (finally working / thx to the wireguard configurator)
the client should use over vpn
the rest of the traffic not. should go directly over the wlan interface.

---- why would anybody attack an IP that does not answer and of which you cannot be sure you hit anything at all?
you are right. makes perfectly sense. thx for your input.
crowdsec - thx, cool option. i use geoblocking

the point of changing IP is:
if the opnsense is configured or IP the service providers router/firewall routes the traffic to the opnsense. if ip changes to the "attack" still on the, but the Service provider has now no route and the traffic doesnt pop up on the opn. so the traffic will be eliminated beforehand.
the point of this: if the attack is large enough, it brings down the firewall/service behind.

soo, the goal is: recognize patterns and if match, change the IP and the traffic gets not routed to my firewall. therefore a DDOS attack will be minimized. is the though correct ?

how many queries could an opnsense handle ? is there any calculation ?
General Discussion / block outgloing traffic > 1 MB
February 15, 2024, 10:40:49 AM
hello all

i have multiple IPs and do Service segregation. each service has an own IP.

for instance: is webbserver is rdp server is mail server

for instance on the webserver a page is lets suppose 100 kb of size. there should never be a download or a connection which pulls for example a 10 mb file. how can i limit the transmited data to a certain limit ? and how can i get informed, per email, if something like that happens ?
hello all

i am not sure its the right category.

i want to change the Public IP in case of an attack

means: i have multiple IPs assigned to myself. the main IP, lets suppose and second IP, which is a webservice behind (for instance).
now, there are a coulple of cenarios
1. port scan, usually coming from 1 ip and scam many ports
2. DDOS attack - many different IPs overflood the webservice with requests.

1. what can i do against it ? or what are you doing against portscans ?
2. i want in case of an DDOS attack to change the IP from to the "non_configured" IPs on the opnsense will be than handled and blocked from the ISP.

how can i configure the ip change.

hello all

i have an webserver which offers some content.
the link looks like

and so on
how can i restrict incoming requests to a Link Syntax, all other requests should be dismissed
thx for input
High availability / Re: Config Sync, not HA
May 12, 2023, 10:45:11 AM
i checked the business software but can not find a detailed description. i guess i will write to the sales support to learn more about the differences.
High availability / Config Sync, not HA
May 12, 2023, 08:44:13 AM
hello all
i have 4 Node proxmox Cluster, each Node is connected with its own interface to outside and has its own IP addresses. on each node is an opnsense Firewall, which is connected to a 5th OPNsense, this FW is connected to the vswitche of Proxmox and is the Gateway for the whole network.
now i would like to sync the settings accross all OPNSense, like the HA Option where i can choose what to sync.
but this is a HA Version (a/P).
any hints how i can sync the FWs ?
thx all
hello all,

i need following:

4 x Public IP (lets call them 1 2 3 and 4 with the gateway 9
4 Internal networks (lets call tham a b c and d)

in DNS are different IPs for each service (like web on 4, email on 2, ..) the internal DNS is on c
the traffic should go in 1 in, and only to the internal network a and send the answer to a out (not over 3 where the standadd Gateway is configured at the moment)
1 <> a
2 <> b
3 <> c
4 <> d
how can i do that ?
with centos its easy. just create custom routes which are attached to the interfaces. but how can i do it with opnsense. i am right now choosing the new firewall i want to use because of that requirement. opnsense looks very robust and has good references / so, i would love to use that software.
anybody an input ?