I've got the following:LAN (PC, NAS with private data, Laptops when on Ethernet)RLAN (restricted LAN: smart TV, sockets for guests - no access to my NAS or building control)BCS (building control system = KNX, photovoltaics, alarm)DMZ (externally reachable DNS, Web and Mailserver)private WLAN (just like LAN)IoT WLAN (Echo Dots...)TV WLAN (separate to allow for bandwith control)
Curious about the RLAN. Is that setup through opnsense? Just a VLAN?
I have all my IoTs connected to my guest account. I don't think my Orbi has the ability to create more than 1 guest wireless. What type of wireless point are you using that does this?
Any suggestions on best practices to separate the devices?
Quote from: IcarusOPN on February 11, 2021, 09:20:17 pmAny suggestions on best practices to separate the devices?I would separate the devices in some categories by access needs and by trust.And then create groups out of it by finding the right balance between simplicity and the security level you want to achieve.does only need connection to internet. No connection to or from other devices. (e. g. IoT, guest devices)Connection to or from other devices requiredsensible devices worth to protect (e. g. server)trusted devices (e. g. PC, phone)untrusted devices (e. g. guest phone and PC, required connection speed (routing PC to NAS might be slow)... I personally do not separate wired and wifi devices. As my wifi AP can handle multiple SSID and VLAN I use only one network (VLAN) for wired and wifi devices of the same category.