'errors' in log that aren't really errors

Started by Christophe999s, January 27, 2022, 07:49:08 PM

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First of all, upgrade went smoothly, thanks for the hard work to all the devs!

Is there a reason why some entries in the general log are categorized as error, while they look like notifications to me?
For example:
2022-01-27T19:33:31   Error   opnsense   /usr/local/etc/rc.newwanip: ROUTING: IPv4 default gateway set to wan
2022-01-27T19:33:31   Error   opnsense   /usr/local/etc/rc.newwanip: ROUTING: keeping current default gateway 'x.x.x.x'
2022-01-27T19:33:31   Error   opnsense   /usr/local/etc/rc.newwanipv6: IPv6 renewal is starting on 'em0'
2022-01-27T19:33:34   Error   opnsense   /usr/local/etc/rc.newwanipv6: Dynamic DNS: (Success) IP Address Updated Successfully!

That last one gives off a task failed successfully vibe  ;)

Historically in the PHP code logging was done using the log_error() function, which, as you can guess.. logs everything in error severity. ;)

We're going to change it but it's not a pressing issue. Certainly not for a release that isn't even a day old.
