Opensense hangs on Proxmox cli filterlog flood fall conection! Web UI not resp..

Started by John Wick, December 29, 2018, 11:24:53 PM

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December 30, 2018, 11:48:01 PM #15 Last Edit: December 31, 2018, 04:27:27 AM by John Wick
Need to create a topic Proxmox + OPNsense success stories + config share.
There is a similar thread on the Natgate forum.

I will continue to try to change the settings of cpu qemu64 / kvm64 / default kvm64 + I will try to run on e1000 + disable memory balooning. I also requested the config from a forum member who successfully works with OPNsense in Proxmox.

The problem is that this error has to wait, it is not clear until the end that causes an error.
I have several old Proliant G7 servers in the Proxmox cluster. I consider in my case it too overhead to allocate the Gate a whole baremetal server.

I'm really disappointed that error come back again at night in standby mode.

1. Need to try e1000
2. Need to try disable speed step technology

It's probably time to pinpoint the cause the problem. Did you look at dmesg? Logs?

How to watch this logs in bsd systems or you means proxmox logs?
with e1000 drivers i have cathch te same error

I think the best way install OPNsense on baremetal server 1/2U with directed hardware nics 1 or 10 Gbe

Probably a better idea, I'm not aware of Freebsb/KVM bugs that would contribute to freezes, though seem to be more common on this forum.


I had the same this morning. Als a AMD machine, bare metal.
After commanding to clean op log files, the machine went all wierd. Wan connection droped for a moment but came back up.
SSH promting for username but hangs in verifying password.
Console shows firewall logging but cant be stopt by CTRL+C, Quit, Reboot, Restart, CTRL+X etc..

Last resort option was to press the reset button on the machine itself.

Happy to help troubelshoot if this is nessesarry.

I finde the topic with same problem on netgate forum
Its conflict of NTP how to set local NTP in the gate?
I steel cant resolve the problem ***sense works but cli canot work wihout pause/stop vm if hours no traffic router get down.
After pause stop vm have calcru error in console.

Maybe problem with timeconters :( Need to try need add sysctl kern.timecounter=ACPI-fast in tunables who know?