pfctl -d # globally disable firewall
Trying to access OPNsense web GUI. in transparent bridge mode. Connections are as follows.WAN connection from Modem to WAN connection on OPNSense 1x1. the LAN connection 1x0 on OPNSense to the WAN in on the router. LAN out from router to a switch. My computer connected to the switch. Access to internet works at this point indicating bridge is working.I connected third NIC on OPNSense 1x2 to the switch and configured the connection in OPNsense via serial CLI to be configured via DHCP.OPNSense got an address of from the router. My computer has an address of Ping to internet is successful. Ping to 1x2 address failed and I cannot access web GUI. So what am I doing wrong or is there another configuration I should try.ThanksLArry