Sorry, not possible for me to go remote...As said, maybe I am confused and should shut up Now you are posting screenshots of NAT port forward. There is nothing in your setup as far as I can see that requires a port forward... on VPS site access to WG server can be solved this way, but a simple allow rule on WAN should be enough.What I mentioned was NAT outbound rules, this is required on your LAN site.Can you please explain your whole setup?
mhh... it's confusing... what is running in VPS? Is this another OPNsense? Some screenshots looks like OPNsense in VPS with WG server and some looks like OPNsense at home?!
We stopped using OPNSense for the same reasons for VPN.Back to RRAS in windows and it works perfectly. Connects and keeps the connection no problems.Anything terminating at the perimeter is way to sensitive when keeping thousands of VPN's running at any one time.
We know what you want to achieve... but we (me) don't really know which systems are involved and where the loads of screenshots are taken from...As said... we (me) are confused...
Helped a lot so far, thank you Now lets summarize step by step... So debian / VPS setup is untouched and worked (and also will still work) with raspi as client?Client WG setup is double checked, correct and handshakes are succesful?
Ok... but the raspberry client has it's own WG configuration, e.g. seperate IP and you did not try multiple connections with one and the same WG peer?
Start and stop / restart your WG client on OPNsense and try a ping to from OPNsense shell.
Ok, can you provide logs or something to prove that the WG connection is properly established?Can you ping the WG server IP from OPNsense?