So theres no support for custom SRV records then?
Unbound is not an authoritative nameserver but strictly a recursive resolver. You would need to use the BIND plugin - which supports SRV records just fine.
This can be achieved now via the documented /usr/local/etc/unbound.opnsense.d directory.If you feel like it you could implement it as a full featured option and send a pull request. Adding a single field/option to an existing dialog and writing out a handful of lines to a config file is not that difficult even if one doesn't know (much) PHP. It's mainly XML and Jinja ...
must at least read a fucking manual
Nice try for a technical discussion with validity and security concerns, but won't bite. If software development for Unbound and OPNsense stood still I would agree but it does not. Cheers,Franco
by the way i will reported a issue with Dnscrypt log that are not more visibile form GUI. can you fix this ?