OPNSense Xenserver 6.5

Started by rut1990, June 13, 2017, 11:27:02 AM

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Dear all,

i try to install OPNsense 17.1.4 on xenserver 6.5.

After creating a VM with 1 public nic and 1 virtual (internal) nic i can only set a manual wan ip and not a lan ip  (both nics ar connected)
how can i set a lan ip and a wan ipso i can configure opnsense in the gui in the lan ip adress

can someone help me ?

greets rick

Hope you don't mind but just to make sure we're clear here.  You have a host server running XenServer 6.5.  You created a VM and you are installing OPNSense on that?  Does your host server have two (real) network cards/ports?  I'm not very familiar with XS but if the answers to my question are true then you would create a VM with TWO vNICS and assign one to your WAN NIC and one to your LAN NIC.  The WAN should be connected to your gateway device (Telco/ISP router, etc...) and it should pick up a WAN IP from that device.  Your vNIC connected to the LAN should be connected to your LAN network and you should assign an IP to that.

If you are not absolutely sure which interface is the WAN/LAN try swapping out the cables.

no i only have 1 real nic so it can't work ?

if you pass though a real nic it depends on if a FreeBSD driver exists.

I really recommend that you get two NICs (or a dual port NIC) that are supported.  You can't go wrong with Intel (or most HP's which are rebranded Intel's).