suricata: [100237] <Notice> -- all 5 packet processing threads, 4 management threads initialized, engine started.suricata: [100237] <Warning> -- [ERRCODE: SC_WARN_DEFAULT_WILL_CHANGE(317)] - in 5.0 the default for decoder event stats will go from 'decoder.<proto>.<event>' to 'decoder.event.<proto>.<event>'. See ticket #2225. To suppress this message, set stats.decoder-events-prefix in the yaml.suricata: [100135] <Notice> -- This is Suricata version 4.1.3 RELEASE
2019-04-08T20:34:36.761324+0200 blocked iNET 52820 80 URLhaus Known malware download URL detected 2019-04-08T20:34:36.761324+0200 blocked iNET 52820 80 URLhaus Known malware downlo...
suricata: [100145] <Notice> -- all [X] packet processing threads, [X] management threads initialized, engine started.
suricata: [100145] <Notice> -- rule reload starting