idea filebeat / metricbeat

Started by guest17399, July 18, 2019, 01:02:33 PM

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Hello friends!
I propose to develop plugins for the integration of filebeat and metricbeat, as well as their configuration.

I raise the question a second time ... Still, there is support for suricata and this is very good. And suricata with geodata.

I would love to see an Elastic Beats implementation on OPNsense, especially if we want the various data from our firewalls.

I think we won't wait.
But so much could be added - netflow, suricata ...

Hear hear! Chiming in as a beats plugin would be amazingly useful.

Just metricbeats alone would help tons, although packet and files would be great as well.

For those who are interested in following the standard syslog -> logstash, the github referencing the post above is active and surprising up-to-date on the latest versions of java / elk and only a tad behind opnsense (18.1).