Load Balance Multiple OPNSense Instances

Started by simgamer13, January 22, 2022, 08:23:52 AM

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January 22, 2022, 08:23:52 AM Last Edit: January 22, 2022, 08:26:46 AM by simgamer13
I am looking for information if there is an appropriate way to load balance multiple OPNSense instances.  I am wanting to spread the throughput load going through the firewall across multiple devices/instances of OPNSense.  Is this possible?

I don't think it is. At least not easily. The problem is twofold:

- How to get the traffic to balance in the first place.
- How to get the return traffic to return over the same firewall it went out on, or, how to get the connection tracking synchronized in time for the return packet to work, if it doesn't come back the same way.

you would need two dedicated firewall load balancers which hypothetically a way that works, no it would not.

you would need to build a fw based on the size of load and have a backup if the primary fails.

Look into keepalived, it goes the VRRP route, but it might work for load balancing opnsense instances.