Hi George,OPNsense will serve your needs. The netflow component will show you which IP addresses consume the most bandwidth. You can set static IP reservations in DHCP to tie those to specific MAC addresses. DNS clients can be forced to use OpenDNS by a simple rule allowing outbound TCP/UCP 53 to their IP's only. OpenDNS is recursive, so the single firewall rule is enough.To go from diagnostics to enforcement you could look at an enterprise grade WiFi access point which let's you run more than one SSID from a single device, thereby allowing you to regulate WiFi access per child. I use an Ubiquiti AP which allows four separate WiFi networks. It also gives more information about the clients (hostname, manufacturer, etc.), their bandwidth use and history. In the past, I have also used a Raspberry Pi for the same purpose. The code is here: http://bedtime.sf.net/ It is aimed at a slightly younger age group, as your wannabe geeks may soon discover ways around its funky routing.Bart...
I have 4 kids in the house some are wannabe geeks. looking for a nice firewall router package.I need to force ALL DNS requests to OPENDNS (so I can do some content filtering) doing with pfsense GREATWe are currently running of pfsense.... I am having a hard time trying to get some way to monitor individual user ip or mac bandwidth to see who is the pig in the house.pfsense dumped bandwidthd do you have any advice on if opensense will work better for me?can I monitor individual mac or ip bandwidth?thank youGeorge