OPNsense Discord

Started by OPNsensediscord, July 01, 2021, 06:17:31 PM

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The problem with discord is that people expect immediate answers for their questions, as forums work a bit differently. discord is fun place to hang out with folks and chat...

Hello, I was looking for it as well. if someone found it I would take it :)


An official Discord server would be awesome.

April 04, 2024, 02:12:09 PM #20 Last Edit: April 04, 2024, 02:57:19 PM by jeliasson
My preference would be to have a Discord server for impromptu and random discussions, and generally connecting with community members through instant messaging. I'm not overly excited about returning to IRC for that purpose.

Expectations of immediate answers to questions should be ignored, as people need to understand that the vast majority of the community as a whole are operating on a best-effort capacity. The 'real' discussions should still be deferred to the official forums imo.

If the OPNsense team or maintainers have no objections to this proposal, I would be happy to setup, maintain and moderate such a (unofficial) server. If it proves to be beneficial, it wouldn't be a large leap to transfer ownership and make it official. However, if it causes divisions within the community, I would restrict everything to read-only and, once again, deferred to the official forums.

yup, no... I don't see this as a choice, since the business model exists and impromptu scenrario is not part of it unless you pay lots of mooolas.

April 04, 2024, 06:18:35 PM #22 Last Edit: April 04, 2024, 06:20:47 PM by jeliasson
Quote from: lilsense on April 04, 2024, 05:03:03 PM
[...] since the business model exists and impromptu scenrario is not part of it unless you pay lots of mooolas.
Not sure I follow. Can you elaborate? :)

Quote from: lilsense on September 15, 2023, 05:03:29 PM
[...] discord is fun place to hang out with folks and chat...
This would be my idea of said server, where "impromptu and random discussions, and generally connecting with community members" would be "Hang out with folks and chat".

My experience of chat-style meeting places is that they are exclusionary.

For simple population reasons, most activity is in a very different time zone from a reasonable proportion of other users, substantially unavailable to the latter. To the extent it deals with real issues, it is (in my experience) neither a record nor very accessible, especially if practically no-one is around when you ask. While it may appear a parochial view, the effect is real.

A great virtue of a forum of record rather than transitory exchange is that it alleviates the tyranny of distance.
Deciso DEC697
+crowdsec +wireguard

> My preference would be to have a Discord server for impromptu and random discussions, and generally connecting with community members through instant messaging. I'm not overly excited about returning to IRC for that purpose.

Who do you want to interrupt for random discussions and why do you think it's a productive solution? :)


Quote from: franco on April 05, 2024, 11:30:53 AM
[...] Who do you want to interrupt for random discussions [...]

Did I come off as looking to interrupt someone? Then something got lost in translation, or we have different experience and expectation to instant messaging. I'm talking about 'chat rooms' (like forum sections) and not private/direct messages. If you feel interrupted, then there are some great privacy and notification settings.

Quote from: franco on April 05, 2024, 11:30:53 AM
[...] and why do you think it's a productive solution? :)

Productivity isn't necessarily the aim; instead, foster a communications channel for like-minded (OPNsense community members) that necessarily don't think a forum is the primary means of communication for all subjects and/or is not looking to be productive, or actually to be productive.

It's not like SMF screams productivity compared to alternative forums, just like IRC not screams productivity compared to Discord or Slack. :)

Impromptu means "extemporaneously" so I am simply wondering who you want to reach on zero notice through asking for a "qualified" channel on platform XYZ.

Bug trackers are extremely efficient for exact code problems. Forums are highly efficient for preserving historic support and giving advice on short notice.

I know it sounds lame but you just describe IRC in my opinion. ;)


I'd like a live community of people I can go to with small torubleshooting issues myself.

Can you update the link? Im in.

Actually OP, has only ever made one post, and hasn't updated the link, I've sent him 3 msgs over the course of a year so I am assuming its abandoned.

I am going to make one and regularly maintain it.

any OPNSense Mods/Staff are welcome to join and get moderator roles, I will also be mirroring the rules from this forum into this discord. :)

(I run some communities over 4k people so this shouldnt be too out of the wheelhouse.
