Goto System: Settings: Administrationand Change your Port to 444 for example.And Check "Disable web GUI redirect rule".
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.18363.778](c) 2019 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.C:\Users\Luke-AMD6>REM nslookup results using OPNsenseC:\Users\Luke-AMD6>nslookup mesterhome.comServer: OPNsense.localdomainAddress: answer:Name: mesterhome.comAddress:\Users\Luke-AMD6>Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.18363.778](c) 2019 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.C:\Users\Luke-AMD6>REM nslookup using IPCopC:\Users\Luke-AMD6>nslookup mesterhome.comServer: answer:Name: mesterhome.comAddress:\Users\Luke-AMD6>
Dns:First IP shown at nslookup is the resolving DNS server.The DHCP in your ipfire was configured to push an external DNS server to the Clients.Your opnsense DHCP pushes itself as DNS resolver to the Clients. In my opinion it's okay and the better choice as for example it's allowing you to resolver local hostnames.Portforward: the destination address should be your wan address instead of LAN address.That should so the job from the outside.From inside you need either- split-dns (Host overwriting in unbound): your local DNS resolver gives back the local IP of your webserveror enable NAT Reflection: