Internet:Destination Gateway Flags Netif Expiredefault UGS em110.7.0.1 link#13 UH ovpnc110.7.0.2 link#13 UHS lo020.1.1.0/24 link#11 U em0_vlan20.1.1.1 link#11 UHS lo030.0.0.0/24 link#12 U em0_vlan30.0.0.1 link#12 UHS lo0127.0.0.1 link#7 UH lo0192.168.1.0/24 link#3 U em2192.168.1.67 link#3 UHS lo0192.168.4.0/24 UGS ovpnc1192.168.24.0/24 link#1 U em0192.168.24.1 link#1 UHS lo0192.168.30.0/24 link#2 U em1192.168.30.10 link#2 UHS lo0192.168.99.0/24 UGS ovpnc1
Hi Julien,beside your problem you shouldn't use and if that are not adresses assigned to you, they are from an official range. Only networks should use for internal use with IPv4. As you define what interface is used in the site-to-site vpn configuration this should not be handled by your routing configuration. If your site-to-site vpn is configured on WAN1 the connection should be initiated and run over that connection. Correct me if you see the traffic running the wrong line but what you configure with gateway groups is fallback in the case one connection goes down. As far as I understand you want to achive a fixed load balancing?If you can access the networks only from one side, check if you have incomming rules defined on the other side. Outgoing traffic should work automatically, incomming rules need to be defined if I am not mistaken.Check on both sides if you have incomming rules to the local network addresses or hosts on the OpenVPN interface. Regards,Dominik
Have you checked on the remote site what incomming rules you have defined on the openvpn interface?
Mhm, then I would do a package caputre on the interfaces to see if the outbound NAT is correct. If I remember correctly to use openvpn on both wan connections you would configure the openvpn server to localhost and do some port forwardings to the local port on each wan interface, not sure if it's still the prefered way.