UDP Broadcast Relay

Started by marjohn56, February 03, 2020, 06:34:50 PM

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To be honest, I never even thought about someone relaying a broadcast packet. It was intended to relay multicast and unicast packets on a specific port.

Just did a quick google and it mutters something about the Playstation using SSDP on port 987. So that is what you should have set in the port number, which address you should use I cannot quickly find. I suggest you use wireshark and see what the packet address is. You can add a filter of ssdp, that should easily allow you to see  the address being used. If it is using that's a bit odd.
OPNsense 24.7 - Qotom Q355G4 - ISP - Squirrel 1Gbps.

Team Rebellion Member

There's actually 2 different broadcasts in play here on port 987 (it's different for 2nd screen vs. remote play). I just did another capture to be sure of what I saw per application. And just to be clear, the only SSDP traffic I see on either interface is just UPnP.

2nd screen is the application that does a network broadcast I'd expect (so for example if the network is, the broadcast address is, and at the OpnSense box I see up to 5 of those when UDPR is off. Their remote play application is the one that does a wide open (I see it once from the OpnSense box). I agree, it's a bit strange but that's what is being done (and to be honest I've mostly just been testing the 2nd screen app so far, figured that'd be the simpler of the two).

The packet data themselves contain the same thing, even reference the same "device-discovery-protocol-version", so it's a little funny they do broadcasts differently. In any case, I haven't found another way to send these broadcasts across different networks until your plugin existed, though I admit I'm not exactly fully familiar with OpnSense yet.

BTW, thanks a ton for your work on this.

April 19, 2021, 02:56:20 AM #107 Last Edit: April 19, 2021, 01:52:47 PM by verasense
I actually need to forward these broadcast packets to another VLAN, since these are sent by my camera client software and need to find the camera on another VLAN.  I installed UDP Broadcast Relay thinking that it was able to do so...  Is there any alternative?

EDIT: Both VLANs can see each other, and I tested the packet to x.x.x.255 was forwarded. But the packet to does not seem to be forwarded

In addition you need to setup the appropriate firewall rules.


Hi, strange one... I'm running OPNsense 21.1.5-amd64 on a dedicated Optiplex PC. All seems to be running fine, but after having installed os-udpbroadcastrelay via plugins (v1.0_1), when I go to UDP Broadcast Relay under Services I just see "No Results Found" rather than the option to "Add".

If I refresh the page I see a "+" button flash briefly under the Interfaces heading, but it's quickly replaced by "No results Found".

If I try running /usr/local/sbin/udpbroadcastrelay  --id 1 --dev igb1_vlan30 --dev igb1 --port 5353 --multicast -s in a shell the relay runs fine & I can see Chromecast devices across the vlans.

Any idea why I don't have the "Add" option in the GUI? I'm using a Chrome browser, but have also tried Edge & IE (via IEtab).

No issues on my systems. Are you using the default theme or one of the plugins?
Here's mine, theme is a custom one, but it's based on rebellion.
OPNsense 24.7 - Qotom Q355G4 - ISP - Squirrel 1Gbps.

Team Rebellion Member

Not as neat on some displays (Brave on iPad in this example) 😂

I have a solution... don't use a tablet! :)
OPNsense 24.7 - Qotom Q355G4 - ISP - Squirrel 1Gbps.

Team Rebellion Member

@Greelan - try 17825d0

Looks better on my tablet.
OPNsense 24.7 - Qotom Q355G4 - ISP - Squirrel 1Gbps.

Team Rebellion Member

OK, will do. But it is not just a tablet thing - Brave on MacBook:

Don't get me wrong, BTW, this is just a small UI niggle, I'm very grateful for your work on the functionality

No worries. Try it and see if it's an improvement. The only other way is a complete change of interface,
OPNsense 24.7 - Qotom Q355G4 - ISP - Squirrel 1Gbps.

Team Rebellion Member

Yes, that makes it fit. Although as you state in the commit, truncates the data fields and headings somewhat. Cheers

There are other options, I could remove some of the info from the entry, question is, what should stay and what should be hidden.
OPNsense 24.7 - Qotom Q355G4 - ISP - Squirrel 1Gbps.

Team Rebellion Member

Quote from: marjohn56 on May 09, 2021, 12:36:42 PM
No issues on my systems. Are you using the default theme or one of the plugins?
Here's mine, theme is a custom one, but it's based on rebellion.

Ah - brilliant, thanks - you put me onto the right track!! Even though I'm on a 1280x1084 display the "+" button was off the righthand side of the screen and (on the default skin) I hadn't noticed the scrollbar at the bottom as it's a very similar colour to the main screen. Every day's a school day!!!