sysctl dev.hwpstate_intel.0.epp=100
sysctl dev.cpu.0.freq_levels
dev.cpu.0.freq_levels: 1996/-1
Hi guys, I have recently bought one of these and am having CPU temperature issues with OPNSense. In Debian, I get CPU temps of around 55C idle, but in OPNSense, by default they are 85C and above, even with the hardware modifications regarding the head-spreader and thermal pads.I get temps down to 65C by disabling powerd (apparently this is not needed with FBSD v13 with the Intel Speed Shift driver) and typing in: Code: [Select]sysctl dev.hwpstate_intel.0.epp=100which puts it in maximum efficiency mode (for all cores at once). (At the moment I am struggling to get this setting to be applied at boot because it seems to be being ignored in /etc/systcl.conf!)If you have this hardware, can you please let me know the output of the following?
dev.hwpstate_intel.0.epp Intel Speed Shift Efficiency runtime 100 dev.hwpstate_intel.1.epp Intel Speedshift Efficiency runtime 100 dev.hwpstate_intel.2.epp Intel Speedshift Efficiency runtime 100 dev.hwpstate_intel.3.epp Intel Speedshift Efficiency runtime 100 dev.igc.0.fc Flow Control on Interface runtime 0 dev.igc.1.fc Flow Control on Interface runtime 0 dev.igc.2.fc Flow Control on Interface runtime 0 dev.igc.3.fc Flow Control on Interface runtime 0 hint.hwpstate_intel.0.disabled disable speed shift unsupported 0 hw.acpi.cpu.cx_lowest C-States runtime C1machdep.hwpstate_pkg_ctrl Intel Pstate boot-time 0