cannot connect ldap ad 2008 server

Started by xkapr, February 11, 2018, 01:42:49 PM

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Hi. Need help connecting to ldap.

I am trying to add new ldap server in system>access>servers.
type: ldap
port: 389
transport: tcp
protocol: 3
user dn : mydomain\administrator
password: password
base dn: CN=mydomain,CN=cz
initial template: microsoft ad
authentication containers:  click select and get error message

Could not connect to the LDAP server. Please check your LDAP configuration.

When I try connect localy on ad controller with ldp.exe conection and browsing ldap works.

On opnsense interfaces>diagnostics>port probe:
Connection to 389 port [tcp/ldap] succeeded!

Connection to ldap from another computer in same network eg. linux ldap administrator works.

opnsense version. OPNsense 18.1.2_2-amd64
windows ad: windows 2008 r2 build 7601 sp1

Thank you for answer. So user dn must be:

I think I've already tried according to docs but I'll try again.

Users could also be OU, you have to check with your Windows Admin

I tried it once again and I still can not connect. I have verified that users are CN. So

type: ldap
port: 389
transport: tcp
protocol: 3
User DN: CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=mydomain,DC=cz
password: secret
base dn: CN=mydomain,CN=cz
initial template: microsoft ad
authentication containers: click select and get error message

Could not connect to the LDAP server. Please check your LDAP configuration.

What else can cause troubles?

Have a look at Softerra LDAP administrator (the free Windows package) to double check your bind DN and password.


I tried to connect with with user dn and base dn I mentioned above and connection is without troubles. Still cannot connect from opnsense.