1:1 NAT not working

Started by skawashkar, January 19, 2019, 10:12:14 AM

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I am trying to replace pfsense by opnsense. I have a severe problem in getting 1:1 NAT to work.

I did 1:1 NAT to a DMZ server and have enabled hybrid outbound NAT rule generation.

But when typed the external IP, It lands at the firewall and does not pass to the DMZ server.

The same set up works fine with pfsense. I request for your kind help.

Change your Type from NAT to BINAT. Change the mask from 24 to 32 (single host) and of course, uncheck the Disabled option ;-)

Save, apply changes


Thank you very I have done it exactly as you said. Now the external IP is NATting to the server locally and not globally.

Quote from: skawashkar on January 19, 2019, 02:12:24 PM
Now the external IP is NATting to the server locally and not globally.

Does that mean it is working as you want it to?
