Please Make a Donation to OPNsense

Started by packet loss, January 22, 2016, 07:23:11 PM

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Newbie, novice and no knowledge of networking but love to explore.
I was on Edgerouter, Mikrotik and then found Opnsense.
Very simple setup with only Sensie plugin for my home.
Learning little everyday, like my race car buddy told me his team's goal is to improve performance by 1/100th everyday.

Anyway  donated some today. Keep up the good work!!

Does the payment processor accept American Express cards? I can't get mine to go through!

I expect it does, it's just a regular Paypal checkout, maybe they limit the choices depending on amount, but I honestly couldn't tell.

@meazz1 thanks for the donation, much appreciated!

Best regards,


20€ from my side to keep the development going  8)

Another $20 Donation to help.  Thank you for the Unbound Plus plugin enhancements.
AhnHEL (Angel)

I just sent a small donation to the team to appreciate the great work.

Thank you.

Just donated to a great project and the great support we are getting! THANK YOU!

Donated 25 EUR.
It was time to turn words into deeds.
Thanks for all your work so far, keep on going!
Off course thanks to community too!

You people are awesome, thanks a lot! :)

Donated 50,- euro

Thanks for the awesome product!

Much appreciated, will be invested in coffee for sure. <3


Made my donation to the project. You're doing a great job. Thank you.