Get IPv6 - Network Address of whole IPv6

Started by HolgerKuehn, Today at 03:08:31 PM

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I've got a Wireguard Connection working just fine. I am trying to limit the source to the whole network. The IP public addresses are provided via dyndns. IPv4 is fine as its the gateway anyway, but for IPv6 I get 2001:DB8:1:2:a:b:c:d/128. Is there a way to create an alias to get 2001:DB8:1:2::/64. I know about the alias type IPv6 Host, but that's the interface and not the network part.

Would be a bit easier for the dyndns update part.

An alias of type "Network(s)" takes addresses with prefix lengths.
Deciso DEC750
People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do. (Isaac Asimov)

I'll check this out. Does they strip the interface from an address given by dyndns?