Hi @ifzenc @mow4cashI use an APU2C4. The Swiss designed device is ideal for small environments like home network or even a small SME if you want to use the more than the standard nat filtering feature set of OPNsense. The bandwidth performance with 16.7 is quite good (I made 500/50 Mbits/sec, the intel ethernet helps here) if you are using it as a classic firewall without IPS, with IPS my APU slowed the traffic down to 70-80 MBit/s (tested with the FAST test). But the speed gain is clear, because each packet will be analyzed, inspected and so on. OpenVPN works well with a handful of users (more I do not have, sry). I did not yet used the APU as proxy and antivirus nor WLAN (check this forum for hints), from the devices (CPU/RAM/bus) perspective that all should be possible;-). With the upcoming ONPsense 17.1 the APUs ethernet chipset will be directly supported by the igb driver. I look forward to 17.1.-oliver