Netgate SG-5100 bricked after update to 19.1

Started by EMTSU, April 09, 2019, 04:33:05 PM

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Can anyone help me with this?

I was happily using 18.7 on a Netgate SG-5100 when I was asked to update the unit's software to the latest version, which I did using the GUI. Upon restart the unit is no longer accessible. To add to matters the USB console port does not work (ref. on this unit. I have a copy of the config.

I'm a real rookie in this world, so can anyone point me in the right direction to get me started?

April 09, 2019, 06:59:15 PM #1 Last Edit: April 09, 2019, 07:02:00 PM by chemlud
Hmm, the mini-USB is the serial console

Did you ever get this to work?

Anyways, somehow you managed to "install" OPNsense to the device (copy nano image to eMMC or USB-stick and boot?). Do it again and import your config and you should be done. :-)

Without the console you have to figure out which RJ45 is LAN after first boot (try where your computer get's an IP) and log in to the GUI
kind regards
"The price of reliability is the pursuit of the utmost simplicity."
C.A.R. Hoare

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Hi chemlud,

No, I never got the console to work.

Yes, I managed to install OPNsense in the first instance, because the device came with pfSense installed. Now that I don't have a working console and non of the Ethernet ports are dishing out DHCP, I have no way to access the device. Am I missing something?

You can boot opnsense from a USB-stick to see how it does on your hardware before installing (again). I don't really understand the problem with the serial console,  don'T you see any output via the microUSB console?
kind regards
"The price of reliability is the pursuit of the utmost simplicity."
C.A.R. Hoare

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A router is not a switch - A router is not a switch - A router is not a switch - A rou....

I have made some progress, but only 'some'.

I can boot the installation, but it cannot see the internal MMC storage, so I am unable to continue. I can see said storage in the BIOS.

Any ideas?

Just to clarify, when I boot from USB and attempt an install, the onboard eMMC storage cannot be seen, but it is visible in the BIOS. Is it because there's an existing OS on the storage?

So for anyone who might be interested:-

After having no joy with v19.1 and the onboard eMMC storage on my SG-5100, I have managed to re-install using a v18.7 image. So it seems there is an issue or bug of sorts in v19.1 that prevents it from seeing the storage. There seems little point in now upgrading as I'll be back to square one. My only alternative, it would seem, is to try and obtain a rare 2242 M2 SATA drive or an equally rare power cable for the FDD power connector on the motherboard for a 2.5" drive.

Looks like a typical rock + hard place situation:

On FreeBSD 11.2 eMMC support was added, but it broke legacy MMC. I don't understand why eMMC works on 11.1 but now we can't have both so we side with legacy MMC until we see a better fix.


Quite Franco, thank you.

I have learnt my lesson, I won't be trying to mix Netgate and OPNsense again. I did so originally in good faith. If I had the option I'd buy a Deciso appliance.

We will look into FreeBSD to see if the issue has been subsequently fixed. I do hope this is a temporary situation. :)


It might be this commit that mentions repairing legacy support[1]. IT seems to be queued up for FreeBSD 11.3 but we'll go ahead and try it next week with a test image.



April 12, 2019, 12:29:59 PM #11 Last Edit: April 12, 2019, 12:38:02 PM by EMTSU
Thank you for your replies Franco, much appreciated.

After hoping I'd resolved the issue with a rollback to v18.7, it would seem the problems begin again if the device is powered off and then back on again - I moved the device from my desk to the rack and now this happens: . I can restore v18.7 again, but then I'm back to the same position. I have a workaround of sorts in that I have hooked up an SSD, but despite making it the one and only boot device, I still receive the Controller timeout error, but OPNsense does finally boot after a few minutes.

I am going to try v18.1 next and will report back.

v18.1 did not resolve the issue for the onboard eMMC storage. So I am not sure where I stand now, it did work, but now all I get is the Controller timeout error for v18 software.

v19.1 did resolve the issue of the Controller timeout error appearing when booting from the SSD.

So for me at least, it looks like I need a M2 SATA drive (preferred over the 2.5" option).

Here's the FreeBSD patches applied to a 19.1.6 serial image. Careful with firmware upgrades as the kernel will be removed on the next press of "update" unless we include it in our default updates. If it works that is a soonish possibility for 19.1.x.


Morning Franco! I've given this image a go, but it can't see the eMMC storage and controller error messages appear. Thank you for your efforts.