Another DNS Blocklist Question: OISD w/ Targeted Lists

Started by House Of Cards, September 17, 2024, 03:30:01 AM

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Good evening,

I am currently using the OISD Big List, which says it blocks various categories of bad things.  I like that I haven't had issues, but I want to supplement that with the categories available in OPNSense from  I can't find any real information between the two, and it doesn't look like the OISD list contains any of those lists.

I am considering leaving the OISD for the default ad/tracking protection, since it works.  And then supplement with the specific Malware/Scam/Abuse type categories for greater protection.  When I do this, I add over 1 million sites to the list, so I was wondering if anyone has any experience with these lists, and if they break everyday browsing.

To be clear, I am NOT looking to implement the Ad/Tracking lists...  I would leave that for OISD.  I just want to have a comprehensive list of bad-guy sites.