Gateway monitoring - High RTTD

Started by logo2002, October 17, 2019, 10:24:20 PM

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October 17, 2019, 10:24:20 PM Last Edit: October 22, 2019, 08:32:59 PM by logo2002
Hello guys,

I noticed that since last update 19.7.3 I have the RTTD that's very high 150 ms and the RTT is low. (Gateway monitoring)

I contact my internet provider and they check the connection from their part but there is nothing.

The logs show me that this issue appeared after a restart on 22 September...

Do you know if the issue is coming from opnsense itself or dpinger plugin ?

Thank you for your help,

Please help me.

I try so many things without any result.
I have attached a screenshot from the gateway monitoring tab.


I have the same problem here: the RTTd shows often values round about 200-300ms, sometimes up to 800ms. Then I have some performance problems with the internet connection: high latency, aborted connections (Citrix VPN), poor bandwith performance.

I am using an AVM Fritzbox as DSL modem and router (it works as well as a PABX). My opnsense is connected to the LAN port of the Fritzbox. I have already changed the ethernet cable, switched to fixed interface speed, switch from 1000BaseT to 100BaseT, and so on... but the problem is still there....

I try so many change also without any resolution.

I was waiting for the next Opnsense update but it doesn't fix my issue.

It would be nice to have a fix...

I am running the latest release of opnsense on a PcEngine APU 2C4

Important information about hardware :) i have the same.

The problem persist on my installation, if Suricata and Proxy (transparent!) have been used. Making then huge downloads (nice test, centos-download = 6.6 gb), this really brakes the connection.

I really think, either use suricata, or proxy, but not both at the same time. And proxy not as transparent.

On my appliance there is no proxy enabled and I also got the issue.

I don't know if it's related to the hardware or network interface driver but I am stuck with my internet :(

Please look at attached screenshot - after update to 19.7.7 on apu4c4 i see growing delays on gateway.

Maybe there is a issue with the driver of the network interfaces.
I don't know if there was some change in the NIC driver configuration in the last release.

I still have the 100-200ms RTTD on the WAN interface on my pcengines APU 2C4