openvpn on 19.7.7 block outside dns

Started by actionhenkt, November 28, 2019, 10:35:43 PM

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Hi, since updating to version 19.7.7 openvpn is no longer pushing dns server IP to my openvpn client (android phone). Everytime I try to browse to a website I first get a err_name_not_resolved error page on my phone (im blocking dns/53 in/out), when doing a packet capture I see my phone is trying to send queries to google dns and not to the dns server specified in the server configuration so I think the vpn client is not receiving the correct dhcp/dns settings.

On opnsense I set up a port forward to pick up all dns traffic and forwarding it to my local dns server, this seems to work but only on the second or third lookup (i have to refresh the page a few times before it resolves and loads the website). Openvpn has an option to block outside dns, maybe im overlooking but where can I find this option in opnsense ? I cant seem to find it anywhere..
