sh -x rc.d/crowdsec start
limits -C daemon /usr/sbin/daemon -f -P /var/run/ -p /var/run/ -r -R 10 -t crowdsec -- /usr/local/bin/crowdsec -c /usr/local/etc/crowdsec/config.yaml
limits -C daemon /usr/sbin/daemon -no-api -f -P /var/run/ -p /var/run/ -r -R 10 -t crowdsec -- /usr/local/bin/crowdsec -c /usr/local/etc/crowdsec/config.yaml -no-apidaemon: illegal option -- nusage: daemon [-cfHrS] [-p child_pidfile] [-P supervisor_pidfile] [-u user] [-o output_file] [-t title] [-l syslog_facility] [-s syslog_priority] [-T syslog_tag] [-m output_mask] [-R restart_delay_secs]
Thanks! Quick fix and PR in
If I were to pull the trigger on the upgrade now, would I need to fiddle about with the quick-fix or has the plugin already been updated and all should be good?Thanks.