General Discussion / WOL API working?
« on: October 04, 2021, 07:42:13 am »
Can anyone confirm if the API for wol (wake-on-lan) is working for them? I'm running version 21.7.3. I can auth and call 'wakeall' and 'get' modules. But I cannot get it to wake a specific undefined host using interface and mac nor an existing entry using a uuid. I only get an empty array as the return [].
I'm testing with curl. The specific endpoint is /api/wol/wol/set. I'm mostly curious if someone has this functionality working or if I'm chasing a non-functioning api call.
Seems to be the same issue this person was having here https://forum.opnsense.org/index.php?topic=11439.0 but I'm putting the json in the post data but it still doesn't respond as expected.
I'm testing with curl. The specific endpoint is /api/wol/wol/set. I'm mostly curious if someone has this functionality working or if I'm chasing a non-functioning api call.
Seems to be the same issue this person was having here https://forum.opnsense.org/index.php?topic=11439.0 but I'm putting the json in the post data but it still doesn't respond as expected.