Thank will try you suggestion and remove the outbound NAT rule. The reason for the Outbound NAT rule was to enforce use of AdGuard + my choise of outbound DNS rather than permit use of other DNS providers (for example hardlinked DNS servers inside of IoT devices, i've seen alot of requests for from devices).DHCP address are handed out by OPNsense and AdGuard gets handed a fixed IP based.
I'm using OPNsense 21.1.5 (amd64) to route DNS requests to AdGuard Home (v0.106.1) installed on a raspberry pi (address 10.x.x.240) with Quad 9 as the upstream DNS resolver.
I think you meant remove the Port Forward WAN rule. Outbound NAT should still have a rule (likely Automatic).That makes sense; you're doing a DNS redirect. I would disable it and get it working on a PC then work on your redirect.
(1) Install minugmail's repo (see, (2) install AdGuard Home plugin in OPNsense, (3) set your OPNsense unbound resolver to another port than 53, (4) go to adguard home webpage to configure, (5) define your OPNsense unbound resolver:customport as a PTR / upstream DNS server in adguard home (for resolution of local names).(6) Firewall: create floating rules to allow DNS requests to DNS (53), DoQ (784) and DoT (853); consider carefully whether to open DoH (443). NAT rules should be created automatically (I think).
Advantage of this setup is I can see which requests are coming from which device ip's on the local network. Disadvantage of this setup is for now I've lost the DoH/DoT/DoQ that is configured out of the box on AdGuard Home and not replicated on Unbound by default.