Config Sync, not HA

Started by pille, May 12, 2023, 08:44:13 AM

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hello all
i have 4 Node proxmox Cluster, each Node is connected with its own interface to outside and has its own IP addresses. on each node is an opnsense Firewall, which is connected to a 5th OPNsense, this FW is connected to the vswitche of Proxmox and is the Gateway for the whole network.
now i would like to sync the settings accross all OPNSense, like the HA Option where i can choose what to sync.
but this is a HA Version (a/P).
any hints how i can sync the FWs ?
thx all

The business edition has some additional config sync functionality.

i checked the business software but can not find a detailed description. i guess i will write to the sales support to learn more about the differences.