Netflow Insight shows No Available Data after Upgrade

Started by thebraz, January 10, 2017, 04:22:09 PM

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Hello, after today upgrade to 16.7.13 Insight shows "No available data" also if the cache section of NetFlow shows that packets are captured.

I did an ls -lah of /var/log and it shows ten older flowd.log.xxxxxxx of 11 MB each and one (today's one)  which is already 34 MB and growing.

The situation is shown in the attached file

Could someone please help me?

Thanks in advance

I am experiencing the same problem also. The flow_aggregate service will not stay running even after clearing all netflow data.


I experienced same problem on both my OPNSense installations.

Since I installed them as Virtual appliances I reverted one of them to the working, pre-update snapshot.

The other one, still updated to 16.7.13, is still capturing packets but not producing NetFlow data even if I reset RRD data, as showed in the attached file.

Any help, please?

Thanks in advance

So, it seems that updating from 16.7.11_1-amd64 to 16.7.13-amd64 breaks Insight since the flow_aggregate service will not stay running.

I reverted to 16.7.11_1-amd64 in both my VM installations since having history data is very important for us.

If someone will be able to help I surely will help in solving the thing trying the update again.

Best Wishes

Hi thebraz,

Can you try downgrading python and see if your issue persists?

pkg add -f

Thanks in advance,


Quote from: AdSchellevis on January 16, 2017, 06:59:28 PM
Hi thebraz,
Can you try downgrading python and see if your issue persists?

I have tried your advise.
Same story - no data available.

Did you restart the services or reboot the device and check if flowd_aggregator is running?

I have restarted router and after check service flowd_aggregator.
root@gw:~ # service flowd_aggregate start
flowd_aggregate already running?  (pid=1339).

Service is working, but anyway no data in web interface...

Quote from: AdSchellevis on January 16, 2017, 07:21:00 PM
Did you restart the services or reboot the device and check if flowd_aggregator is running?
Could you look at my PM...

Hi all,

any news? Today i see this on 16.7.13 in ESX with no Netflow data on gui...many entries :

Quotekernel: pid 80837 (python2.7), uid 0: exited on signal 11 (core dumped)

cheers till

Hi till,

Downgrading python (my previous post) should solve the issue.



downgrading as AdSchellevis described above and a reboot made it work again! Thanks!

Same problem the downgrade didn't solved the issue, still  have no data.

This is a troubling issue between Python 2.7.12 and 2.7.13. We'll need to look into this, but for 17.1's sake I think we will revert the Python version and ask users who are on the newer one to downgrade with a simple command (or by reinstalling Python from the GUI).