24.7 Production Series / Re: New Dashboard
« on: August 05, 2024, 05:59:56 am »---deleted---
3. The disk widget doesn't even show actual space, just a percentage used.
4. The thermal sensors widget, which previously detected thermal sensor names correctly, appears to have buggered up slightly with this update. My PCH temp now detects as a 2nd "Core 0".
5. Overall it feels like a heavy focus on fancy graphs and less of a focus on text, which is fine, but there needs to be an option for people who preferred the old text heavy interface.
Regarding 3, also the disk widget sometimes "changes" to dimension other than the set one. More easily to observe if there are another widgets in the same row adjacent to disk widget and/or directly below it.
In my case, I set the disk widget to minimum dimension with other widgets to the side and below of it. Works through first several dashboard page reloads, but then the disk widget just grows a unused blank inside it. As result the widget below it is pushed down.
The new dashboard widgets look cool with higher update frequency and graphs, but it really takes more space than the old one.