Which firewall vendor besides pfsense uses rule separators, just out of curiosity.I dont know much of them, only Cisco ASA, Sophos UTM and Sophos XG where there are no separators.I saw Juniper and Netscreen in the wild and didn't noticed them, if I'm right also Forti doesn't. IMHO Sonicwall also has very ugly displaying of rules.
Which firewall vendor besides pfsense uses rule separators, just out of curiosity.
I have routinely operated enterprise installations with hundreds of rules that would be completely unmanageable without the hierarchical folder structure for rules ...Patrick
As "community" is not capable of coding (adequate quality , at least), there should be found a way to involve CE users more. There wishes and some money to make them come true. But I guess there is no way to make the community pay alone for new features (at commercial pricing). The same way imho the pfsense CE went the way down to "mostly unmaintained" status...
Referring to what bimbar wrote, what do u guys think of this:
Referring to what bimbar wrote, what do u guys think of this:Instead of having the small dots, maybe the category colors could instead be used as background color shades in their respective rows? I haven't looked at any of the code yet, but i (perhaps naively) assume that's not a big change, with very little additional risk of maintenance required down the road.This might already give a big boost to visibility, don't u think?/e: rough idea just quickly F12ed together. Please ignore that i messed up source/destination settings in some my example rules :-D/e: and here's the same with some readability improvements around the first icons just to demonstrate how this problem from the 1st screenshot could be circumvented:If there's enough positive feedback, and perhaps a hint from the core team whether they would be willing to pull such a change in, i'll try to craft a PR