Firebox X750E Install - Working

Started by CurryX, April 10, 2019, 04:24:12 PM

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April 10, 2019, 04:24:12 PM Last Edit: April 10, 2019, 04:34:27 PM by CurryX
Hello All,

I had picked up a Firebox X750E cheap and wanted to use it for my home network / lab. I cleaned it up and attempted to get it working, it turned on and booted but I could not get it to factory reset with a feature key. I then looked to pfsense. It's now only 64-bit.

Came across opnsense and thought ok maybe this will work but how do I get it on the firebox. I found nothing on the net after searching around. So the experimenting began.

I followed instructions for loading pfsense. (short version for reference on steps I took)
I would be more than happy to write out the full guide if need be.

1. Image a CF card either 128 mb or 256 mb with the x750eb7.bin bios, insert into the firebox and flash.

*NOTE* I could not get the B7 bios to boot fully, I had to use the newer B8 version

2. Remove the CF card copy the XEBIOS81.bin to the bios folder and flash that to the firebox

2.5. There is no need to go into the CMOS options and change any drive settings.

3. Image a new 8 GB or 16 GB CF card with the opnsense NANO image.

4. Insert into the firebox, boot and after post and mem check start pressing 3.

5. At the OK type "Set hint.ata.0.mode=PIO4"

6. At the OK type "boot"

7. Skip VLAN, set your WAN and LAN

Here is where I had some trouble. According to the pfsense writeups you need to edit the /boot/loader.conf or the /boot/loader.conf.local


First go to the webgui and login. Go to settings -> tunables

In there you will add the following.

Tunable: hint.ata.0.mode
Description: boot
Value: PIO4

Save, apply settings and reboot.


Hi CurryX,

Thanks for sharing, very nice. :)

You can still use /boot/loader.conf.local but the tunables are more practical and permanent indeed.


Hey Franco,

No problem! Hoping it will help someone else out there who wishes to do the same and use piece of antiquated hardware. Hah.

Now that its working I will play around with the /boot/loader.conf.local for some other changes I need to make. But I agree the tunables are the way to go.

Hi Guys,

i came across Google on that Threat and I don't want to start a new one for my little question. I got a used x500e from EBay, that is on its way to me. I want to install OPNsense with the instructions here posted from CurryX.  I struggle at the point wich Biosfile i have to flash. On the prepared FreeDOS-Disk there is the X750EB1.BIN X750EB6.BIN and X750EB7.BIN. I guess it works for the x500e, too ???

Can pls someone tell me, wich is the right one or if i'm completely on the wrong path ?? I don't wanna brick the red box :-)

Thx in advance, sLOID.

August 10, 2023, 08:14:10 PM #4 Last Edit: August 11, 2023, 12:42:29 AM by rudo58
Sorry for german :-)

Hello, I happen to be the proud owner of an X750e. Is there still a way to get the new BIOS Bin files? I've searched a lot now, but unfortunately I haven't found anything more.

Thanks and greetings from Cologne

Hi Everyone, 

Please somebody help me with those files. I have an x550e and cannot find the BIOS file to flash.

Thanks, Tibi