Hi. Have you found a solution to this problem? I have an identical problem with identical symptoms, but it only affects one of the two VPN clients. One VPN client is a commercial service and works correctly, i.e. it does not force being the default gateway. When you restart opnsense, everything turns on and connects as it should. However, when I add an additional VPN client that connects to my own server abroad, the problems described in this thread begin. One of the annoying things is that after restarting opnsense the first client (commercial) will not connect properly. You need to turn off client no. 2 (which usually connects faster than client 1 and becomes the default gateway - but it shouldn't!), restart client no. 1 and only then start no. 2. Then it works fine until one of the servers goes down. It looks like the first VPN client is trying to connect through the gateway created by client no. 2. This server is blocking the UDP port on which client no. 1 is running, but changing the port to TCP 443 makes client no. 1 work properly.For now, I have moved client no. 2 to another device and defined this device as a gateway in opnsense. This is a workaround, so I am interested in solving this problem in a proper way.