DNS with starlink

Started by Casper, April 16, 2023, 02:57:52 AM

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April 16, 2023, 02:57:52 AM Last Edit: April 16, 2023, 10:57:57 AM by Casper
I'm a bit new to opnsense so forgive me if I get something a bit simple wrong.

I can not for the life of me figure out how to set my dns to the cloudflare one -

I went into Settings > general then down to DNS servers and set both and and it didn't seem to do jack.

Any tips or advice? I got everything else set up and working great, but the DNS thing is driving me crazy.

Thank you for your time.

Edit: I figured it out with enough playing around lol

Casper, what were the steps you took to get DNS working?

Hi Casper,

As indicated, you need to tell us what are your DNS settings.

I am a newbie as well and have multiwan with Starlink and PPPOE. I am using Adguard Home (on port 53) + Unbound (on port 5353), because I used Adgaurd as filtering before an like it. Followed one of the posts on the forum for the full setup, vbut was relatively easy.

Cloudflare DNS info is in Adguard. Nothing in Settings-General-DNS Servers.

If anyone lands here, I was having a similar issue with DNS as mentioned here[1]. Putting a switch between the Starlink Ethernet adapter and the OPNsense box fixed it, but I have no idea why.

[1] https://forum.netgate.com/topic/174105/starlink-problem-with-sg2440-22-05/38