aliases for opnsense-shell

Started by firewall, August 11, 2019, 08:23:35 PM

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can someone help me determine which ENV files are sourced during a login to opnsense-shell (e.g. .shellrc, .profile, .login, etc.)?  i'd like to set some aliases--specifically replacing the default bsd "watch" command--but i've been unable to figure out where to set this. 

i understand i can change the user(s) to another shell but i'm also not familiar with the pros/cons of remaining with opnsense-shell.

i did try searching for an answer here but all results pertain to firewall aliases...and understandably so.  ;D


opnsense-shell is just a console menu wrapper. If you talk about shell aliases you can configure csh accordingly with a .profile or .cshrc (option 8). If you want more menu entries that is something we don't have an extension for.
