Code: [Select]2023-04-11T19:21:36 Notice dhcp6c dhcp6c REQUEST on igb0_vlan832 - running newipv6 2023-04-11T19:21:34 Notice dhcp6c RTSOLD script - Sending SIGHUP to dhcp6c 2023-04-10T12:04:53 Notice dhcp6c dhcp6c REQUEST on igb0_vlan832 - running newipv6 2023-04-10T12:04:51 Error dhcp6c transmit failed: Can't assign requested address 2023-04-10T12:04:50 Notice dhcp6c RTSOLD script - Starting dhcp6 client
2023-04-11T19:21:36 Notice dhcp6c dhcp6c REQUEST on igb0_vlan832 - running newipv6 2023-04-11T19:21:34 Notice dhcp6c RTSOLD script - Sending SIGHUP to dhcp6c 2023-04-10T12:04:53 Notice dhcp6c dhcp6c REQUEST on igb0_vlan832 - running newipv6 2023-04-10T12:04:51 Error dhcp6c transmit failed: Can't assign requested address 2023-04-10T12:04:50 Notice dhcp6c RTSOLD script - Starting dhcp6 client
# opnsense-patch 2e4a1ea98d74
I confirm that adding a firewall rule to re-tag priority to 6 for DHCP packets (outgoing UDP packets to 67 and 546, ipv4 and ipv6) fix the issue.As I read on other forum, it seems this problem is also present on Mikrotik equipment, that probably use the same dhclient app.So the bug is that dhclient dont use vlan-pcp 6 when renewing a lease.I dont know if someone is possible on opnsense side or if we need to check with dhclient team.
I confirm that adding a firewall rule to re-tag priority to 6 for DHCP packets (outgoing UDP packets to 67 and 546, ipv4 and ipv6) fix the issue.
Orange FR users be aware that your ISP now requires strict VLAN PCP on all DHCPv4 requests so please do set 'Use VLAN priority' interface setting for both DHCPv4 and DHCPv6. The 'Option Modifiers' override for "vlan-pcp" in DHCPv4 can be removed and the documentation was updated accordingly.
Some areas of France require that the DHCP and DHCP6 requests are made with a VLAN-PCP of 6. If you are in one of these regions then this can be done via ‘Use VLAN priority’ interface settings. Make sure to set this for both DHCP and DHCP6 at the same time.