I use them to create like "Categories of rules" for easier lookups and identification. They are basically a TAGs I TAG a Rule or a Alias.For example I use even multiple TAGs on a rule or Alias, Like if I have a game server that is outside on my LAN I TAG it > GAME & INTERNETIf you have a lot of rules, or Aliases, using Categories searching by them makes my live easier.Regards,S.
Actually, that specific example you mentioned I used Both.DNS TAG, is used for TAGing aliases that contained DNS servers or DNS ports. As well specific Rule for hosts to access DNSBlock-Google-DNS TAG, was a special one that was used only on a RULE that blocked IoT devices to reach Google Based DNS servers, this was from time I had a lot of IoT and very basic rules. It served to prevent those spammers to not use any other DNS server other than provided the one via DHCP. I still have that rule just as counter, to see what device tries to go to Google DNS. Otherwise as I redone most of my network with VLANs and specific rules even if this rule is taken out, only local DNS is permitted. I know a bit redundant now - was from my time when I was migrating to new HW, VLANs and declared a crusade against ioT devices in my networkOh and one advice, if you are going to redo Categories, or Allies or Rules.I use underscore _ for describing objectsI use dash - for describing descriptionsCategories here even thou can be considered as object I describe as a description cause, they attach to object and serve as descriptions Another nice thing is to format the description the way is very easy identify what is it doing for example:Allow-any-VLAN-to-WEB-HTTPsAllows any Interface in a FW group VLAN to HTTPs based websites.Allow-HOST-CONSOLE-to-GAMEsAllowes only Interfaces HOST & CONSOLE in a FW group VLAN to dedicated game serversAllow-Hosts-to-MGMT-SSH Allows only certain Hosts on HOST interface specified in an Alias to access SSH port towards MGMT interfaceIt helps my live as well to be easier when I keep some formattingRegards,S.
I do not use categories for aliases, because one and the same object is frequently used in rules that fall into different categories. I do use semantic naming for aliases:Port_Web -- 80, 443Host4_ProxyNet6_Restricted...I use categories for rules like in the screen shot.HTHPatrick
Interesting. So far I'm just using basic categories such as DNS, NTP, Wifi, etc. I'm not sure what you mean by your suggestion regarding _ and -. Is Allow-Hosts-to-MGMT-SSH an alias of hosts or some sort of rule name?