advices and suggestion on creating an company network

Started by nirr, June 18, 2024, 02:32:59 AM

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hi ,
i am (would like) about to create a robust company network with security in mind
from all kinds of attacks ,
in network if pcs got infected so protect the network from it or to it,
from red team or malicious person that will connect directly to the network port
have a super high security file share type system
and so on...

i have seen , zenarmor and suricata with proofpoint emergingthreats rule set  for IDS and IPS

trying to find a good XDR  (i've seen Wazuh agent idk how it compares against sentinel one , cybereason , palo alto) , suggestion and thoughts are welcome .

trying to find how to properly protect a shared type system (idk which one yet , SMB seems obivous but im not sure its the best thing for a non domain environment)

trying to find out how to protect physical ports for malicious actors , for example to shutdown a port. (like portnox)

trying to find a way (not sure if that exists) to give access to the network and or "receive networking service" to authenticated computers on the network , like for the pc to send a special crafted packet or something else .

for example it is needed when an attacker can mimic a mac address to enter the network , however ! if he does not have that special crafted packet or something like that , the network will ignore it

anyhow , help , suggestion  are all welcomed !

thank you

any ideas for a good protected sharing file system ?

on prem not on the cloud ?

Hire a professional or a company specialised in infrastructure.
Deciso DEC750
People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do. (Isaac Asimov)

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