Port-Forwarding listen on all interfaces

Started by henri9813, January 30, 2025, 11:51:26 AM

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I have a opnsense 25.1.

I have one vlan per customer. ( and multiple customers of course ).
I have a WAN range ips:

I want to make a port-foward from to one customer vlan ip.

So i configured:
- Interface: WAN
- Source: any
- Destination:
- Translate to:

I also create the firewall rule to permit the trafic.

That point is OK !

I have a no-nat rules from all my local subnets to ( to preserve client ip on the wan devices ).

However, if the trafic come from one local ip to the port-forward ip, it's the firewall which handle the connection and it's not redirected to the local ip.

External connections are ok !

In opnsense, i need to edit the port-forward and select all interfaces one / one.

The problem, is if i add a new network, i won't add on all my port-foward the new interface.

How simplify this ?

Can you add the possibility to listen on "Any interface" instead of selecting interfaces one / one ?

Best regards,

I'm not sure if I'm understanding your problem correctly, but I think you need to enable [Firewall > Settings > Advanced > Reflection for port forwards]


I enabled it, i don't see difference, making a curl on my wan ip from inside show me the opnsense webui instead of making the redirection.

But if on the port forward rule, i choose my lan interface, then it works. but why ?

You should not try to forward the port used by the Web UI. If you want to forward port 443, (first) move the Web UI to another port [System > Settings > Administration > Web GUI > TCP port].

January 30, 2025, 01:10:41 PM #4 Last Edit: January 30, 2025, 01:13:51 PM by henri9813
Here is a network diagram of my infrastructure

Resume of the situation. -> = OK
INTERNET -> = OK -> = Webui of the interface, other port are not working.

I have a no-nat from to to preserve client ip on our "public server" which can enter in the network thought the opnsense which serve of gateway.

And a global nat for the rest of internet by the ip

But IF on my port-forward rule, i enable also the local interface, it works !

In the screen of my opnsense, i show that if i check openvpn ( for example, but it could have been whatever interface ) it works.

PS: i move the admin port and cchange the listen interface to admin vlan only, it's doesn't change anything except now, i haven't anything answering.

Your screenshot shows OpenVPN. That's not a local interface.

BTW, is a well known CloudFlare public DNS server. You can't really be using that on the internet...

January 30, 2025, 01:31:50 PM #6 Last Edit: January 30, 2025, 01:39:52 PM by henri9813 It's an example .... i will not show your my real networks / ips and the issue gone when i select my lan interfaces