which package to install to OpnSense

Started by yves67, May 17, 2023, 01:33:33 PM

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I am a newbie and just start with Opnsense
I want to increase the security at home
I will install an APU-2C with Opnsense just after my internet box
but I am  a little bit lost,
what package or solution should install
i.e. :
- Adguardhome
- Crowdsec
- Zenarmor
- transparent proxy
- ??

thanks for any help
best regards


It depends what you want to achieve..so first I would suggest to read what Adguardhome does, what Zenarmor does etc.. Since part of functionality is overlapping. Then decide what is suitable for you. Free Zenarmor is limited in terms of functionality, so review features of each and decide if you need paid version.

Do you have any publicly accessible web servers inside your network? If yes - crowdsec could be useful. The same with the proxy..