Hi all I am a newbie and a novice to boot, so if my question is dumb or obvious to the gurus I appologise in advance. I first started out using PFsense and could not work out how to do what I want. Opnsense seems more user friendly so I thought I would give it a try.I am using a ITX celeron motherboard with 4Gb RAM and an additional GB lan card. The mother board has 2 x Gb LAN ports built in, my wish is to route the NBN modem via the Opnsense box.Additional LAN card as WAN and the onboard ports as LAN 1 and LAN 2 (but I get OPT1??) with different IP range and subnets.The LAN ports I assume I would set up as DHCP conected to 2 seperate WIFI routers via the routers WAN ports.One router is an ASUS RT-AC68U (Asuswrt-merlin) for my main network with permanent VPN (via the ASUS router) for all PC's, NAS and mobiles etc.The second router (TP-Link D9) for Xbox, security system, guest wifi, 3D printer etc.I can get it to a stage where the LAN port and OPT1 seem to follow the IP range of the other, I initially set up one IP range as 192.168.20.XX/24 and the other as 10.0.10.XX/16. One network comes up working but when I log into the second router the default gateway (DHCP) is the gateway for the LAN 192.x.x.x network.I was also trying to set up the NAS with each LAN port configured for eack network, but can only access via the 192.x.x.x network. I dont expect someone to help configure my entire network but a few pointers to guide me in the correct direction. Or an article or forum link with someone that has done this previously.Thanks again to anyone who can answer.